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To march or not to march...

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I need some advice.

I turn 21 in 18 days, with that, this is my ageout year, and for the past two years I really didnt think much about ageing out. In 2006 as I walked off the field I said goodbye to camp randall and to what I thought was my last and final year.

Right now I am currently working with A drum corps to get them back out. Even then my age out is brought up. I am physically able to march but what is keeping me from marching is a lot greater.

After 2006, I went to the bank got a loan to get an apartment and I moved out of my parents house. I tried to go to school online but I wasnt ready for it and I couldnt handle 2 part time jobs.

Lat night, I was messaged by a corps director, he said that he wanted me to march and that we could work something out with the fees. It is too late for me to get sponsors. Its not the actual tour fees that worry me its the loss of income and the bills I have to pay for during the summer. I wasnt planning on marching this year, but I feel that I need to. Corps has taught me to never regret things that I do, but not marching has regret written all over it.

The Fact that This is the last time that I am going to be able to march. I dont want it to haunt me for the rest of my life. I don’t want this to be a point in my life where I wondered what would happen if I marched.

Has anyone else had to go through this, or how did others get throught this situation?

Edited by dcf06
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If you have not done so already, move back with your folks to potentially get out from under your lease obligation and the monthly monetary commitment that it created.

Make sure the "we could work something out fees" is in writing from the inquiring corps.

Call your creditors and ask for a deferral of payments for 120 days to commence on June 1 so you may pursue a performance opportunity with a non-profit youth organization.

The 120 day deferral will allow you time to regain some type of employment after the season is over and get a check or two in your pocket to begin meeting your (which would now not be deferred) monthly financial obligations; or simply ask for a leave of absence from your present employer and return to that employer after the season is over.

Ask some Cano alumni for a donation of "walkin' around money", then (if things do unfold in a positive nature) go for it.

Best of luck Sean.

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After 2006, I went to the bank got a loan to get an apartment

I don't know if that means you have a mortgage or took out a loan to pay rent. Frankly I can't imagine any bank nutty enough to give a mortgage to a nineteen year old or to a make a loan to anyone of any age to pay rent on an apartment -- but hey, 2006 was just about the height of banking nuttiness. Normally I'd say go for it and march, but if you've got adult bills to pay and adult debt to pay off, I think you're kind of stuck. If subleasing is an option, yeah, maybe try to find an ideal tenant in the next few weeks - but realistically it's a long shot and a risky proposition.

In your case, not having started higher education and already in debt, I'd say the financial fallout of marching would haunt you longer and more profoundly than regret of not marching.

Call your creditors and ask for a deferral of payments for 120 days to commence on June 1 so you may pursue a performance opportunity with a non-profit youth organization.

I can't imagine any landlord or mortgage company buying that. If you were to go that route, plead recession and unemployment. In any case your credit rating would be mud for years to come.

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This is a difficult situation to read. On one hand, my sentimental side would say march if at all possible. On the other hand, given your financial obligations, I'd say you may need to stick with your initial decision and continue pursuing the off-field involvement that you've already begun.

I guess I'd have to say talk to the drum corps people in your "real" life (i.e. not remote strangers on DCP). Advice on DCP is going to be all over the map (and understandably so), but people who really know you will be able to take the time to sit and talk it through with you in a much more meaningful way.

No matter what you do, kudos to you for being involved in this activity, one way or another.

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I don't know if that means you have a mortgage or took out a loan to pay rent. Frankly I can't imagine any bank nutty enough to give a mortgage to a nineteen year old or to a make a loan to anyone of any age to pay rent on an apartment -- but hey, 2006 was just about the height of banking nuttiness. Normally I'd say go for it and march, but if you've got adult bills to pay and adult debt to pay off, I think you're kind of stuck. If subleasing is an option, yeah, maybe try to find an ideal tenant in the next few weeks - but realistically it's a long shot and a risky proposition.

In your case, not having started higher education and already in debt, I'd say the financial fallout of marching would haunt you longer and more profoundly than regret of not marching.

I can't imagine any landlord or mortgage company buying that. If you were to go that route, plead recession and unemployment. In any case your credit rating would be mud for years to come.

I am not sure how I got a loan either it was only 2 grand, and its paid off. I figured That my estimated income for the summer would be around $4000 if I was working and if I dont get laid off. My over all expenses would be alittle more than half that.

Moving back in with my parents is out of the question. I am on better terms with them living out of the house. I dont have to really worry about sub -leasing forunately, but storage i might depending how the person I am living with takes it.

Over all this is one fo the toughest decisions I have to make. What Prompted all of this was from my face book headline that stated "I miss Drum corps, even though I am not marching my ageout, I will do what I can so others will."

I am almost tempted to contact Mtv to see if they can help me. I wouldnt mind my privacy invaded for a summer. Not much there to begin with.

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I am not sure how I got a loan either it was only 2 grand, and its paid off. I figured That my estimated income for the summer would be around $4000 if I was working and if I dont get laid off. My over all expenses would be alittle more than half that.

Moving back in with my parents is out of the question. I am on better terms with them living out of the house. I dont have to really worry about sub -leasing forunately, but storage i might depending how the person I am living with takes it.

Terri's right. Better to talk to someone in real life than knows you and your complete situation rather strangers going on a few relevant and irrelevant tidbits shared little by little. The loan is irrelevant if it's paid off, but the roommate is a major complication. And yes, in any case, good for you for staying involved. Consider yourself lucky that that has worked out with your work-a-day life.

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