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Weaklefthand4ever last won the day on September 17 2023

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    DCI 1987-1989, DCA 2004-2007
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Phantom Regiment
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    2010 Phantom Regiment
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
  • Gender
  • Location
    Chattanooga, TN.
  • Interests
    Corporate Instructional Designer
    Custom Pool Cue Builder

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  1. I told ya man! I need to check and see if it's the year of the bass line on the Chinese calendar. So many buck nasty bass lines this year.
  2. Or, for more complex ideas, we can move to "drum speak." Duga-jaga duga-jaga…huzgiduz
  3. I think that's a fair statement. It's also a lot flatter than some venues as I remember it.
  4. Ahhhh apologies. I forgot Contra DID say that (a few times in fact.) Maybe ATL will go back to the Benz at some point. It's a great venue for a show whether you're marching or watching IMHO.
  5. Yep. All of them do it. Youtube also looks at your Google feed and search patterns if you use your phone for youtube. Now the funny thing is, if you have an Alexa and a Google Mini, you can actually get them to talk to each other and be complete as******. The more you know!
  6. I could definitely see looking at some sort of emergency fund where any remaining revenue goes. That could be used for financial emergencies on the road. The only hitch in the giddyup with that, is that I can't imagine trusting DCI to divy (sp?) out emergency funds in a timely manner. Maybe I'm just being pessimistic.
  7. No need to apologize brother. I'm the one who derailed the thread lol. I realized at 7pm that I had laid out my meds for the day and then just left them sitting on my desk like a dullard. The reason I ask about who all gets paid for a rain out is that I could see having to pay the judges, event staff, blah blah blah and only doing a partial refund. I can even see claiming that partial refund if DCI dropped it into a kitty in case a corps needed financial suppprt mid season. But I DON'T understand not having either of those options.
  8. So back to topic since I derailed us: 1. Do the CORPS get paid when a rain out occurs? 2. Obviously you have to pay all the venue employees, judges, lease for the venue I suppose, etc. But what happens to the remaining revenue from the ticket sales? Does it go to the corps in some way or does DCI keep it? Just curious
  9. I still think that even worse than being 18 in 101 degree weather at West Georgia was being in my 30s, marching that #### show in St Cloud with CV. I know I was a LOT older but it HAD to be 6 million degrees. Plus the uniforms hadn't been cleaned in about 4 shows and just stewed and marinated all alllllll the way from Rockmark to Orlando. It was very.....odiferous.
  10. Ouch....that's a 10k-50k ambulance in the best of circumstances. Now I'm curious if there's even a cpt code for medivac billing for insurance. I would look tomorrow but crowdstrike took down both my work pc's and I won't get a new one until Monday.
  11. Georgia and Tennessee can get pretty ludicrous. I'm exceedingly cold natured so it works out pretty well being stupid hot rhe last 2 weeks of spring, all summer and then half of fall basically. How I ever marched in this soup that we call summer in the SE I just don't know.
  12. Britt framed my letter as a joke and left it on the coffee table for me to find. She's 19 years younger than me so it's a common theme....
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