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Everything posted by BigW

  1. A corps shuts down mid season. That alone in and of itself calls things into question. Don't be so defensive nor as naive as you appear to be, "Mr. see you". Something is seriously wrong with management when a corps can't make it though a tour. I guess you're the 'see no evil' monkey of the trio when a group can't evidently keep membership nor their commitments, nor run things in a fiscally responsible way to competently finish out a season. Help them out? How? Would I trust a corps that evidently can't manage their season competently with any donation? Absolutely NOT. As for clearing up issues, the corps management of both those corps needs to clear up THEIR acts. I don't care WHAT the cause, it's morally and ethically questionable when corps management can't get things done right enough to manage a tour properly and honor their commitment to their members- no excuses are acceptable. Don't you even dare to try and pin me with owning the problem and divert blame from those who richly deserve it. I'm not the one who took kids money and then failed to honor my side of the contract. I don't care WHAT the feeble excuse is or the lame reason. It happened with these corps, and that is more than enough to point a finger. So, what fingers in what pie and vested interest do YOU have in this? Do YOU plan on setting up something similar, or are/were you in on it?
  2. Whinging is a British English term I used I felt in an approprate way. "intr.v. whinged, whing·ing, whing·es Chiefly British To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner" I have heard the complaints that no one goes South before on DCP, and it does smack of whinging. Just my honest take on it. Again, the different situation calls for different solutions to the problem. If the Douglasville show made money or broke even, that's important. The question then becomes- can the show hosts increase the profit and grow the show by some means? Hopefully, the answer is yes. The point that everyone around Empire dried up and left them hanging, I find to be a bit ironic. Maybe the lesson is that corps need to try and cultivate survival with their neighboring corps for that very fact alone.
  3. Hay-hay! As a native Pittsburger myself, don't equate Cinncinati with Cleveland! It can't be THAT bad!
  4. Hold on thaaaar, Baba Looey! The Kilts appear to be stable and fiscally responsible. They do what they do in DCA and are liked. Placements, not the best, but they do seem to have a stable structure that keeps them afloat. There's also not the stew of drama, inept management and lack of stable financing that seems to be the issues with VK and the Racine Scouts. So, pulling them into that categlory might be more a tad unfair, huh? I'm saying that just as an observer- I have no fingers in the Kiltie's apple pie/vested interest, man.
  5. Hmm. Someone made a comment about smaller corps having a limited ability to "wow a crowd"? Seen Fusion Core this year? Seen Carolina Gold? There was sufficient wow there out of those two corps. They do a great job. There were some new people who went to Big Sounds and seemed pretty "wowed" by the show. They talked to me afterwards. I told them I was sure DCA thanked them for coming. Only three open corps were there. There's more to the equation. I can remember certain corps being "univited" from Hurcs shows in the past by the Hurcs themselves. I find this rather ironic that it's come to this now.
  6. Why should a NE corps have to come down or west to a contest when there are already well attended and established shows in place for them to attend? The network is there. DCA units in the South and Midwest are at a disadvantage, but if they wish to overcome it, they must establish their own infrastructure to deal with it instead of whinging. MBI and the Govies have proven that it can be dealt with. I don't hear them complaining. BOTH defending DCA champions are from outside the NE/traditional all-age historical region. The solution? Maybe one solution is to have more corps in those regions so there are closer shows to attend or shows that at least have more corps in them. There are obviously problems. Evidently, WGI has a higher priority in some areas for membership. It knocked Alliance out of the picture. That's one issue we don't seem to have up this way. Problems will have to be addressed, solved, and dealt with by the people in that region. Making Reading/Cabs/Fusion/younameit to come to Atlanta for a show won't solve one blessed thing. Does anyone think that a DCA South show's attendace would increase noticeably with them there? Would locals care? Maybe it's callous- but the Midwest has seemed to have solved the major issues and have some success. The South needs to do the same if they want to be a viable factor in the mix. Whinging won't solve things. Positive action will.
  7. Attendance at Reading as quite good. The parking lot filled, people including myself had to park in spaces we could scrounge in the adjoining resedential neighboorhoods. Scranton and Downingtown were also well attended. I have no idea why or why not some of the venues outside PA aren't drawing. And it's not just old fogies at the shows down here. Maybe part of it is that Downingtown and Reading also have a HS Band co-sponsoring, which helps to draw some younger people and their parents. The Reading Alumni, some older, etc. also come out in force in PA as do many of the corps members' family and friends. Another thing I've thought about regarding Big Sounds is that it's given several Class A corps over the past few years a really good venue and a really large and appreciative crowd for them to perform in front of. I would think for Shenendoah Sound, Carolina Gold, and White Sabres, the fact the Bucs bring them to their shows is MUCH appreciated and that those two contests are the big ones for their seasons short of Championships because of the crowds. In that way, it's been a GREAT contest for groups that usually get shoved in the back of the train as it were. By all accounts Barnum and Lynn have good turnouts. the Cabs shows I would think are well attaneded I would think it's up to the show promoters to provide a good venue, etc. Maybe alumni from some of the corps in those areas where attendance is down aren't coming out in force nor are the families of corps members. I don't know the answer. All i can tell you is that it's not all doom and gloom in DCA regarding attendance at shows, and I frankly try hard to make sure people are VERY aware that things aren't bad all over.
  8. I would agree. It would take a real tangle to end up with a tie at the same contest.
  9. Ooo! Ooo! I know whats wrong! Three of them aren't wearing approved Low brass player beards! Whats up with that!? Man I grew mine when I was 18 and excpet for about 3 months since have kept it for the last 31 years. Young men, get that facial hair growing!
  10. How much would tuning make a difference with the distance? I know Rennick has publicly discusssed people tending to tune for close up rather than farther out because of where they teach and maybe also to try and up the field percussion judge's number? And as for the prelims scenario, one set of numbers, BUT you're also deciding finalists for TWO contests.... AND DCA membership to boot. The last is the distant third priority IMHO but to some of these corps I'd think that would be pretty significant- esp. Govies, Carolina Gold et al. Thinking about this year, the DCA membership issue's really not been a help for C2- hasn't hurt them badly, but I think- when they're going in at finals with comparable groups around them, it could help IF they get clean. Rank em, rate em in caption, let it all fall out where it should. In some ways, more weight on the prelims panel this year by far over the finals people. If the Finals people disagree with some of the slots or if someone gets wild or blows it.. fix that, but if the positions are close enough, not tough to adjust things if necessary if the Prelims people do their jobs. All I'll say is that it was fun in '92 and that eight tenths of a point to put 12 groups into wasn't amusing. Definite Dolly Parton situation.... The newer way to weight things by using a 20 point caption and multiply by whatever- MUCH better, MUCH better for EVERYONE!
  11. It was a ###### good show, Jeff. I think we were both in agreement on that with our reviews. It was fun for me to get close for one show, it's fun to see the Class A's down low and get a better look and listen to the individuals in action for them. My guess is I'll be at worst down 5 rows at worst, maybe offset by a seat or two or an aisle from you for Prelims. I think it'll be one helluva shootout now. Looks like Bush might put up a real fight, we have the Renegades wild card to be played, and the tie at the top of A as well as the fight for what appears to be the 4th spot there. Will be one heck of a show to judge, they'll earn their pay for it.
  12. My guess is they pay x to cover their seat on the bus down to Annapolis. Some corps add on fees here and there to the base dues payment. Depends on the corps, etc.
  13. You are not the only one. Being called a "worthless sack of SXXX" during a rehearsal run through over the stadium's PA system by the visual caption head in top rant like I was when I was 17 or 18 would have definitely made an episode, I'm sure. I don't think I would have stayed 6 seasons had my first year or two been reality-ized.
  14. And that's worthy of a serious and thoughtful debate. Most of those who saw that performance are dealing with decompressing from the season and starting college or trying to get a job. Maybe they just haven't had time to say anything. I don't think anyone can fault DB and Empire for trying to expose people to the activity. Not at all. They have worked very hard at this for decades. It's just the pragmatist in me and more than a few of us out there that while we respect the hard work and the serious and sincere attempts, it just seems to get nowhere for all of the serious efforts and energies expended. At my age and in the place I work, I have learned to conserve my mental and physical energy for the most important things. Everything else just brings you down and knocks you out. There's only so much butter to spread on the bun. The one area I think that it IS positive is that I would believe the Rochester area understands they have an exciting and successful organization that represents their city in a positive way, and that it tries very hard to be involved in the regional community. If they do not understand this, it's not been for a lack of effort on DB and the Statesmen's part, for certain.
  15. As I said in my Scranton review, Empire fights. Hard. Very hard. Well said, Donny.
  16. And now, time for the: awards for this show. I try not to repeat the award. I think the only exception has been C2's Bass Drum Line. Some other section that's hiding in that corps will have to step up and make me notice how good they are. Remember, this is like the All-Madden team. People who might not be readiy noticed by the casual fan, people who make their corps a LOT better by doing role in the corps at an exceptional level without getting as much attention as other parts of the corps might. People I would love to march with or teach. Shenendoah Sound: Their Vibes player. They're definitely a fine musician. White Sabres: Their Front Ensemble has stepped it up and was pretty tasty. Very much worth your attention if you see them this coming weekend. Carolina Gold: Their Tenors and their Mellos. a ROCK HARD performance by their Mellophone section. Spot on, never a pitch out of place. Af any if what they played *was* out of place, people would have noticed... and not in a very good way. WELL DONE. Fusion Core: The same applies to their Mellophones, and they also kicked some aXX out there, as we old schoolers like to say. A Brass section that's weak up the middle will go nowhere. Fusion's horns would'nt be what they are without their spot on Tone Quality and Intonation in certain sections of their program. Cabs: The Contras had a VERY good run, they play some wicked tough stuff in the upper part of the horn very well and the way it is meant to be played, and the snare feature was top-notch and exciting. Bucs: The second Mello section. When I listened to some of the splits you're playing- I realized just how on you have to be to make the whole mellophone section work. Otherwise we're talking serious train wreck/the staff waves off the show at that point in reherasal, and yells a lot. I also want to apologize to the Bucs Alumni. Writing a review at 5 in the morning can make one forgetful. I reviewed them at their indoor show, their repertiore is the same, and was well performed on the field for their home crowd. The solo and duet work was great, the performance was high on the fun and enjoyment factor, and I also want to wish Randy a very Happy Birthday. Salty old hands like him on the quarterdeck of the Bucs' ship is what make it the tight and powerful fighting vessel of the seven seas that it is. And my fistbump for the Alumni: Tony. His conducting when he conducts is utterly sublime, and just..... so.... right. Every gesture is just...so.... right. See you all at Prelims. I look forward to getting a good look at everyone I haven't seen at this point and then trying to figure out where it will shake out. the situation is fluid, and should produce some great moments for most of the corps.
  17. Was good to see you there! The Cabs have had a ton of momentum when they have needed to have it. Second seed in prelims is a great opportunity for them.
  18. You and Gary are fine. It all makes sense. Things are THAT fluid right now and we're not used to it. BITD, Fran, you and I as well as pretty much evryone else knew where everyone was going to fall in in the top 8 or so before prelims because things had been pretty much settled. Why? Everyone saw everybody else at least twice, and there were a lot more shows to kind of lock things down in. True, there were some non-NE corps that would occassionally make a splash, but it was rare. Now with corps travelling and not all in the NE region and not necessarily seeing one another until prelims, much more fluid. Add to that C2 being capable of gathering a lot more momemtum at this point because their show is dirtier and has a lot of potential if they can get more of it right-- it makes for a lot of confusion.
  19. I'd hoped this year that the weather would remain mild and allow the Bucs to get their show in. Except for a bit of sprinkle for about 2 minutes before Carolina Gold, it held off. The new venue is a very good place for a DCA contest, and looked close to sold out. Parking could be a bit tricky because of that. I found a place a on the hill above the High School. Artifical turf, high box, and a very attentive and appreciative audience. Concessions, just fine. Good popcorn for a buck. You really can't beat that. I've seen everyone at this show except for Carolina Gold, so if you want more details about their programs, please reference the Downingtown or Scranton reviews for certani bits of information. This contest, I was on the botton row, 50 yard line- as close to the trenches as a spectator can get. A change of pace, a different vantage point, but a good one. The lead-off corps, Shenendoah Sound, was a much improved product from their Downingtown performance.The entire corps performs with a lot more confidence, particularly the battery, and the bluesier the music is, the better they sound. I know their gentleman on feature T-t-t....., he just doesn't like to say it-- Trumpet!!!! still does a fine job. The use of the audience to help generate the rain effect worked well, and the storytelling came across much better in this performance, and the ending was a lot of fun. The battery needs to watch the 6/8 section of their feature, and some of the lead ins near the end of the show were not as good as they can be- but this was a very solid effort from this corps. The White Sabres had a good run, and obviously tried to send a message that they will be as ready to compete as they can be for Prelims. The percussion was also much improved. the corps has a lot more unity in the ensemble sound, and Moondance had a better overall groove to it as a result. There are still some musical transition issues, and some of the phrasing in the Lachrymosa section of the Mozart Requiem need to be agreed upon by the ensemble- but I think those can be worked on and thought about and still improved upon. It's a good thing to see this corps stepping up and taking an honest and strong crack at a finals slot. It will be difficult, but they do owe themselves a go at it and I'm glad they appear to be based on the attitude projected from the overall corps in their performance. Carolina Gold, (16 Guard/6 Front Ensemble/10 battery/27 horns/2DM) had a strong performance of their "Out of the Shadows" program. The guard costuming in the beginning is very appealing, yet sinister. The corps' body work is also quite good in the opening sequence from Peer Gynt, and their soloist does a fine job. I really like the deep harmonic arranging for such a small ensemble, and they really carry off that challenge very well. It gives the 27 horns a lot more depth and breadth when they perform, and it's a risk to do this, but they carry it off very well. The percussion writing is very solid, their battery feature's very engaging, and the various sections of the musical ensemble hand off musical ideas back and forth to one another smoothly with what appears to be little effort, which also makes the show sound quite good. The Front Ensemble is very expressive, and I like the fact that their parts are quite independent of the horn book, and really add a lot to the overall musical color of the overall ensemble. There were a couple of minor "Whoops!!!!" musical moments with some of the side to side call and responses not quite locked up, but that can be cleaned. The only thing that concerns me about the corps is the end sequence. It seems to be conservatively written on both the visual and musical end, and just doesn't pop like the rest of the program. The Guard work and their flag choices do help to offset this, but there needs to be more of something for the final statement. They're a very strong corps in Class A, and it will be interesting to see how they match up versus the Govies next week. I feel the need to remind some of the readers about some of the comments I made on some other threads this week regarding Fusion Core. There's a lot of magic in their wand- I don't care if it's smaller. I think of this season for them as a big breakout for them. They were always a very good small corps before this-- but everything about them certainly appears to be several levels above their past efforts, and they're a force to be respected. This corps is DCA's Pocket Battleship- you can look up what that means if you don't know. Their show is very enjoyable, the crowd's been behind them at both shows I've seen them at, and they sound great! This show, the dynamic layers and some of the intervallic challenges of the horn book were handled very well, and they sent a strong message to everyone that attended that they'll compete hard and with a lot of excitement and quality next weekend. Only a fool would underestimate this corps. A serious shout-out to Eldon. It's great to see him out there playing with Fusion. The Cabs also stepped things up to another level from Scranton. I didn't hear the 4-5 little 'oops!' moments this week- just something a bit off with the one rhythm at the end- the hits on 1 and the upbeats of three and four thing-- but that's very picky. The Cabs are beginning to seriously attack their show and command it, not just perform it well. That sense of focus and deep confidence about what to do and how to do it clearly came out of the corps along with all of the emotions that are integral to their program, and it's a great feeling to listen and watch a corps that has that. Their snares had a really strong performance in their feature- they just took it right into the crowd, and it was impressive. And yeah, it was me yelling to drive the end home. The set up was perfect, and I just wanted them to hit that ending as hard as they could and make it all happen. They did. hey need to keep doing it for their next two performances- it's got to be a gas from their perspective on the field as performers, and it's a 55 gallon pressurized drum full of 100 octane whoop-xxx up in the stands. As for the Bucs- they also turned things up a notch as well in terms of focus, intensity, and detail. The synergy of the program and attention to details in regards to the whole package make the show very special to listen to and watch. There was also that sense of confidence and command of the program that a top end corps needs to have at this point of the season. The show has the feel of a zillion dollar well-tailored business suit, where everything about it just fits and goes together perfectly, including the silk tie and cuff links. How MBI relates to the Bucs wil be unknown until prelims. The Bucs are obviously not taking any of their top competitors for granted. They certainly didn't mail this performance in like they could easily have done- a home crowd with a ton of friends and family that's very receptive and positive to every corps, it could have been a bit off and the crowd would still have went crazy and ate them up- but that's not how the Bucs are. It's not how they think. They put forth a max effort on the field last night. Really, the Cabs and the Bucs were both an absolute gas to watch and listen to, regardless of number and placements. I'll get up the Fistbumps later today. Many to give out. It's a bit late and past my bedtime. The conclusions: 1: Reading is ready to make an honest, top-end effort to try and regain the title. It will remain to be seen if it's enough. 2: Clearly the best Cabs corps in some time. Be ready to enjoy seeing them next weekend if you go or watch online. It's a show from their hearts, very exciting, and very moving. 3: Fusion Core is ready to compete, and I mean compete very hard. Not just act like they're happy to be in Open Class and smile and wave a whole lot like the Pope in his Popemobile. Open Class depth is incredible. MANY very, very good corps this year. 4: White Sabers look to be in the hunt for A Class finals. There's nothing like that feeling when you're in a corps in their situation. I hope they give it their best shot and leave no stone unturned atfer their prelims performance. It's that feeling that you're ALIVE... and as Steve McQueen said in the movie LeMans, ..."everything else is just waiting." Again, I'll get up those fistbumps later. It was good to see many friends and corpsmates both old and new, and I hope to see many of you next Saturday!
  20. Thanks. I'm paying around 35 for my seat at prelims, I have no idea what the fan network is charging- so I have no idea if it's too pricey.
  21. I'm suprised your corps didn't think about "Night Boat to Cairo" by Madness. One of my fave bands of all time. Still angry they canelled their US tour, I had a ticket their philly gig....
  22. I think if you read my review of CV at Downingtown- I think you know I remember what it's like to get screamed at by staff, getting burned to a crisp, having one side of my hair flat from sleeping with my head on a bus window, etc. I do think your corps does deserve some more respect, as a former competitor in DCA for 6 seasons, and also as a fan whether it worries you or not. Being constantly underestimated was fuel for Westshore in my time. Had a couple of corps left us alone-- I don't think we'd have driven ourselves to where we ended up. The 'letter' in 1979-- and Jim F. knows what I mean and will back me on this- woke up our potential and desire. As for some of the other comments, If a corps can back up the big talk, fine. If you can do it, it ain't braggin'. I'll believe it when I hear and see it at Prelims.
  23. As per my last post, I know you also know the size of the wand doesn't mean how much magic's in it with your post.
  24. Dan, I can imagine some of these predictions are nothing but Red Fuming Nitric Acid poured onto an out of control fire for CV. If I were you, I'd be irritated as well. People used to enjoy slotting Westshore a lot, too. I also read between the lines and see many of the predictions tend to think the size of the wand indicates how much magic is in it. You've been around about as long as I have and I know you know better about that. Good luck to CV. I think the vehicle is better than 9th place myself. I'm certain the corps will do their best to prove that. More amusing to me is the fact the people who bemoan slotting and pre-judging seem to be doing JUST that considering all we have to go on with one corps in particular are fun rehearsal collage videos set to music and one won't have a number until tomorrow. But I guess the videos are good enough....
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