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Jim Mason joining Madison Scouts

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Just some random thoughts:

Congratulations to the Scouts for bringing Jim Mason into the mix. I can remember my time in Star under Jim's leadership and can say from the bottom of my heart, that they were the GREATEST years of my life. We travelled well, worked hard, and were constantly surrounded by the best teaching talent he could bring to the table. Jim was not afraid to step out of the box and give us show vehicles that were different, challenging, and entertaining. This being done sometimes in an enviornment where the DC fans failed to appreaciate what we were all about.

Congratulations to the Scouts for bringing Donnie VanDoren into the mix. Donnie is one of those people that you remember your entire life. In fact, he has been more of inspiration in my life at times than my own parents. He is an incredible teacher and will challenge the members in ways that they never thought possible. His roll in being staff coordinator will bring in a brass staff that is going to introduce a new technique program that is not revolutionary nor very complicated. However, it is extremely effective. I wish I could still march, I would be there tomorrow to play in that line. (At least I have the alumni coprs for 2010!) The program will have a brass line that will be competing for an Ott in 3 years!

I am pleased as punch these two individuals have been brought in. The kids are in for the ride of their life. :worthy:

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The press release announced that Donnie is the new staff coordinator for the Scouts. I think he's made the move.

Donnie VanDoren is NOT leaving Crown. He of course will be at the Scouts a lot now, but there is no way he'll leave Crown altogether. He has too much invested in that drum corps.

I mean, heck, both of his kids marched there, one of them still does...his son was head drum major there and won the Jim Jones award while there, many of his students are on brass staff, including his son now.

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Donnie VanDoren is NOT leaving Crown. He of course will be at the Scouts a lot now, but there is no way he'll leave Crown altogether. He has too much invested in that drum corps.

I mean, heck, both of his kids marched there, one of them still does...his son was head drum major there and won the Jim Jones award while there, many of his students are on brass staff, including his son now.

Again, isn't it possible that Mr. Van Doren could work for two different corps in different capacities.

Mr. Van Doren has protegees and what better way for his methods to gain even more popularity is for him to work in a Staff Coordination role with one corps and a brass consultant with another. It can work.

Afterall, yes there is competition involved in all of this, but at the end of the day, isn't the teaching that can go on at this level of major significance as well? I mean imagine these opportunities these young people are going to get. Why limit this to one group of 75 horn players?

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Great news because Madison needed to go in a different direction. I dont want to dis the previous teams by waxing too orgasmic over this. They also came in with a lot of hype and expectations. Dont really know much about Donnie and we have always been proud of Jim Mason and his accomplishments with Star and Blast! etc, even though that represented a sharp departure from what Scouts were all about. And that really is my only fear, that this will lead to yet another re-invention of the Scouts. Scouts dont need to be reinvented anymore than Phantom, BD, SCV, Cadets or anyone with a distinct and long lasting identity. Take what has always worked for Madison and make it better. I don't want them looking or sounding like Crown or Blue Stars or anyone else.

Edited by Scerpella
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Great news because Madison needed to go in a different direction. I dont want to dis the previous teams by waxing too orgasmic over this. They also came in with a lot of hype and expectations. Dont really know much about Donnie and we have always been proud of Jim Mason and his accomplishments with Star and Blast! etc, even though that represented a sharp departure from what Scouts were all about. And that really is my only fear, that this will lead to yet another re-invention of the Scouts. Scouts dont need to be reinvented anymore than Phantom, BD, SCV, Cadets or anyone with a distinct and long lasting identity. Take what has always worked for Madison and make it better. I don't want them looking or sounding like Crown or Blue Stars or anyone else.

See I was on a kool-aid drinking band wagon all day too. Now, I am starting to wonder about the possible down sides.

So far this is a design and potential brass help with Mr. Van Doren. But, officially that is not Mr. Van Doren's role. he is Staff Coordinator from what I read.

So, my biggest issue is with the guard work and execution. How is this area improved by today's announcement? Are there other potential announcements? I've read some rumors on here about more announcements coming.

I guess I have to wait just like everyone else. But, guard is still unanswered at this point.

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I personally feel that the guard took a major step forward in 2009. Not only were they bigger, I also felt they executed at a higher level that in recent years. The winterguard will help this caption as well.

As for the musical part of the corps, I feel that if they can retain the talent they had in 2009, and that the show design is strong, they can be unstoppable, actually, screw all that, they WILL be unstoppable.

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Mr. Mason,

Thanks for injecting some tradition, excellence and happiness into Madison Nation. Although nothing has been accomplished yet, I think it's safe to say that the entire drum corps community, Alumni and diehard Scouts fans are pulling for you to do great things. We all look forward to more staff announcements and look forward to the 2010 offering.

I do hope you can find the likes of the HOF staff you brought together at Star of Indiana. There is plenty of talent out there for teaching, but I hope you call in all markers on this endeavor. Madison has lost some great staff over the past decade and I'm hoping you'll make an effort to bring some of them back. That said, I know how very difficult it is to get the staff on board and have them work as a cohesive team with one vision in mind. I think we all understand you'll always be strong enough to project that vision and pour it all into the organization and the product they present.

Lastly, The Men from Madison had a comic book show this past season with the likes of Relampago. You did a circus show with Star in 1987. I pray for an immediate 180 turn and head in a totally different direction. Please, NO PINK ELEPHANTS!!! :sleeping: I wish you, your staff and the membership the greatest of success .... and may you all live up to the expectations that come with these wonderous announcements.

Thanking you deeply for your return.

Dan Hurd

1989 Alumnus

I totally disagree. Cirque du Soleil would be GREAT at Mad Town!

Or Dr. Seuss. But I already suggested that for Crown. We'll see.

Glad to have you back, Mr. Mason. Only next time, do Adagio for Strings and School for Scandal when you program a Barber & Bartok show. :worthy:

Edit: Keep in mind my fellow UNT-ex Dr. Nick Williams prepared the SCV brass for what they accomplished this year...whale of a brass line! I would think keeping him on that brass line would be importante numero uno. You certainly won't get anyone better for a 15th-18th place corps. Great anchor on which to tether this corps on going forward. $0.02.

Edited by silvertrombone
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John Madden called, and he told me to tell all of you "BAM!"

This is hands down the biggest silly season move made by a drum corps in years, if not ever. If all works well and the kids can respond, Madison becomes a top 5 corps again in less than 5 years.

I think it will be much sooner than 5 years.

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i seem to remember rooting for this in 2003. hopefully jim doesn't make me feel dumb for this in the next couple years ;)

i have crazy respect for ramiro, but his ideas haven't really flown, last year especially, in Madison... so i'm stoked to see what happens next. i hope they continue with an aggressive/west coast approach to drumline writing/style... but i'm eager, regardless. Jim should have a good idea how to make our style and strengths (back in the day) work for us, now. i'm expecting Matadors of Lake Mendota. (MvP?) Swords vs. Whips. there can be only... oh wait... someone already did that one. ####. regardless, it should be something loud and GE heavy. Malaga-uena? nevermind.

--besides, wasn't 'the best of blast' already "the best of Madison"? ;)

(i'm kidding (mostly), calm down)

anyway, Jim, don't screw up my 'i told you so,' please. i mean, Tom Brace has never been this excited about anything. ;)

thanks. :worthy:


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