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Everything posted by RedJazz1900

  1. This may not be true, but I believe he is referencing the Phantom fans who basically say stuff like "we have 40 years of positive history, so it's OK if we are a middle-of-the-pack group"
  2. I think Blue Knights will continue to pull ahead of Phantom and Cavaliers. That was a decent spread from last night in Murfreesboro, with BK going on so much earlier than the other two. I could see BK being 2 points ahead of Phantom and 1 to 1.5 ahead of Cavaliers.
  3. SCV does a FANTASTIC job moving the props without being distracting. Remember cadets 2013? Total opposite.
  4. Changing the last 20 seconds doesn't make up for the rough minute prior.
  5. Regardless of having an affiliation or not, I think it's important to be able to rationally look at an organization. All drum corps have week areas, but for someone to look at PR and say that all is dandy and whatnot is stupid.
  6. Some rough prop drill at the end for Mandarins
  7. First time using dci live. I'm on an iPad. The multi cam and high cam are working fine, I have audio and video, but it is out of sync… Any help?
  8. Pretty empty thread for such a great show. Too bad Minnesota and Denver shows are in competition with one another. :/
  9. How much of a factor is "stability" or whatever when people decide to march somewhere? And, how do potential marching members find out about that? Word of mouth? What would a potential marcher hope to see from the admin/going-ons of a drum corps, and what is it in your opinion about phantom that is a "mess"? Just curious because I have no connection to phantom and can only go based upon what I read on here and the performances that I see.
  10. I don't read too much into crowd reaction when judging who should be on top. As much as we'd "like" it to be, entertainment value is not the #1 priority, and does not always equal competitive success. To be quite honest, BD, Cadets, and SCV are all more entertaining than Crown, to me.
  11. What does "the day" mean on their schedule? Do they talk through the day with the full corps?
  12. I've not heard good things about the structure of the organization nor of how many things are handled internally. You know, after a few lack-luster seasons in a row, I'm surprised they are able to get the talent that they are getting. Kinda like they are just running on their name/reputation right now.
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