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The real reasons DCI will never be on a major channel

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When I say broadcast for all you young whipper-snappers I mean CBS-ABC and NBC. Or even on Saturday/Sunday prime time for sports 1pm to 6pm.

The reason is simply time. Each show is 10 1/2 minutes. Shows are made to flow. It's hard to cut to a commercial in the middle of the show. Take Cheerleading which was just on NBC at 2pm, which gives it lots of exposure. The performance last 5 minutes. (it seems like 30 but thats just me). You get more bang for your buck. You can show 4 groups in a half hour and still have time for commercials and interviews.

The history, Look at the last broadcast. It showed 15 minutes of performance and the rest of "this is what drum corps is about". Have they ever explained in detail cheerleading, pintball even paper-rock-sisscors. No, they show the performance with about 5 minutes of explaination. Until the activity can show they get higher then 0.9 share we're stuck with the lousy hours of broadcast. Also the commercials had such a narrow focus it's a hard sell to people looking to make money. I'm sure DCI has data showing that the average drum corps amkes x amount of dollars and drives a certain type of car and used more of this then most people. Thats how you sell GM, Proctor and Gamble, Apple, etc. Your not going to make money with Ludwig and Kanstal ads.

How to counter act this negetives. Go the Soccer route when it comes to ads. Have them displayed on the bottom of the screen. This may be iratating but it increases revenue and lets the broadcasters make the money they need too.

Let someone outside of the activity produce the show. It gives the show fresh eyes and new ideas. Plus you won't have that really bad production of the ESPN show.

With 100's of channels I don't even see why there aren't more regional broadcast, in the Philadelphia area we have CN8 which is the comcast channel, I can definitly see a large D2/3 show or the Allentown show in these types of channels. Wouldn;t this give the corps more money in the long term?

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My God, we just got on ESPN 2, do we really need to resurect this discussion all over again. When will you people ever be happy?!?!?!?!


Someone please explain to me why network television is needed?

It's needed?


People still watch Network TV??

Oh dear


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My God, we just got on ESPN 2, do we really need to resurect this discussion all over again. When will you people ever be happy?!?!?!?!


Someone please explain to me why network television is needed?

So fans can watch it in case they can't travel..stupid

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So fans can watch it in case they can't travel..stupid

Is stupid the best you can do?

What does traveling have to do with getting ESPN2? Although it is cable, it is pretty widely distributed. I can't travel to most finals but I still manage to see it on TV every year. Weak argument stupid...

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Traveling has nothing to do with it. He can't find a reason to justify the post to begin with. As was stated earlier, who watches network TV? Not the majority. Let's be happy with ESPN2 for now.

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So fans can watch it in case they can't travel..stupid

There are very few hotels that don't carry ESPN2...

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