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2010 Blue Devils "vs" 1991 Blue Devils....

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With the constant complaining and disatisfaction of the 2010 Blue Devils Musical arrangements, it got me wondering. What if we had DCP and the interent in 1991 ?? This years show, music - wise, reminds me alot of the 1991 show and many, many folks ripped that show a new one complaining about the arrangement and music style.

Flashforward to 2010 and again, people are complaining about the arrangements, the phrasing, lack of melody, etc of the show they have now and it feels like the same thing to me.

Would there be as much complaints if we were able to come to someplace like DCP in 1991 ???

Which show is more/least "fan friendly"? And why .....


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It is DCP of course there would be complaining and tons of negativity.

If you could orchestrate the perfect staff, perfect show on all levels, and a perfect performance there would still be those that didn't like it or had a problem with it around here!!


If this were 1991 I will let you venture a guess as to what corps would be receiving the most negative feedback:)

Edited by SACMellos2010
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2010 cribs a lot from 1991 . . .there's a few licks straight out of that book; however, 1991 is probably my favorite BD show (aside from 93) because the whole thing just sounds like one long be-bop.

The show is just enough forward thinking to be fresh on the field (yes, I know Suncoast played part of Commencement /Adventures in Time in 1986), but with enough "traditional drum corps moments" (ballad-esque segment, repeated melody passed through the line, driving finish) to scratch just about everyones drum corps itch.

2010 has the same sort of flavor, right up to the drum break . . .but after that, it loses a bit in its connection to me. There's no underlying pulse, but a bunch of dissonant phrases until "La Suerte". That entire section (right through to the end) needs to be rewritten for more cohesion, IMO. If BD can do that and keep the engagement level high through to the end, they win going away this year.

As far as the complaints that this is too disjointed a BD show . . .well, those have been going on for a while. From about 1994 onward, BD started to catch the visual up to the music again, and it seems like some of the shows along the way have been orchestrated into more bite-sized chop-n-bop in order to take advantage of that.

It is what it is, though. Things change, and BD won't orchestrate its arrangements the same way forever. I have my Klesch and Prime to listen to, so everyone wins for now, anyway. :thumbup:

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2010 cribs a lot from 1991 . . .there's a few licks straight out of that book; however, 1991 is probably my favorite BD show (aside from 93) because the whole thing just sounds like one long be-bop.

The show is just enough forward thinking to be fresh on the field (yes, I know Suncoast played part of Commencement /Adventures in Time in 1986), but with enough "traditional drum corps moments" (ballad-esque segment, repeated melody passed through the line, driving finish) to scratch just about everyones drum corps itch.

2010 has the same sort of flavor, right up to the drum break . . .but after that, it loses a bit in its connection to me. There's no underlying pulse, but a bunch of dissonant phrases until "La Suerte". That entire section (right through to the end) needs to be rewritten for more cohesion, IMO. If BD can do that and keep the engagement level high through to the end, they win going away this year.

As far as the complaints that this is too disjointed a BD show . . .well, those have been going on for a while. From about 1994 onward, BD started to catch the visual up to the music again, and it seems like some of the shows along the way have been orchestrated into more bite-sized chop-n-bop in order to take advantage of that.

It is what it is, though. Things change, and BD won't orchestrate its arrangements the same way forever. I have my Klesch and Prime to listen to, so everyone wins for now, anyway. :thumbup:

More or less, this.

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91 is still one of my all-time favorite BD productions

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With the constant complaining and disatisfaction of the 2010 Blue Devils Musical arrangements, it got me wondering. What if we had DCP and the interent in 1991 ?? This years show, music - wise, reminds me alot of the 1991 show and many, many folks ripped that show a new one complaining about the arrangement and music style.

Flashforward to 2010 and again, people are complaining about the arrangements, the phrasing, lack of melody, etc of the show they have now and it feels like the same thing to me.

Would there be as much complaints if we were able to come to someplace like DCP in 1991 ???

Which show is more/least "fan friendly"? And why .....



This show reminds me of that show too. Maybe that's why I like this one a little more than others on DCP?

There seems to be some musical quotes taken from that show, but maybe it's simply Stan Kenton?

As you know, Suncoast played "Adventures in Time" in 1986 and was very successful with it, so knowing that BD was going to play that in 1991 made me really excited to hear their take on it.

I saw the BD '91 show live in Madison, WI that year. For those who do not know they played:

Commencement (from Adventures in Time) by Richards, Johnny on Stan Kenton Adventures In Time

Bird and Bela in B Flat (2nd Movement) by Sebesky, Don on Don Sebesky - Three Works For Jazz Soloists & Symphony Orchestra

Bird and Bela in B Flat (3rd Movement) by Sebesky, Don

(Thanks Corpsreps!)

It was really, REALLY dry compared to Suncoast Sound's version from '86 AND very abstract compared to most of the other corps at the regional besides CBC.

Many people didn't get it, but that was a "one off" year and they went back to their usual selves after that. I didn't hear much complaining about the show from people around me, it was just a forgettable to them, I guess... That year, their percussion wasn't doing as well as it had been known for, but the corps was visually clean and the hornline was just so so talented.

There were lots of melodies in that show, it was just strange source material.

Frankly, the 2010 show is probably more fan friendly because they're playing snippets of known music, lots of power chords and dissonance. They use the mirrors to great effect, have a great guard, brass, and percussion section. The 2010 corps has the talent and instruction across the boards to make it work competitively, where 1991 didn't.

Personally, I like them about the same, but it will take 2010 a while to brew before I say that it is a better show than 1991.

1991 was revolutionary, 2010 is evolutionary. It is not that different than their other shows since 2007. 1991 was a very different style than what came before ( Tommy show) and after ( Big, Bad and Blue ), which made it special.

Of course people would have complained about the 1991 show on here at the time, but it wasn't going to challenge for a championship and steer the activity like the 2010 show has the potential to do.

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It is DCP of course there would be complaining and tons of negativity.

If you could orchestrate the perfect staff, perfect show on all levels, and a perfect performance there would still be those that didn't like it or had a problem with it around here!!


If this were 1991 I will let you venture a guess as to what corps would be receiving the most negative feedback:)

It would have been CBC or BD, not Star! :thumbup:

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This show reminds me of that show too. Maybe that's why I like this one a little more than others on DCP?

There seems to be some musical quotes taken from that show, but maybe it's simply Stan Kenton?

As you know, Suncoast played "Adventures in Time" in 1986 and was very successful with it, so knowing that BD was going to play that in 1991 made me really excited to hear their take on it.

I saw the BD '91 show live in Madison, WI that year. For those who do not know they played:

Commencement (from Adventures in Time) by Richards, Johnny on Stan Kenton Adventures In Time

Bird and Bela in B Flat (2nd Movement) by Sebesky, Don on Don Sebesky - Three Works For Jazz Soloists & Symphony Orchestra

Bird and Bela in B Flat (3rd Movement) by Sebesky, Don

(Thanks Corpsreps!)

It was really, REALLY dry compared to Suncoast Sound's version from '86 AND very abstract compared to most of the other corps at the regional besides CBC.

Many people didn't get it, but that was a "one off" year and they went back to their usual selves after that. I didn't hear much complaining about the show from people around me, it was just a forgettable to them, I guess... That year, their percussion wasn't doing as well as it had been known for, but the corps was visually clean and the hornline was just so so talented.

There were lots of melodies in that show, it was just strange source material.

Frankly, the 2010 show is probably more fan friendly because they're playing snippets of known music, lots of power chords and dissonance. They use the mirrors to great effect, have a great guard, brass, and percussion section. The 2010 corps has the talent and instruction across the boards to make it work competitively, where 1991 didn't.

Personally, I like them about the same, but it will take 2010 a while to brew before I say that it is a better show than 1991.

1991 was revolutionary, 2010 is evolutionary. It is not that different than their other shows since 2007. 1991 was a very different style than what came before ( Tommy show) and after ( Big, Bad and Blue ), which made it special.

Of course people would have complained about the 1991 show on here at the time, but it wasn't going to challenge for a championship and steer the activity like the 2010 show has the potential to do.

Excellent post ! Agree with it all. I liked SS'ds version but it left a bad taste for me because of the guards lack of contribution. THey sounded excellent but the "total package" was missing....I liked Freelancers version and Garfield's verion(s) better......

Yes, in may ways, I feel this show is like 1991. I remember Allentown when Crossmen beat the fir the first time, for them. all four corps were excellent and it was rare to (then) see BD in third and Garfield in fourth.......Folks were complaining about how BD's music was unfriendly, unable tpo grasp...etc,etc......I remember the ballad right after "commencement" it just gave me goosebumps because it remined me of, for some reason, 1982 and sounded so sweet and layered with dynamics and contrasy.......Just unreal.


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1991 Musically Speaking *Hornline/Arrangement* is so much better than 2010. That '91 show I dunno what it was just really had that Oomph and was just different and talk about wicked Hornline. I wouldn't have minded hearing that Music again revisited note for note..with a more current visual and better percussion arrangement.

Edited by Zeke
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