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Everything posted by Cainan

  1. Troop less than a point from a semis spot. WHOOP!!
  2. I just had to go back and watch the video again.... Just for Clowns.
  3. Every time I hear Send In The Clowns, after wiping away the tears (glad to know I aint the only one...) I think that Gail must be one really proud angel, and I KNOW he is an angel because he was one when he graced us here on Earth! Win lose or draw, Santa Clara has ALWAYS been and will always BE, the definition of class. Touring with them during my years in Freelancers, they always showed us the utmost of respect and that respect was returned. Here's to another 40 years of CLASS! BTW, my youngest daughter, who was born on the day of Mr Royer's passing, her middle name is Gail.
  4. It's Dons not Dawns. And you forgot about a little old corps from Anaheim called the KINGSMEN!!
  5. Sorry guys... Work commitments. I hate it when real life gets in the way of my hobbies. Anyways, the polls are up.
  6. I cant think of a witty caption but man, that photo is SICK! If I was one of those guys in that shot I would have it blown up to poster size and build an altar to worship myself!
  7. "Bitter, party of one??!! Your table is ready!"
  8. I think that there is a lesson to be learned here: Be careful what you say and do in public when representing your corps, be it in uniform or not, because you never know who is watching and listening! Like it or not, your actions and words DO represent your entire corps and all the alumni that came before you. I think that the OP was perhaps a bit off base taking this straight to a public forum such as this but I do understand where he is coming from. I am sure that he has no conflict of interest here and I do believe that his intentions were good. I would like to believe that NO "old school" fan and alumni would INTENTIONALLY do anything to hurt a corps or the activity.
  9. By my reckoning I joined about a week after Stef. I became part of the moderating team about 6 months after that starting up the International Corps Forum at the request of George. Then for all my sins at the request of MikeN, and BTW I have never forgiven him for this, I took on the behemoth task of beingthe Community Administrator at Percussion Planet. Kinda funny considering that I am a horn player and couldnt really tell you the difference between a paradiddle and a flamadiddle (if there is such a thing). But I tried and then and only then did I get a real respect for what Mike (and now Rich) must have had on their hands being the Community Admin at a monster site like DCP! So my hats off to everyone who has ever posted on this site as it is the sites MEMBERS that have made it what it is today. You guys were the horse and DCP was the water you were being led to!
  10. This has nothing to do with DCI discussion. Closed.
  11. It's not dumb, It is called TRADITION and RESPECT!!
  12. How do you feel about breaking ranks? In my day if you had to ask the question, we'd ask you how you felt about broken ribs!!
  13. I have received the reports on this thread and I am gonna let it live. I think the OP is way off base on his assertation that alumni are the problem here, and the other thread posters are doing much more FOR this thread than closing it would ever accomplish.
  14. Those would be the rankings as the voters had them.
  15. I would seriously welcome 30 in each division but as it stands I couldnt even get 10 to send in ballots this week. I have over 30 in each division that have swore up and down that they will faithfully send in their ballots each week. Wanna know what I received this week? Div1 - 19 Div2 - 10 DCA - 7 Believe me, I want this poll to be statistically significant but what am I to do? I cant chase each and every person down who said they would vote and force a ballot out of them. So in the mean time I am afraid this is the best we got.
  16. And seeing how this has nothing at all to do with DCI Division 1 Discussions... Topic closed.
  17. Let me introduce you to the Community Guidelines. Clearly you must not be too familiar with them. Pm me if I can be of any assistance!
  18. Exactly what is the point of this thread? This is the forum for discussing Division I DCI Corps, not cryptic shadowboxing... Closed.
  19. You took the words from right under my fingertips (play on "you took the words right out of my mouth) Closed.
  20. Spirit from JSU 68 Blue Stars 62 Crossmen 16 Mandarins 15 Troopers 8 Southwind 6 Pacific Crest 4 Cascades 4 Madison Scouts 2
  21. Bear with me and I will try to get that done. SOme of those results might shock you....
  22. That WOULD have skewered things upa bit. That said, we have a week to se if Bluecoats are for real (ie they KEEP ON beating the likes of Devs and Cavies) and then I have no doubt they will make for a serious try at the top spot.
  23. There was a request for people to sign up to be a pollster for the Power Poll at the top of all the 3 major forums at DCP and they were pinned there for at least a week.
  24. I didn't see your name down on my list of pollsters. Care to participate? To add something useful? I thought not.
  25. Good numbers in voting this week meant for some interesting reading. The Cadets and Devs came out on top tied with 236 points, with The Cadets just edging out the Blue Crew for top honors by virtue of First Place Votes (they do count for something. Cavies and Phantom battling it out for 3rd and 4th with Bluecoats chugging along in 5th, but how long wil that last after Blooooooooooooo's sensational win at Centerville? Our pollsters are also saying welcome back to the Colts and a plain ol' WELCOME to The Academy. Are these guys for real? Apparently our pollsters think so as they were ranked a Finalist on all but 3 ballots. They'd better watch out though as Spirit from JSU and Blue Stars are breathing down their necks! Discuss...
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