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Everything posted by blitzcon

  1. Pacific Crest is having a great year. Their show is great and will make Semis.
  2. My mind says Cavaliers, heart says Bluecoats. Bluecoats win brass, Phantom wins percussion. That I know.
  3. Man, 2000 Cavaliers sure was a bad### line. I've seen a bunch of rehearsal footage of that line and they are incredibly clean, play hard music, and look totally bad### as they're doing it.
  4. Indiana anyone? Seriously. Think about it. Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky all of corps of some sort. Why doesn't Indiana have any, especially with the huge marching band involvement during the Fall?
  5. I won't even try to get too far into this but it seems from the 8 pages of replies I've read so far: More notes=harder brass book Okay so that means that Phantom should always win, what with their huge amounts of double tonguing coming out from everywhere. There's something called tone quality. Oh, and blend for that matter. Not a knock on Phantom, I still love them. It's incredibly hard to judge all these different hornlines when they are all marching different styles, playing different things, doing completely different styles of visuals, wear different uniforms, etc. I've had these conclusions ever since I heard these from my brother numerous times throughout his 4 years in the Cavaliers. These conclusions are: JUDGING IS STUPID DRUMCORPS IS STUPID I still love drumcorps, don't get me wrong. Once you think about it, it's really stupid. No matter how fairly the judges can judge, they cannot. It's the same thing as Communism. It doesn't work because humans AREN'T PERFECT. It seems I've gone off on a tangent a bit but you maybe kind of hopefully get my point. And I'm not going to quit reading thread until someone does the statistical analysis for the other top 12 corps. I'd like to see the top 12 for the last couple years too. Graphs, charts, tables, COLOR CODING. C'mon people, dish it out!
  6. Hahah, this made me laugh. A lot. BLUEEEEEEEEvaliers! Hehe
  7. You are absolutely correct. It is such a predictable thing these days. 1990 would've been an amazing couple days to be a part of. No one knew who would win! Hopefully this year can be like that too.
  8. Maybe just Madison was judged on DIV III sheets. Yeah, that's it.
  9. What a sad and mean typo. I got freakin' hyped there for a second. Then I immediately thought "Oh, but that's impossible!" Mannnn
  10. 140 users. I'm freakin' ready for some scores here.
  11. I completely agree. The Bluecoats are for real this year. They have a championship-caliber program as well as a championship-caliber staff to get them there.
  12. Wasn't addressed at you specifically. It's just a general broad address of people who aren't liking the Cavaliers' ending right now.
  13. What I hate so much is that people are complaining in their reviews and such that "They have a crappy ending, blah blah, I don't see them winning because of this, blah blah!" I hate this because the Cavaliers have approached their shows the same way for a while now and people just never seem to get it even though it happens year after year after year after year. New ending comes sometime in July. It's just that simple. I'd like to see any other corps try to add on an ending to their already 200+ charts and have it clean enough to perform. I don't think you could cram that much into all the minds of a drumcorps after only a few weeks of pretour.
  14. I've only seen a couple drumlines so far but the Cavaliers are just plain enjoyable. I don't know whether it's the tuning of the drums, the wonderful drums themselves, Casella's writing, or the relaxed and fun vibe I get from the guys in the drumline but it's got to be my favorite lot line so far.
  15. Cavaliers for their overall percussion. I really love the book and how Casella writes. The Cavaliers' tuning is by far my favorite as well. They're just going to have to clean it up if they want to win the trophy for the first time since 2000. Bluecoats for their snareline. Holy snareline, batman! I love those really tight fast rolls they are doing. Phantom for their absolute raw energy. I've seen a couple lot videos and holy crap are they a drumline to hype in the lot. Great book, I like Rennick's writing these days but I don't know if this line is quite like 2006's.
  16. Hey, I was at Normal last night and SCV's guard was definitely better than everyone else. Their guard is the guard that's stuck in my mind from the evening. No surprise they won guard.
  17. Man, back in the day...meaning when they were on Yamaha. Like 1999...man, I don't care how dirty that drumline was, they were on great drums!
  18. Wow. Just wow. Madison, I'm worried!
  19. Cavaliers aren't going to be undefeated. Cadets aren't going to win. My opinions.
  20. Yeah, okay, not a drumcorps. Boston's drums really match their uniform well which made me decide to share the Purdue drums because I think they really work well with our uniforms...
  21. I was gonna say, hasn't anyone listened to Crown?! I think their music is absolutely stunning. Their brass sounds just as fantastic as it's sounded the lsat few years.
  22. Posted some of these in my review of the Decatur, Indiana show. Enjoy! Southwind: Madison Scouts: Cavaliers:
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