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Everything posted by drewbugler

  1. 2000 SCV. But man, that 95 Scouts show was right on the money too! Just a few I remember seeing live and really appreciating!
  2. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but as long as there is some mysticism involved with the activity in the eyes of the young, and bitterness is outweighed by honor and class in the alumni associations, drum corps will not be doomed.
  3. yes.... lazer sound effects (pew-pew schoewee), drums beating, and lots of flashy pictures of the top twelve corps. sure, I just described every single video ever released by DCI, but it is worth a shot. :)
  4. here, I will retype my post so no one else has to play big brother and delete: Dear Colleagues, Does anyone know of a point of contact at Drum Corps International (trademark) that would be able to help me find a copy of the vignette played at major regionals during the Drum Corps International (trademark) Regional Events in the year two thousand and one? I remember seeing the bottom half of the video from under the brim of my Aussie and would like to watch the whole thing. Please only respond if you can provide a contact name or a web link leading to a video that was given authoritative proof by the sanctioning party. Sincerely, Drew Ross
  5. Hey guys, I'm trying to dig up a video of the 2001 DCI ad that was run at the major regionals that year. If anyone has advice or knows who I could contact at DCI to see about obtaining a copy, I'd greatly appreciate it! Drew
  6. stay in the concert hall, chief. drum corps is the WWE of music...the crowd is hyped up.
  7. 2000 Crossmen before the park 'n blow at the end of In the Mood: "Drew!!!! More Pelvis!"
  8. http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/02/14/universit...ting/index.html I know this isn't World Class drum corps stuff, but hopefully people read this.....goodness....
  9. I'll come out of hiding for this one....that is really funny!
  10. I didn't care about any other posts, so I created one that I care about. That's what we do here at DCP. Stupid posts no one reads unless they are about what they like.
  11. guess you guys don't know what it means to have back to back atlantic division championships....that's a shame.
  12. I think it goes to Drew Ross with his back to back Atlantic Division wins in 97 and 98...and no one can take that away from him. GO TARHEEL SUN!
  13. heh, I second! I'd lose my mind if the 01 Crossmen thing appeared on there.
  15. Seriously, I have like 7 2007 Carolina Crown recordings now between these and the APDs...if they are rolling into show sites with stretch Escalades, you can thank me :)
  16. http://www.tonydeyo.com/ then you'll enjoy seeing this! you can find some of his stuff on youtube as well.
  17. so that is what that sound is in my ears....I was too busy participating in criminal activity to notice. And, I was too busy falling in line because injuries show weakness to ask for plugs.
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