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Everything posted by michsta8

  1. Sorry to aska dumb question, but I have not sen or heard. What happend at the 08 finals that have changed retreat?
  2. I beleive we are also going to begin seeing a surge by SCV. Getting cleaner and the judges are starting to "see" the show
  3. Looks to me that the top five may have newcomers different from the beginning of this thread. 3.5 weeks to go.
  4. I guess one solution to this problem would be to institute penalties for dropped equipment. This way it can be huge factor in scoring. I am so sick of seeing so many dropped pieces of equipment. Its like, ok its hard to throw a saber 30 feet in the air. If you don't catch it,no big deal currently you are not penalized so I guess everyone can try 50ft throws, drop them all and be rewarded because it was difficult to execute and they tried. If every dropped piece of equipment was given a 1/10 tic, you would see a difference in scoring, cleaner shows. But i guess thee are some on here who would say the dropped equipmnet is entertaining.
  5. That big of a difference (2 pts plus) between SCV, PR and the Cadets, Cavs and CC ? Sorry, don't see it. Someone, please explain
  6. figures, i move to FL and they get this show right down the street from where I use to live
  7. I would say. looking at the schedule PR,BC and BS have not performed since Monday SCV since Tuesday Lots of time to improve, and clean. Should be very interesting
  8. Yes, it would be considered quite a feat to make the top 25 considering the number of corps that where competing
  9. This is why they shoud re-establish the random drawing for perfromance time at all contests.
  10. I agree. All corps have already been slotted. There may be a move , but only within their defined slot (1-3) 4-5 6-7. therefore, they will nto go higher than 6th. This scoring system sucks and needs to change
  11. Any review towards the new ending? Apparently has not made a good impression on judging as they have barely gone up in scores since a week ago
  12. So sick of hearing that its so hot in the south. Its been hotter in the North (over 100 dgrees) than here in S. Florida the last two weeks. We average 90 everyday
  13. Sorry this does not fit into the Slotting machine
  14. As to what they are planning on doing? there must be someone on this board who has some inside information
  15. I like the fact that SCV scores are right up there withour a closer
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