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Can I read this article without my head exploding?

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Enjoy your summer in drum corps. Because it could be one of the last. If the G7 proposal had been implemented in its entirety, it could have been the death knell for junior drum corps.

I will enjoy it very much, and it could be one of my last, since I age-out in 2012, so the world will end anyway after I'm done.

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Well, looks like this has become another old guy crying-fest..... :mat: :mat: :spitting::worthy:

Why would you say that? Do you think this is fair?


The Triple A corps have twice the power to influence the

activity . Those who are regional have no voting power.

Kids pay money to the following corps, but said corps has absolutely NO voice or voting power at all.


Pacific Crest

Jersey Surf


Blue Devils B

SCV Cadets

Teal Sound

Colt Cadets


Board is the AA A CORPS … not the individuals … and the three

outside directors.

So, you feel the following corps should just pay up and, yet, have NO representation, right?

The corps listed above PLUS...

Boston Crusaders

Blue Stars


Blue Knights








Would you feel exactly the same if you were not marching one of the G7? As someone pointed out, you may wish to read the PDF (on the first page) before calling anyone a crying old guy.

P.S. I'm not a guy...old...or crying. But you should know the facts before talking trash to someone who has clearly read up on this issue more than you. Just my .02.

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I am very old, almost 25.

Do you feel it's ok for your corps to take more money from the Troopers, Scouts, and Colts (along with many others)?

Do you feel it is in the interest of drum corps to stop supporting Open Class?

Do you feel it is right to deny performance opportunities for all the other corps on Fridays and Sundays?

Do you feel it is right for 7 corps to control all of the rule making process in DCI?

I will not see you at any of these shows.

That's too bad you won't come to any shows. Guess that's part of the problem is people turning their back on the activity. Thanks for being part of the problem dude. :mat:

And DCI is doing a lot to support Open Class. I was in it, and it's gotten even better since then. My first year, we had to perform Finals at a different site, we weren't allowed at the Finals stadium, now open class corps can compete head-to-head with the World Class Corps during Finals week. How is that not supporting Open Class

And the Top 7 have been pretty much controlling DCI since they started winning all of the championships. When Troopers or Colts take a title, then they will get the same power to run the activity as the Cavaliers or Blue Devils do now. The person on top of the pile controls the bottom of the pile. It's the way life works. In a corporation, the person with the most shares in the company controls it. The people with 2 shares gets no say or power in it. Just the way it is.

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P.S. I'm not a guy...old...or crying. But you should know the facts before talking trash to someone who has clearly read up on this issue more than you. Just my .02.

You talk about knowing the facts. As an analogy, who has more experience in the following situation? Someone who has worked with cars and maintained them for 4 years, or the guy who sits at home and reads about them all the time?

None of the G8 directors are on the BOD anymore, it's the lower directors. So they're pretty much the ones calling the shots in DCI now, thank you.

And Blue Stars are part of the G8, so they get representation and money too. Good for them.

I'll see you guys on tour this summer, I'll be enjoying it. Hope someone out there does the same.

Edited by fsubone
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And the Top 7 have been pretty much controlling DCI since they started winning all of the championships. When Troopers or Colts take a title, then they will get the same power to run the activity as the Cavaliers or Blue Devils do now. The person on top of the pile controls the bottom of the pile. It's the way life works. In a corporation, the person with the most shares in the company controls it. The people with 2 shares gets no say or power in it. Just the way it is.

Have you considered politics? You'd be perfect! :mat:

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Have you considered politics? You'd be perfect! :mat:

Why thank you. I'll keep that under consideration.

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I disagree with this. That model failed already. i.e. VFW et al.

DCI formed, grouped the elite corps together, boycotted the VFW, AL, CYO and others, and caused the model to fail. In case you wonder where I got that, I lived and marched in that period! My corps, Blue Rock, was one of the corps that folded shortly after the creation of DCI. Many other corps, that may have survived, if they had kept their VFW, AL, or whatever support, folded during the early and mid '70's.

DCI was formed by the top corps to look out for the interests of those top corps. DCI was never intended to look out for the interests of ALL drum corps. DCI never wanted to serve ALL drum corps, only the top corps! Ask Roman Blenski or Scott Stewart or Don Warren or Don Pesceone! DCI was not supposed to become the one and only organization in Jr. drum corps.

The corps that are not part of the G-8 must prepare for the day when the G-8 will make good on their threats. Scores of drum corps have died since 1971 because of the top corps' self-serving attitudes. Come on, face it, people. The G-8 want it all to themselves and they are not willing to share it with others any more. The G-8 have a "fraternity" of their own, but it is not the fraternity of drum corps that we older fans and former marching members grew up in!

Bottom line:

The non-G-8 corps must pull together and do whatever is needed to ensure the continued survival and prosperity of non-G-8 corps!

For the good of ALL drum corps!

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I mean to suggest that it's not about power, it's about survival for the corps doing this.

The member corps choose what goes in DCI, and they're all very big boys and girls who should be able to take care of themselves and their corps; it's insulting to make them sound so feeble.

not about survival at all..it is selfish and self sevving, ego-driven for the fufllment of a few persons desires at the expense of all...


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The corps that are not part of the G-8 must prepare for the day when the G-8 will make good on their threats. Scores of drum corps have died since 1971 because of the top corps' self-serving attitudes. Come on, face it, people. The G-8 want it all to themselves and they are not willing to share it with others any more. The G-8 have a "fraternity" of their own, but it is not the fraternity of drum corps that we older fans and former marching members grew up in!

Bottom line:

The non-G-8 corps must pull together and do whatever is needed to ensure the continued survival and prosperity of non-G-8 corps!

I know there's little to no point in saying this but I will anyhow:

1) The only thing anyone on here *knows* is that DCI is trial-ballooning these new format shows. If they work they may continue. If they flop they will not.

2) um. There is no number two. The G7 proposal did not pass and is not in force. Although speculation is rampant, I have a suspicion that if any of the more controversial aspects of the proposals had in fact been adopted, word would have leaked out to the interwebs.

What I see on here is an attempt by some instigate ill-will between corps who finished in the top 8 last season and corps who did not. THAT'S pretty adult of you jimlad.gif. If you have some actual information to share -- -please do. If you don't then please stop pretending that you do. Your speculation and hypothesizing aren't serving any purpose. I get that you're concerned and believe you have the best interests of drum corps at heart but dragging up all threads doesn't really help anything.

And as for current marching members, I can't WAIT to see you all perform and I'll be at the nearest TOC show (Annapolis for me) to watch you all amaze us with your performances.

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Why was the dead horse dredged back up and beaten?! Say it with me, folks:


There are some aspects of this that will be in play this summer, but by and large the points that most on here are (still) complaining about do not exist!!

I know that doesn't matter, and shouldn't stop the peanut gallery from making noise; I just wanted to throw out a little bit of logic into the mix though

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