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Can we get back to "discussions" rather than just "argumen

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Recently, I've noticed a TON of threads that just start with someone's opinion ("I didn't like Corps X's show!" "This season is over!"). Why are these now getting their own threads and burying good discussions (on corps that aren't BD and Crown, this year) on other pages. Cool, you don't like BD's show. Post about it in one of the many threads that already exist about it. It doesn't mean you get to make a new topic just so everyone can hear your opinion. We'll hear it just fine in the other topics, if the other topics are worth continuing. If the topics die out, move on! I'd love to have a discussion on small parts of shows (I love SCV's percussion, for example) but I won't start yet another thread on their percussion. But now I have to go find SCV's 2012 thread, or some guy who started a thread saying he loved their drumline.

All I'm asking is that if you have a comment or opinion or viewpoint on something that is current under discussion, add it to the thread that already exists. The mods are already doing enough to combine existing threads, but we don't need a new thread every time someone thinks Crown's hornline is good, or BD's show is boring, or Phantom needs a better drumline, or Christmas music is dull. I've been on this board (under different names) for over 5 years, and I don't remember it being this bad (I could be mistaken). We just seem really divided as fans and it's not helping a "dying" (as said in 28719230 threads that appeared over the course of 2 weeks) activity. Let's keep threads broad and open-minded so we don't have to create a whole new thread just to discuss another section/corps/concept.

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Totally agree !!!!

I love reading everyone's opinions - and alot of them are vastly different than my own - and that's part of the fun. Just state your case with some kind of explanation or reason why beyond "they suck" "no one likes them" "they're boring" - we all know that those statements aren't true as invariably someone will state the exact opposite!

That said...I love BD and Crown this year. 2 totally different shows, and I appreciate each one for what it is. Phantoms guard is awesome, Blue Knights are starting to sell me on the concept, I dig Academy, appreciate Blue Star's very difficult drill and guard book, and Vanguards show (with a cleaner guard) will be insane by DCI !!!!



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Recently, I've noticed a TON of threads that just start with someone's opinion ("I didn't like Corps X's show!" "This season is over!"). Why are these now getting their own threads and burying good discussions (on corps that aren't BD and Crown, this year) on other pages. Cool, you don't like BD's show. Post about it in one of the many threads that already exist about it. It doesn't mean you get to make a new topic just so everyone can hear your opinion. We'll hear it just fine in the other topics, if the other topics are worth continuing. If the topics die out, move on! I'd love to have a discussion on small parts of shows (I love SCV's percussion, for example) but I won't start yet another thread on their percussion. But now I have to go find SCV's 2012 thread, or some guy who started a thread saying he loved their drumline.

All I'm asking is that if you have a comment or opinion or viewpoint on something that is current under discussion, add it to the thread that already exists. The mods are already doing enough to combine existing threads, but we don't need a new thread every time someone thinks Crown's hornline is good, or BD's show is boring, or Phantom needs a better drumline, or Christmas music is dull. I've been on this board (under different names) for over 5 years, and I don't remember it being this bad (I could be mistaken). We just seem really divided as fans and it's not helping a "dying" (as said in 28719230 threads that appeared over the course of 2 weeks) activity. Let's keep threads broad and open-minded so we don't have to create a whole new thread just to discuss another section/corps/concept.

Great! A thread discussing the lack of discussion on other threads. Just what the doctor ordered!

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I'll second the motion. Though it is that time of year around here where the tension mounts

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I have a lot of experience with political forums, so what I see here is kind of mild.

The key, though, is how the mods handle this kind of stuff and whether the forum has rules for this kind of thing.

This is positively tame compared to the NCAA football forums, don't even get me started lol.:w00t:

I suppose mods could come in to cull out some of the redundant threads, but those eventually seem to sink on their own.

Fight On!

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