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The 2006 Madison Scouts New Ending ..YAWN

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YES, I am singling out one show!! This show will be the last for many of these members and it isn't right! Every member, every year should get the very BEST EFFORTS from that years staff, NO EXCEPTIONS!

And as I just stated, in my opinion, they ARE getting the best efforts of the staff!! You think a drumline that's sitting anywhere between 3rd and 5th or better any given night happened by chance?!?! Just because it's not something that YOU like, doesn't give you the right to imply that they aren't getting the "best efforts" of the staff. If any of the staff members are sub-par, then that's another issue altogether...but having been on the transportation staff last year, I take high offense to you implying than ANY of these guys on staff...some of which are friends...AREN'T giving the members 100%. Ya know, we considered Jeff Moore a brother even though he didn't march. And I consider all of these staff members to be "brothers" as well. So now you're teetering on libeling your brothers. Let them do their job...if the board wasn't happy about it, then they'd make a change. You're definately in the minority here my friend...

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Just got off the phone with a really good friend of mine who is on staff with Madison. I can guarantee that the staff is putting out their best efforts. I know him and know that he wouldn't be around if he didn't believe in the people he was working with. That being said, yes, the show is different than what they were putting on the field a decade or two ago, but that is the idea. They are really trying to put together a show that is of championship quality while still trying to maintain the qualities that make Madison "Madison." The show will still undergo many changes before Finals week, so don't worry if you aren't digging it right now. The Scouts will be fine come Madison; I have no doubt about that.

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Edited by madalumni
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saw them last night, second time for the season. and the show is really growing on me. visually it's dirty, but musically it's coming along. is it a screaming sops, rip your faces off show? no but it still maintains some of those old scouts elements while morphing into a more technically sound show like DCI has morphed into over the years as well.

the scouts have always been one of my favorite corps, they were the ones that turned me onto DCI to begin with and i can assure you that the "sky is not falling" in madison and regardless of your opinion of this year's show on July 8, 2006. but come august in madison when they shock and awe you- you too will be on your feet. :)

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This is the first time I have ever chimed in to a DCP forum but after reading prodigital's rant I had to say something. First of all I too am an

alumni of the Scouts having marched in the drum line in 1975 and 1976. As most old drum corps fans know the Scouts staff in 1976 made some of

the worst decisions in Madison drum corps (if not all of drum corps) history. I do not believe there was one man in the Scouts who thought "the design

team should be fired for killing the Madison Scouts"!! The staff and design team are Madison Scouts as much as the marching members, its one big

team working for the same goal to be the best corps and best people and group of brothers they can be. In '76 we pulled together as a team (staff and members) and worked harder IMHO than any drum corps of the day and almost pulled another win out of it. The Blue Devils were just better.

I saw the Scouts last week in Madison and I thought their show was O.K. but could be better.

I also think todays drum corps in general is O.K. and could be better.

Most importantly on this subject I think Sal (the man who brought the Scouts guard into the modern era 30 years ago) and his design team

and staff are doing everything in their power to bring the Scouts back to the top.

As a side note I hope to see all the "old school" drum corps fans in the stands to check out the Scouts Alumni Corps on Aug. 9th & 11th in Madison.

After 30 years I'll be strapping on the bass drum again.

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Much like the previous poster I very rarely feel a need to post anything on DCP, but lately the talk of the Scouts has really bothered me. The Madison Scouts are still very much so concentrated on trying to get everyone in the stands off their feet. However, in todays current corps climate, playing "park and bark" all latin shows will not allow a corps to be successful (anymore), and most certainly will not allow for any progression in the activity. Its so funny everyone rips on the Scouts when they play Malaga, but then when they try something new, something that shows musicality, style, and still has the potential to melt your face at times (Once they get the endurance to march and play their book at 100%) they still get ripped on for "loosing their identity." Maybe I'm being overly sensitive about it, it just doesn't seem like people are giving these guys a fair shake.

To people talking about the staff and whether or not they should be there because they aren't alumni... Maybe this is a change for some of you alumni, but as far as I, and most of the current Brothers ...the staff whether they marched with Madison or some other corps (or just Blast- in one case I know of) are our brothers. So please lets "lift our brothers up" its ok to not be happy with whats going on, but lets at least show some respect for the corps, if nothing else. AKA Be a gentleman in public...IE on DCP don't put down/talk bad about YOUR corps.

Maybe this was developed after some of your time, however, it is something that most members buy into (myself included)

"THE MADISON PHILOSOPHY" (Old School/New School/Doesn't matter) -Supposedly- (Not part of the quote just commentary from me)

The essence of the Madison philosophy is nothing radically new or different. It is simply belief in and observance of guidelines that benefit the entire global community. The more individuals that commit to these unselfish ideals, the healthier the environment is for everyone involved. The elements of this philosophy are:

1. Always strive for improvement and honestly push yourself to do your best in everything you do.

2. Treat others in a kind and caring way. "Do unto others..." (the Golden Rule)

3. Share the talents you have been given unselfishly with others.

4. Approach every situation with a positive attitude.

5. Always do the right thing in every situation - even if it isn’t the easiest way to do it.

6. Don't waste energy on situations beyond your control, but don't use this as a cop-out for situations that you could positively affect with effort.

7. Actions speak louder than words. Don't be hypocritical.

So lets be the best BROTHERS we can be, because these guys are your brothers...like them or not.

I think using the line 'Don't let them walk alone.' Would be too cheesy, but I think you get the idea.

-sorry for the long post-

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