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Everything posted by E3D

  1. 2016 was not as bad as I felt in 1988. That was just pure scorching for me. It was a long brutal season in 1988 and then it was capped off by the finals.
  2. I agree they were dirty. Musically I can appreciate that show now.
  3. I should have recorded my 3 nieces reaction to Drum Corps video's on youtube back in 2008 and posted them. 3 Japanese teenagers all played trumpet, and when I showed them drum corps they could not believe it. The activity has been active in Japan for a very long time but they were never able to see it, one day my wife mentioned drum corps and they did not have any idea what it was. Showed them and they become hooked. I was biased and showed them 85 Devils. 87 Garfield and all of BOSTON CRUSADERS that I could find. HAHA.
  4. All this time I did not realize you were active duty. I like to kid or joke with my Navy friends, all the typical old Marine vs Navy stuff. Great to read your post. Thank you for all that you do. I joined in 89 made it to E5 but decided to try my luck at being a nasty civilian!
  5. Not sure if he is a Master Chief but they never go mushy! 🤣
  6. Now that its been more than two years away from bluecoats winning I can appreciate the show. Still not willing to say I was happy they won. But in retrospect the show is a good one.
  7. Alright I thought from your post you had the scoop. No need to get into cursing.
  8. When do you anticipate an announcement? When you all are ready at WGI to release the info please let us all know here at DCP.
  9. Everything being Cancelled reminded me of this.
  10. Yeah Terri needs to stay. I like the even and sincere content they add here. There is more than one here who try to be the experts on every topic. Totally understand your comments though.
  11. When I first read the "Its also bullbleep" I read it as what USbands Yea were doing to people was bullbleep. Now when you replied I read it as you did. Maybe I am right though and they are thinking Yea and USbands are bullbleep. Not to worry you should have no target as you say, you are reacting to the post.
  12. A few states have done better than others at this point in time.
  13. Right now doing good but the states record is not good at all. Unless you have a different take on the deaths per million or per 100 thousand?
  14. Probably for the best considering how poorly the state handled covid.
  15. Alright so 23% of all children hospitalizations in Florida are covid related issues or they are positive for covid? Also remember this is the same state that have motorcycle accident victims added to the covid death count. If no one is looking you get all types of strange numbers that are used in various ways. At least they eventually corrected the mistake. https://cbs12.com/news/local/man-who-died-in-motorcycle-crash-counted-as-covid-19-death-in-florida-report https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/fox-35-investigates-questions-raised-after-fatal-motorcycle-crash-listed-as-covid-19-death
  16. Now you have done it! Santa Clara and Cavies are OFF limits around here. Looking back at last years end of season Cavies thread. But you are correct many times these types of complaints are buried and people wonder why victims hold onto these types of things for so long or forever.
  17. Where do you get this information? Did not see anything in today's news that mentioned that specifically but I did read where,,,,, back on July 16 --246 children in the state were hospitalized for covid, and July 24th the number was at 303. That is a 23% increase in the children's covid hospitalizations. Nowhere can you find info that says 24 or 25% of the overall hospital covid cases are children in the state of Florida. I did read where Florida's department of health made huge errors in their rates. That was last week. Maybe the same type of games being played there in Florida and here on DCP. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/coronavirus/fl-ne-coronavirus-florida-children-rate-20200725-woaowotttrbdxc4cqqshttqkje-story.html
  18. Thanks for letting me know what it is about right now. The topic of the thread is "WGI season?" that topic has not changed. Since you want to go off on a tangential topic - Maybe people should move to a state where they are still going to have band seasons? Those locations where it is "about the band seasons being canceled" "before eventually ended" maybe they need to listen to pediatricians or the cdc?
  19. You could have replied with the seemingly acceptable post – “thoughts and prayers” or “Amen brother” then gotten glad handed. Social media including message boards tend to pile on regardless of topic. I do know that for one person / member, that has replied here on the topic this is personal and she has every right to voice her opinions , concerns and anger. I totally understand and respect it.
  20. I thought the same thing with respect to the video that is posted here. There was another video mentioned where he is making references to peanut butter. That is inappropriate behavior for an adult. I don't know this for sure but that peanut butter video felt like a joke. If it was just students saying that then it would be different and I would know for sure it was some teenagers who saw a movie where this is referenced "road trip"? and were having a laugh with rude and crude comments. Maybe that is what Ike was doing also, but he is the adult and that is not how I want an adult talking to kids. Some will pile on things now that the accusations and investigation have started. If I knew a few of the complaints on this reddit I would not want my teenager around him. With all that - Your Soft assessment is true for many of the comments made here.
  21. So far no announcements on the WGI site. Read a little on a regional site about what they in the region might do but nothing for WGI. Sorry to all that this post has nothing to do with any daily numbers of deaths or cases of covid and nothing to do with some random take on statistics. Nor does it have anything to do with the weekly world news, twitter, spatulas, doctors and bat boy's.
  22. If dude reads this then you might want to rethink your public info strategy going forward. Might want to add allegedly to it.
  23. Martin Luther King Never claimed to be a Marxist. In fact those two founders of BLM organization do not deserve to be mentioned in the same place as a real leader like MLK. they used the description Marxist on themselves I quoted their own words.
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