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Smoking? What about drinking?

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The drinking age in WI back in the day was 18 yrs. old.

~God Bless America!~

edit my post to add.......

We were being groomed to be gentlemen, we were allowed to drink, but understood who we were and understood our legacy.

We too had the rule of no smoking with our corp jacket on.

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Man, we never had a problem with drinking and embarrassing the corps. On free days in Canada, those 19 and older were going to the bars and clubs for a few drinks but we never had anyone get out of hand. We knew what was expected of us and how to represent our corps.

BTW-smoking was permitted, as along as yu were not in uniform or wearing your corps jacket.

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G-Cym, don't know if you were replying to my post, but I specifically stated that I would NOT sign such a contract if I were a legal-age member. Also, nothing that I talked about doing was illegal.

I also said that "back in the day" we policed our own. If a member had more than he could handle and got out of hand, there were plenty of other members there to put them back in line. Remember, drum corps is not only about becoming a better marching musician, it's about becoming a better PERSON. Part of that learning process is making mistakes and learning from them. I know that SOME people learned that it is not fun to go through a full day rehearsal with a hangover :)

Anyway, this is getting long and somewhat off track. Again I reiterate that if a member signs a contract saying that he won't partake, then he should not partake, regardless of age.

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Same with us, even back in the 80's, we could not smoke (or eat for that matter) in uniform.

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I don't remember any policy in place, the only rules were that you had to be legal to drink, no beer on the bus, and you couldn't smoke in uniform. The bus rule was always a bit overlooked but nothing ever got out of hand.

As an aside, I was always suprised at how many brass players smoked. It just seemed kind of counter-productive to me...

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Some do indeed have alcohol and drug policies.

then again, some are allowed to drink on free days... (if they're legal of course).

And some are not.

At the end of my age-out year, about half of our age-outs (I was not among them) went out to a bar for a drink late in the evening after quarterfinals. Our director realized that they were gone, got infuriated, and went into the gym, picked up all of their stuff and threw it outside. He was also contemplating not letting them go to the ageout ceremony and making them find their own way home on top of that, but he finally relented on those.

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G-Cym, don't know if you were replying to my post, but I specifically stated that I would NOT sign such a contract if I were a legal-age member. Also, nothing that I talked about doing was illegal.

Not that I really care either way, but if signing that contract (or not signing it) meant you either marched or did not march, as in it is not an option...you either sign or do not march with that corps...would you reconsider?? Just curious.

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Not that I really care either way, but if signing that contract (or not signing it) meant you either marched or did not march, as in it is not an option...you either sign or do not march with that corps...would you reconsider?? Just curious.

As far as I know, it always means that. You cannot march a drum corps without signing their contract. At least that is how it has been for all 3 that I have been in and the ones my friends have marched. And yes, all of them had policies against using drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

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Not that I really care either way, but if signing that contract (or not signing it) meant you either marched or did not march, as in it is not an option...you either sign or do not march with that corps...would you reconsider?? Just curious.

Truthfully? I would have a serious problem marching with the corps if they did not trust me to behave like an adult. If I am 21 and in a corps, I (most likely) have either spent several years with that corps, thus proving my maturity, etc or I am a "rook out" with a bigger, top 12 caliber corps. In the latter case, I would imagine that I would not be the only age out in the group. Ergo, I would have a problem with the corps' policy, and I may have chosen not to march with that corps. Keep in mind, I marched juniors a couple decades ago, and I realize that times have changed. Ask me back then, my answer could be (probably would be) different.

Now if it is a matter of a 21 year old providing alcohol for under-aged members (happened quite a bit back then, ####, sometimes staff would provide...) that is a different story, as it is illegal.

Now for a complete twist... do these contracts also specifically prohibit sexual conduct between members? Is this enforced?

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