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My Proposed DCA Rule Change

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How about the following amendments?...

WHEREAS, if a corps wins one DCA Championship, they shall be given a stern talking to...

WHEREAS, if a corps wins two consecutive DCA Championships, they shall be given a time out to think about what they have done.

WHEREAS, if a corps doesn't get the message and wins a thrid DCA Championship in a row, they shall have to apologize and promise to never do it again. :blink:


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Here's an idea:

How about DCA waive the <35 rule? That way, I can go out and march all by myself. I'll march and play a perfect show (how would anybody know the difference?), thus winning both the I&E competition for french horn/mellophone, and the Open Class Championship in one sitting (hey, if I'm gonna do it, I'm goin' for broke!). I'll get one of the Legion halls around here to sponsor me, so I can take the AL Championship while I'm at it. :w00t:

Thanks, you're a great crowd; I'll be here all week. :tongue:

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The following is the rule changes proposal that I would like to make at the next DCA Rules Congress -

DCA Parity -- Rule Change Proposal

Whereas, in the best business interests of Drum Corps Associates and all of its member corps,

1.1 Any DCA corps that has won three consecutive DCA Championships shall be declared a "DCA Grand Champion," and shall automatically be put into competitive-exhibition status for the following DCA World Championship.

1.2 Every DCA corps must allow and encourage its members to participate in I&E, and no corps is allowed to conduct an unrelated rehearsal or sectional on the I&E Performance Night.


1.2 has some merit. I do not think that having a extra few hours of rehearsal on Friday night is going to make or break a corps on Finals night. I mean if you are not "on" rolling into Finals weekend you are not going to be there in just a few hours.

As to

1.1 I cannot see that working as presently outlined. While I agree that it does get old when its not a big mystery who is going to win you cannot punish the corps that is winning. You have to find a way to beat that corps.

Perhaps with the changes in the sheets this year we might see a swing but then again The Bucs have a fantastic staff that can probably work around ANY changes in the sheets and still be a threat on Sunday night.

I was not a big fan of the Bucs in 05-08 but the last two seasons I have seen enough swing in their programming choices to make me a believer. Add to that the fact that every member of the Bucs are a class act and a pleasure to hang with puts me in the "Im a fan" column.

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Am I the only one who's wondering if perhaps our esteemed Mr. Rudnicki was pulling our legs with this? "Those people" out west HAVE been known to do that, ya know :huh:

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Am I the only one who's wondering if perhaps our esteemed Mr. Rudnicki was pulling our legs with this? "Those people" out west HAVE been known to do that, ya know :huh:

What? Are you saying that Rudnicki is attention-whoring himself?

Personally, I like seeing the Bucs dominate. DCA, after all, is a competition. In order to beat the Bucs other corps are stepping up their game. That is a win for everyone. It reminds me of a remark made by Mike Moxley during the '89 DCI broadcast: "Competition is what sparks high levels of performance."

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I dont know if this signifies a great day for Bucs (or any other dominant corps in history) or a dark day for DCA as a circuit.

Since nobody has been able to beat them, were now coming up with rule book changes so that someone can do it OFF the field? lol. Its pretty funny actually.

I am hoping on some level that this is being done just to stir some s*** up but it looks really bad from the outside. I showed some of this to a colleague of mine

(a coach at the high school where I am band director) and hes laughing hysterically.

Rather than become better designers and teachers, lets limit a corps ability to rehearse on finals weekend and make them appear at a meaningless event.

Yes, any corps should be "ready" by the time the arrive in Rochester, but the best thing any corps can do is just not change their routine at all.

As a fan, I can dig I&E but as a corps member, I had zero interest in spending the time there.

I think the bucs or any successful corps would probably take their act on the road permanently if they were told "you guys are too successful and since the rest are not willing to work as hard, we are going to take away your right to compete. Instead, you guys can pay your fees, rehearse your rears off, give up all of your weekends and spare time, try to retain the top class staff and continue recruiting great members to a non-competitive unit who is only allowed to do an exhibition".

So i disagree with both proposals. God bless DCA though. At least this can be discussed and voted on.

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sorry! double post

Edited by TastyWaves
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How about the following amendments?...

WHEREAS, if a corps wins one DCA Championship, they shall be given a stern talking to...

WHEREAS, if a corps wins two consecutive DCA Championships, they shall be given a time out to think about what they have done.

WHEREAS, if a corps doesn't get the message and wins a thrid DCA Championship in a row, they shall have to apologize and promise to never do it again. :blink:

What's the fourth time? Time Out on a chair?? Stand in the corner (of the field)? Lack of TV priviledges on the bus?

Or in Buccs case.. march ALL those #### parades in Baltimore area 4th of July AND the one at Havre de Grace on the other day....

Edited by JimF-LowBari
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Or make them stay in a hotel for DCA finals weekend.... :tongue:

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