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Everything posted by sonofjabba

  1. sonofjabba


    NEVER USE ACID On Silver Horns...... Send it out to be ultrasonically cleaned.. It might.. Might Bring it back.. If you are lucky, it should be alright. Some Acids made for laquered horns can attack silver on a microsopic level. Repair shops use specially made solvents, and acid free cleaners to clean plated horns.. Once you get it back Polish it yourself, I use Weiman's Silver Polish. You don't have to clean it off after applying. However. I wipe my Contra off with a soapy rag and dry it. Then use a couple coats of Car Wax on it. It will keep it bright for a much longer time, and it won't harm the metal.
  2. On my two Valve Ultratone II I use a Olds 7C Great Mouthpiece for it, and pretty reasonable. The larger mouthpiece's don't sound good. 10 1/2 sounded terrible on it, the 3C isn't good either. I the olds 7C matched it really well. Weird considering I don't like it on my Olds Ambassador Trumpet.. But the Ultratone II Two Valve soprano was designed more like the later SuperStar Trumpets Olds made, with a larger bore and bell. I don't have a V/R Soprano to compare,
  3. My Friend needs a Kanstul 3 Valve Baritone Bugle. Must Be a Kanstul. Anyone looking to part with one, or two.. I've been considering buying one for myself.
  4. I got a Ziggy horn, no need for a deg here.. I do Have a friend looking for a Kanstul G Baritone if you have one..
  5. I just got a set of DVD's of the Philippine Drum Corps Finals. Looks like the old Legacy Video's with only one exception. They have a pit! A lot of those corps still using Valve/Rotor Bugles. They are only allowed to use G horns over there still.
  6. Any Notice Reilly's Pit! We had Bells, Xylo, and Marimba. Marimba is the real deal with Brazillian Rosewood bars.
  7. I'm tempted to offer you my DCI '99 Madison Patch. I'll look into a price, or you make me an offer.. Thanks Pat
  8. LOL!! From the product type-up it was intended to be put on the floor with the performer on a riser, or on the riser teer below/Infront of the performer. You get the idea... I could have used one at the Reading Show last night...
  9. Manhasset Makes the non-folding Stage stands in an extra long tall one for using with risers. Extends 60 Inches tall lip to Floor. wwbw.com has them for 35 bucks + Shipping.
  10. Reilly Raiders are doing 2 this year May 27th Penndel - Hulmeville, Pa Memorial Day Parade May 30th Washington, DC National Memorial Day Parade
  11. Try the brass shop Jay.. I think he still has some Dynasty mellophones.
  12. I used to have a Yamaha Student Trumpet some years back. It was pretty decent for a student horn. Still couldn't hold a candle to my Olds Ambassador, But it was a little too edgy, and made my tone a little too thin.
  13. Some dents in the bow! Looks like you were using it as a hammer. Literally put a big dent in its value. It would have been well worth while to have had it fixed and cleaned before listing. At most 80 bucks worth of work, the dents and a chem clean. would have added a good 250 dollars back onto its price tag.. Shame I'm looking at two sousaphones for myself, or I'd consider it for myself.
  14. Thats a WICKED Sweet Price! If you don't snap that up! Slap Yourself! w/Stp:
  15. Like I said Garbage! My repair guys say the same thing! Better off buying the real deal a King, Olds, Bach Mercedes, Yamaha, Dynasty's even a Blessing or Jupiter. Or a used horn and Getting it Overhauled to use for a couple bucks more.. At least you can have any repair shop in the world Repair those. BTW The new generation of Jupiter Horns isn't half bad. On par with Dynasty, for less money. The guys who do my repair work speak highly of the Jupiter brass, they've come a long way. I tried a new Jupiter Sousaphone (Fiberglass) Last year, No worst then my the Bach 1529 Fiberglass Sousaphone I had. That pretty Chrome plating on those Indo/Chinese horns hides a lot of problems. They are too tempting.. www.thebandroom.biz They have a good Brass buyers guide on eBay. One of the best stops on eBay for musical stuff, and repair work. Located in Chattanooga. I won't let anyone else touch my horn, and I ship all my stuff to them. Tell them Pat Hollins Sent you!
  16. Try the Brass Shop They got all of Jersey Surfs G Bugles. They were in great shape
  17. ::Garbage:: Plain and Simple.. Looks more like the Yamaha than the King.. And the pinky ring is like the older Kanstuls.
  18. There is a BBb Convertable Kanstul on ebay. Looks like new! If your looking for G Contra's Good luck.. Not many out for sale right now..
  19. I had a Bestler Chinese Baritone. It's like the BandNow Horns Woodwind Brasswind sells. It didn't really play in tune all that well, and it scared the #### out of me if something broke on it. I Sold it and bought my Olds Studio Baritone. Best Bari Ever
  20. True But I noticed a variety of tuba's BBb, Eb, C's are hard to pick out from Bb tubing is really similar. Piston, & Rotory horns in there too. Some looked like they sat at the bottom of the Ocean. I most likely won't see my tuba for a while. Since its being overhauled. :( I have my Olds Studio Baritone to keep me happy for now! Best Baritone Ever!
  21. Raw Material Costs have gone up Almost Double.. Aluminum, Copper, Tin, Brass, Silver.. All at record levels.. Yamaha Makes a great horn, as does Ziggy. But you have to be really anal about maintenance or you'll get let down. The Bach's and Kings aren't so picky, hock a luggy on the valve and keep on playing. Kanstuls and Yamahas don't work well with spit lube.
  22. I know a Corps With 2-3 Valve Contra's in Manila!! I kind of shipped them there.. I also know those kids can blow down the house!
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