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Indoor Drum Corps

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I think to add to this is the fact that winter guard exists because there was nothing between marching band in the fall and drum corps in the summer. Winter percussion exists because there was nothing for marching percussion between marching band in the fall and drum corps in the summer.

Ha! We totally just said the same thing. :-)

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Don't let the naysayers discourage you. People that don't want to do it won't, that doesn't mean there isn't enough interest to get a circuit going for indoor winter corps. These events don't need to be HS band related at all. Or, if you do like WGI and have a mix of independent and school related groups, there's a huge number of schools out there. What you're doing might be perfect for some of them.

First, check out that link Stu posted to the SDCA. There's a link on their page to the shows they have had over the past three years, click the shows and it lists which groups appeared there. There's a base for you right there: there's a bunch of groups already in existence that would be interested in competing in some form of Arena corps activity.

Check out the Bugler's Hall of Fame series, http://www.buglershalloffame.com/ Its basically a series of I&E competitions that include various types of brass ensembles and mini-corps. Some of the groups that appear at these events might also be interested in competing in Arena Corps.

There are similar competitions at DCA labor day weekend: mini-corps, brass ensembles, etc. Some of the groups appear at SDCA events and Buglers Hall of Fame events, others could really use more perfermance opportunities closer to their home base.

If you're thinking about independent groups competing in Arena Corps, you might want to contact the mini-corps that compete in DCA. Find out what they'd be interested in, keep their needs in mind when planning your events. If you can design your events to attract groups that are already in existence, filling a need for performance venues, at times and places that will attract the performers needed to fill your shows, then you're already halfway there. Groups will form from scratch to compete in existing circuits, but you'd be hard pressed to get start ups to form for a circuit that doesn't have any shows or competitors yet. So, find out who's out there now, with existing organizations that can be invited to your shows. If there's a bunch of groups in the same geographic region, get each to commit to hosting a show...

Also, I've heard rumors that there's a movement afoot to create an Arena Corps circuit, based loosely on the Japanese model, still in the planning stages. Al Chez, possibly The Edge, involved in the planning. Haven't been able to find much info on this...

Finally, the SDCA is only a few years old but it really hasn't taken off. The Buglers Hall of Fame events are also struggling. If you're serious about starting an Arena Corps circuit: put some effort into finding out why what's already been attempted isn't working. Learn from their mistakes. You don't need to reinvent the wheel here. This has been tried - talk to people that have already learned hard lessons from their efforts...

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ask DCI. They are currently running an Indoor Drum Corps circuit that tours nationally. Unfortunately, some of the events are outside due to lack of venue, but they are working with what they have.

Wait, DCI is running an Indoor Drum Corps circuit? Do you have a link to information?

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Here's a huge reason I have not seen listed yet.....

size of the performance area.

you keep saying WGi thrown out there.....that floor gets filled fast. So you're limited in bodies. I mean Look at Blast to see an idea how it could be done, but then look how they staged the percussion for most of the show.

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I've heard rumors that there's a movement afoot to create an Arena Corps circuit... Al Chez, possibly The Edge, involved in the planning...

As in 'The Edge' (David Howell Evans) guitarist from the rock group U2? What is his association to drum corps?

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Thanks for your thoughts!

I suppose our restrictions are all in vain to begin with. I mean, if we are being realistic, even if we make these rules, they will probably just be amended down the road anyway. We have a pretty specific format in our head. What we dont want this to turn into, is probably exactly what another person wants it to turn into. We want this to be a unique ensemble compared to everything else out there. Perhaps an activity not tainted by electronics. Our goal is to keep this about elite musicianship. We believe that pressing buttons especially to support the ensemble, do not add up to elite musicianship.

You are correct, our vision is basically a concert band on the move... we do think that has a lot of appeal. Our reasons for doing this in the first place is that most marching bands have turned into difficult drill, with watered down music and block chords. And concert band has the opposite, hard music while sitting. Our vision is to combine the two. Even WC drum corps music is watered down to an extent. But even then, just imagine Crown's hornline marching around in a gym, with no electronics, no flag line, no drum line. Is that still not appealing?

I see what you're saying. And now that you put it that way, the more music-based side of things being emphasized definitely helps me. You're right in predicting that rules will get amended, but one way to secure your vision might be to make visuals secondary in the scoring system.

For example:

Music Effect: 30%

Music Execution: 30%

Visual Effect: 20%

Visual Execution: 20%

Doing that might pull ensembles toward more musical programs while still letting them be creative. Music would make up 60% of the score, but the visual score requires them to keep up by still producing a visual product. So if group A was really going after your vision for this activity focusing on music, and B was trying to pull off towards marching band style, you might a score like this:

(example based on a 90% score for the group's emphasis and a 70% score for the other caption)

Group A

Music: 54...

Visual: 30...

Total: 84...

Group B

Music: 42...

Visual: 36...

Total: 78...

Group B would have to adjust their approach to be competitive. Then it doesn't really matter what gets banned or allowed. If you keep a scoring system in place with your priorities in mind, those will be the priorities on the minds of directors.

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In reference to the bold: Not interested; and I venture to say that not many directors would be interested. Why? Mainly because there is educational value of having a symphonic concert season separate from a marching season. Part of the responsibility of education is to expose the students to various modes and aspects of the world of instrumental music; not just focus on 'marching'. Symphonic, Jazz, even a guitar ensemble, or an introduction to the recording studio; all of these have value apart from marching.

I think a lot of it depends on the schools activity level. Using the examples you gave me of other focuses, many schools offer those as classes, where as IME would be extracarricular. I do see your point though. I think a lot of people have a mini marching band in their heads though. What I have in my head is indoor drumline with horns. Marching band has its place for sure, and this isnt going to be "marching band". This would be a whole nother animal!

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In reference to the bold: While a percussion instructor can 'run' the winter drumline, and a guard instructor can 'run' a winter guard, in most instances within the framework of high school an official full-time school employee such as a band director, or assistant director, has to be on site during these rehearsals due to legal reasons. What you are actually saying to a director is that, "Ok; you are already there four nights a week and on Saturdays to monitor the guard and drumline, why not just add another night and Sundays to that schedule to accommodate an indoor marching band?"

This all goes back to schools already having full plates. There will most likely need to be a sacrafice to one of the 4 groups assuming they have 4. Again, I have a feeling that if a band director 5 years down the road when this is a big deal, if they had to choose, many would choose IME... thats one of those things that we wont know until it happens.

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I see what you're saying. And now that you put it that way, the more music-based side of things being emphasized definitely helps me. You're right in predicting that rules will get amended, but one way to secure your vision might be to make visuals secondary in the scoring system.

For example:

Music Effect: 30%

Music Execution: 30%

Visual Effect: 20%

Visual Execution: 20%

Doing that might pull ensembles toward more musical programs while still letting them be creative. Music would make up 60% of the score, but the visual score requires them to keep up by still producing a visual product. So if group A was really going after your vision for this activity focusing on music, and B was trying to pull off towards marching band style, you might a score like this:

(example based on a 90% score for the group's emphasis and a 70% score for the other caption)

Group A

Music: 54...

Visual: 30...

Total: 84...

Group B

Music: 42...

Visual: 36...

Total: 78...

Group B would have to adjust their approach to be competitive. Then it doesn't really matter what gets banned or allowed. If you keep a scoring system in place with your priorities in mind, those will be the priorities on the minds of directors.

This is a very helpful model!

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