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Everything posted by Jimmyjames

  1. Having a creative and brilliant mind doesn't give you a free pass to abuse people. and that is what it is. Abuse.
  2. I feel like this comes back to, is DCI about education and spreading awareness for music or is it about winning the competition? While all groups should be able to focus on both, I feel like we all know they won't. And some would refuse.
  3. I feel like he is one of those awful instructors that just yell and scream while expecting you to learn. Yes, he can get results but eventually, it seems, no one will want to continue to work with him.
  4. or maybe a certain individuals can abandon ship and the organization will finally begin to experience success. Oh wait...
  5. Is it just me, or are you always taking cheap shots at other corps....
  6. I do not understand how anyone could "trust" SCV to do the right thing at this point.
  7. I attended a rehearsal for crown a few years ago. I was a brand-new music educator. I was taking a few notes about how they were running rehearsals etc in a notebook. I guess volunteers saw or something along those lines, because as I was leaving a few people approached me and begged me not to release information about the show etc. It was extremely funny to me because at the time, I had no access to internet at my home. And I wasn't using a smart phone. All this to say, I don't get the whole "let's keep it a secret for as long as possible" either.
  8. If only the drive wasn't so far! I've got some old credentials from back in the day. I 100% would roll up in there like I belonged!!!!
  9. Can anyone attend Januals? Like, could I just roll up and start taking notes etc? Or is "invite" only?
  10. I enjoy the way WGI does show announcements. (not sure if they still do) We used to submit the write up to them and they would release the information over time on the website. Some groups would go all out with media, videos, etc and some would just be a block of text.
  11. He was the color guard caption head I believe. He spent time with SCV too.
  12. I disagree with this with the exception of world class. Especially in soundsport( I know not technically DCI) and as well as DCA(DCI all age). I'm not sure about open class but honestly it would not even bother me there. However, you have to do what you have to do to survive(perform). So, if sousas are what gets them on the field, then so be it. I would love to see more concert euphoniums.
  13. This might be the funniest thing I've read here in a while.
  14. It is beyond hilarious you think they are talking trash. You know you could leave. and you wouldn't have to read anything here.
  15. As someone that came through high school marching band in the early 2000s, two things I never want to see on the field again, Pirates of the Caribbean and Riverdance. I can remember sitting in the stands, counting pirate ships in prop storage and watching the same show at least 5 times a weekend.
  16. I do not have to make it sound like anything. It is a fact. It happened. It took Boston 2 years to dump this person. Now, granted this was before the "hop crap" and the spirit situation. As already said, yes it is difficult to track "bad staffers" but when one organization contacts the other and the truth about why they were let go isn't disclosed. Then yes, they are part of the problem.
  17. Crown and Boston have both done shady things with passing around staff members with major accusations against them. I WON'T name names, but I've seen the proof. Thankfully said person has pretty much been removed from the activity. Unfortunately it was the drug abuse that caught up with them before the sexual abuse.
  18. The activity is what has allowed the scumbags to thrive. If the "adults" had been protecting the kids like "adults" we wouldn't be in this situation.
  19. I agree. I think it would be very interesting to find out exactly what those running corps had tried to sweep under the rug over the years.
  20. Does every member of the cymbal line get their own tech? LOL. /s
  21. I believe he is referring to the one that broke rule number 1.
  22. There are plenty of qualified instructors in the area. Hopefully it wouldn't be too hard.
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