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DCI vs. WGI Drum Lines

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I've noticed that the WGI drum lines are putting out great performances the last few years. Infact I have also noticed alot of WGI lines have had a strong enfluence on DCI lines.

I do know that alot dudes and dudettes play who perform in WGI also play in DCI lines.

My question is who do you think has the better quality product?


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DCI lines are better in my opinion just because of the fact that they have so much more time to rehearse and clean. However, from what I've been told, WGI lines play at much faster tempos simply because they don't have a hornline or guard that needs to keep up.

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Interesting topic. Not sure, but I heard a couple WGI lines that were pretty sweet-sounding, so I wonder if the gap is closing. An instructor friend told me that compared to when we marched in the early 80s, the members now are good year-round and more focused on music as a career.

By the way, Mom, is that an "SCV Borg" in your avatar? Your avatars are always entertaining!


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I actually asked this question this summer, in regards to winter guards/drum corps guards as well. I suppose someone involved in both would be better suited to answer.

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hmmm, i can't say one is better than the other, really it depends on the line, but as WGI (percussion) is souly based around percussion, the music that can be found in the indoor world can be much harder than the outdoor world....but isnt there a percussion area this should be in.....

Edited by Euph_Dolphin
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Jeff, Not sure what you really mean when comparing fruit so to speak.

I have not had a chance to see any of the top WGI lines live, only on video in the lot and on the floor.

I marched with a guy who's only experience was in a Winter line. He was blown away how much harder it was to run around on the field because of the distance between dots.

I like the fact that WGI seams to push the limits beyond the norm I'm used to watching from DCI lines.

BD was doing some odd dancing around while throwing down some crazy licks. I don't think they would have thought about doing something like that if they didn't already have alot of guys who marched together in Riverside Community College together.

Bucs seamed to have that kind of movement as well during their feature. Nice tenor feature with the split parts.

Cadets battery drill was totally wacked (in a good way) near the end of their show. I think that might have had some influence from WGI.


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Having done both PIW and div 1, I think that DCI lines are a lot cleaner, due to the amount of time they can put in, and how much time the staff has to refine parts over a whole summer. In indoor, nothing is really as clean as it would be outside, but since everyone has the same handicap, it is let go by the judges. There is more of an emphasis on design and difficulty. Lines can get away with putting a lot more notes with a lot faster and crazier drill. It is pretty much expected. Look at a line like Northcoast Academy. 3 years in a row and they pretty much have not really even had a concept. Their concept has pretty much just been marching fast and crazy, and playing fast and crazy. And they won PIO, got 7th in PIW and then 5th in PIW. I think that indoor being only percussion, the judges expect a line to attmpt more things. There is no hiding behind "blending with the horns" or any of the other complications that come with DCI. In addtion, it is a reletvly new activity, aving just got really popular in the last 8-10 years. There is no baggage or status quo of the past like in DCI. There is really no institutional way of thinking or arranging like in drum corps. No one really cares when an indoor line uses electronics or even a guitar or bass. There are no vets from the 70s to make a big deal about it. So as a staff, there are a lot more options and ways to get things across. There does'nt have to even be a ballad. A line can go all out with props and story, like East Side Fury, or just relying on the drumming and marching like NCA. In addtion, lines can get away with a bit more technique discrpecies. The judges, many of whom teach DCI lines or judge DCI, know that these guys only get togther for a few days a week. They come from many differnent schools of thought, and there really isnt that much time in a season to make everyone look exactly the same. As long as there are not huge differenance, and the notes are there and together, the most minute of things can slide, where they really can't in corps.

However, in indoor, there is a lot more reliance on each individual. When I marched, we had to do individual runs of the show in front of the entire rest of the line. Just you, your instrument, and the floor. All 8 minutes of music and drill all by yourself. I don't see that as really possible in corps. And since the audiece is so close in indoor, your personal performance level for each person can really make or break a score.

Personally, I enjoyed drum corps more, but at the same time, not really. Drum corps, to me, is life changing. Spending so much time with the same people for months on end really changes you inside. And to be honest, each summer I have marched, I would estimate that I could have said "I am having a good time. This is fun." maybe 25% of the summer. But at the end, it's worth it. In indoor, it is all fun and games. A line can be relaxed and laid back and still win. You can have a real life, make money, sleep in your own bed, and not have to leave your girlfriend in another state. In indoor, i can say that I am having a "good time" probably close to 85-90% of the time. But it's not really life chaging. When the season is over, it didnt really effect me on the same level or at the same intensity as drum corps. Maybe it's because you don't have to go through all the hardship of corps. Maybe it's because you don't spend 3 months of your life living with the same guys. But WGI to me, while at the time, is a blast, it's only a fun side activity. DCI, while I am doing it, it sucks. But it will stay with me forever.

Edited by G-Cym
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