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What a cool thread! Thanks to Lance for turning me on to it! It really brings back memories to hear and relive those great times and to hear about the corps before my time! SHOUT OUT to everyone who ever had fun at our pad, the K.G.B. Any of you who want to drop me a line can at visdog@aol.com!

Michael P. Grogan

FREELANCER 1982-1993 :)

Mike Grogan was my mentor of choice!!

Here's a memory from the KGB house of '88. Sparkplug getting plastered (can't remember on what) and falling asleep on MY sleeping bag. Yep, you guessed it, he pukes up a storm in his sleep on MY sleeping bag! Good stuff Sparky. So, I clean it as best I could (where's Mom when you need her?) and tried to use it for a week or so before the stench got the best of me. Tossed it somewhere. I don't remember what I used after that. I remember the next three years my bedding was a pad, thick blanket and a sheet that I just rolled up.

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the s**t truck in Madison

Oh God Yes. The #### truck. And that field-- what a great housing site, DCI!

I still hold Charlie as my favorite instructor, probably of any topic. He was so inscrutable. Some of the stuff he talked about... it wasn't until years later that I understood it. So a little late for Finals night, sure, but the important thing is it stuck with me.

I can think of a hundred great Charlie stories off the top of my head. This one particular time when we were rehearsing drill in somewhere or other (I usually don't remember locations...), and he was up in the box cleaning drill. Straightening lines, cereal-bowling arcs, etc.

"Erika," he called out to Erika Baradat (I think), trying to figure out if the form she was in was supposed to be a line or an arc, "is that a straight line?"

"No!" she shouted back dutifully. "It's a diagonal!"

He rolled his eyes so much at that I thought he was going to fall off the scaffolding.

Or one of my most humbling moments in my rookie year (and I had plenty, believe me...): in Edmonds, Washington, when I couldn't seem to keep my horn pointed towards the box during a move in the opener. He kept telling me, I kept promising to do it, and I kept screwing it up. So he had me run up front and carry a trash can full of rainwater (I had help from... was it 1989 drum major Bill or Lane Lee...?) up to the top of the bleachers, under the box, so I'd have something to aim at. I got it right after that.

Grogan gave me my second-most humbling moment of my rookie year, at one of our last rehearsals before Nationals. Seems I couldn't hit my spot on the 50 during one of the last moves of the closer, and we had to keep doing it again and again and again and again, and my painted dot kept getting bigger and bigger: first a dot, then bigger dot, then a circled bigger dot, then a doubly circled dot... eventually the outer perimeter of the circles and crosshairs surrounding the original dot reached halfway to the 45s.

Anyway. How did I get off onto that?

Edited by MikeBob
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Do you remember the "Somebody #### in the fountain" talk? "Somebody #### in the fountain, and now we can't have camps here anymore." It was in either '91 or '92, IIRC, and still hilarious.

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The Charlie story of legends: Jennifer Krupp and the banana.


Oh, and also-- please tell this story. I knew it, once, but I can't remember it now for the life of me.

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hey guys, food for thought -

A few years back, Star had a reunion corps where they met for a weekend, played a few old tunes, did a parade, and basically drank themselves into a stupir.

Why can't we do that?

I'm game! ^0^

I still know the lead sop parts for 91--even the solos and a couple of other shows.

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Oh God Yes. The #### truck. And that field-- what a great housing site, DCI!

"Erika," he called out to Erika Baradat (I think), trying to figure out if the form she was in was supposed to be a line or an arc, "is that a straight line?"

"No!" she shouted back dutifully. "It's a diagonal!"

He rolled his eyes so much at that I thought he was going to fall off the scaffolding.

Hey Bob!

Yeah that was Erika Baradat--though she is married now--last name is Tindle (spelling doesn't count).

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hey guys, food for thought -

A few years back, Star had a reunion corps where they met for a weekend, played a few old tunes, did a parade, and basically drank themselves into a stupir.

Why can't we do that?

Oh wait! Where's the guy who played the What is Hip mello solo? We would definately need him to play that!

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