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Everything posted by ContraFart

  1. I hope you know I respect the bleep out of you, but I am never going to stop pushing you on this subject.
  2. Mandarins by far have my favorite show of the year. My baby won't be here for another 2 months, but they could still have her.
  3. If I ever run for Congress, that would be a bill I would fight for
  4. He still produces Indy week and I bet the shows are archived even if they are not sold to the public
  5. This might be FLO mic placement but the electric bass at the end of Colts has been m over balanced all weekend
  6. I feel the same way about the Colts uniforms, the monochrome red makes more sense under the lights in Indy
  7. There were a few technical difficulties with that Troopers show, but seeing that old flag at the end with the classic uniform gives me goosebumps
  8. Blue Stars seemed loose and that they had a lot of fun. Also that green looks so lush in LOS.
  9. It's nice living rent free in your head. Why are BD people so butthurt?
  10. I agree with you on visual, but GE is a whole other ball game. I'm very much not a fan of BDs visual philosophy, and I would gather that is 90% of the reason I disagree with the outcomes. BDs guard is fire though, and I think they very much deserve the Zingali
  11. Crown has more 5 star brass players than BD. Several corps have just as many 5 star percussion players and guard members as BD. That argument just doesn't hold up
  12. I hate takes like this because it infers that no other corps has any skills whatsoever. I saw the first shows of the rest of the top 4 and they were clean. They were well designed. These corps have performers on the same level as BD. I would bet money that they have a similar average age and average marching experience.
  13. Drum corps is brass drums and guard. Pretty much everything else is design.
  14. Yes they say that BD is 4th in brass and percussion
  15. Well since global warming is eventually going to make this activity impossible, maybe you are right
  16. It's a great question I do not have an answer to. The only thing I can think of is tinker with the balance of field performance vs design. Right now 7 out of 11 judges adjudicate effect or analysis. Maybe we ask how to balance that better.
  17. I disagree with your premise. Especially in brass and drums (in which BD is 4th) The talent an execution of the top 4 corps are relatively the same. Recruiting is not the issue here.
  18. I could tell you about my trip hop phase. Or that I can play and sing a few Ben Folds songs. I am all over the place man.
  19. The question is how do we unstack that deck in the name of competitive parity? It seems to be an impossible task since you can't tell people where to spend their money, and DCI does not have the same tools that sports leagues have to create parity. DCI is unique as a competitive organization. Do they have a responsibility to create the fairest competitive environment, or do they have the responsibility to create the best member experience?
  20. You speak on that very well. I appreciate your insight. I wonder how deep conversations like these happen at Januals, or if DCP is the only place where we philosophize about this.
  21. If you see it as contempt, then that is a you problem. I don't have contempt for the organization or the marching members and I don't believe that you find a post of mine that shows that contempt. If anything my issue has been with judging and a system that resulted in one corps winning 60% of the time. I happen to think a competitive season means less when it's over at Broken Arrow.
  22. I will say what I please. I'm not breaking TOS and sometimes it leads to good conversations and I even made a few friends this summer. If you don't like it, don't engage, but keep your contempt to yourself.
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