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Everything posted by Fievel

  1. I'd still like to have seen the early season version of SCV 1992 cleaned up. In fact, I'd just like to see the early season version of SCV 1992 again period!! Such a cool show.
  2. Breaking ranks of a BAND versus breaking and entering someone's house. Nice. It's band - not a Presidential/Royal/Papal/etc. motorcade. The tuba player obviously thought it was funny as he appears to be laughing (or having a spastic bowel movement). The slapstick aspect is funny. The reality of what he did isn't.
  3. Clearly there was intent. I do mean physically. And respect is something that should never be enforced, especially physically with the intent to harm.
  4. It's not the tuba player's job to enforce any sort of punishment on the kid. Period. The parents are equally at fault, but the tuba player had no right in even TOUCHING that kid. This "law" of breaking ranks in corps and bands is utter crap. Sure, there SHOULD be respect but (especially talking about small children here) it's not the performer's duty to enforce the respect.
  5. Sounds like the opposite of Dynasty. The first few models of Dynasty drums were horrid until The Blue Devils came in the picture.
  6. I miss seeing cymbal lines in the Cavaliers. That would be my vote for a corps to bring them back.
  7. Not essential... but really cool. They add color both musically and visually with every note played. The writing for cymbals has become more and more complex. Great stuff.
  8. Pretty mundane compared to the other new stadiums being built.
  9. At least they didn't move it to..... Jackson, MS (Duder- if you didn't go and watch that year, ask your brother) Montreal-al-al-al-al-al-al-al Any other true domed stadium Miami etc. etc. etc. IU looks to be a good backup. It could have been a LOT worse!!!!
  10. Not me! I conceded that one after I saw a video of their show. As far as Southwind goes... bring 'em back. But let them be red.
  11. Wouldn't the roach put them over the then legal limit of 128 members?? DQ!!! DQ!!!! Get out the books!!!
  12. DCI 2030 - that'll be my son's ageout year. As long as he has a high-level corps to march in, I'll be happy.
  13. Yes please! Favorite Crossmen shows for me. More snare leg thumping while wicked beats are played!!!!
  14. Exposure and notes WAY before their time!!! I think that was my first time to their website. The history was sad to read. It's always sad when "one of the Greats" falls silent.
  15. As a Saginaw, Michigan native and a Northern Aurora alumnus, I did a triple take at this as well. Best of luck with the new corps!!!!
  16. Don Ellis' music should be played every year by every corps.... except for his arrangement of "Hey Jude" (because drugs are bad, mmmkay?).
  17. Star of Indiana 1990, 1991, 1993 Garfield Cadets 1989 Revamped Cavaliers 1989, 90 and heck... even 1991.
  18. All of this talk reminds me of when my old corps (Northern Aurora) was one of the first corps to use Dynasty drums in 1992. I think the only other corps using them at the time were Magic and Kiwanis Kavaliers. We took a lot of flack for using them, and right fully so. Their first few lines were horrible, thankfully they've improved a TON. But now look at them - they're just as common in DCI/WGI/BOA as Pearl and Yamaha. Kudos to Jupiter/Mapex for entering the market and kudos to Arizona to be bold enough to try something new.
  19. Luggage rack. Hammock (still some of the best sleep I've ever had in my life). Across the back seat with a comforter draped over it - very bed-like.
  20. What an EXTREMELY COOL thing for them to do!!!! Thanks Boston!!!
  21. Someone needs to rent Animal House. It's required in life.
  22. 1993 - The corps had a free day in New Orleans. We were dropped off on Bourbon Street. We were picked up/carried on/dragged back on the bus on Bourbon Street as well, some 10 hours later. Now that I'm an adult, I'd say that's the worst decision ever made by a group of adults regarding that many kids (110-120). But as an 18 year old... man that was a great day. Everyone was served down there. Even one of our youngest - a 14 year old kid was served alcohol. A neat thing about that day was watching kids from other corps stumbling around Bourbon Street in their corps jackets (whoops!). Well.. not really "neat", but interesting for sure.
  23. Awesome program and very cool submissions! I wonder if anyone's ideas will be "borrowed" on the field next summer?
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