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Everything posted by PR_ducky

  1. I have to disagree. I have never been a huge fan of cavies, but I have a feeling their 06 show will be remmebered 10 years from now. As far as cadets highest show being 18th, I have no doubt that it was the product of votes being split between their shows, whereas corps like SCV and Madison had all their votes piled onto one show (for the most part) However you can't say that means cadets are more or less popular than any other corps. cavies and regiment both had 3 shows voted into the top 12. I think that says more. cadets may have gotten more votes per year in the countdown, but regiment and cavies just got more votes. in the end it doesn't matter. I got to see the cadets show I voted for and thats all that mattered to me.
  2. If you go to DCIs website they have the actual ranking and vote totals. I was very surprised. The highest Cadets show only recieved enough votes to finish 18th. I think 3 Cavies and 3 Regiment shows finished high up. The "best shows" thing is skewed because of the rules they impose on the voting. If they had gone strictly off the top vote getters with no other rules it would have been: 89 SCV (which I still have a hard time believing, GO WATCH 88 PEOPLE. 89 was great, but 88 was better) 95 Scouts 06 Regiment 06 Cavaliers 04 Cavaliers 94 Blue Devils 04 SCV 93 Star with the next 4 rounding out the top 12 being: 89 regiment 91 Star 96 Regiment 02 Cavaliers
  3. well I haven't marched in 17 years, but my last year I was 52b
  4. Attendance was good at the theatre I was at in Atlanta. I think lower attendance was due more to the fact that they did not announce which shows were going to be shown. I know many people who decided not to go since they had no idea what they would see. I sent an e-mail to DCI warning them this would happen right after voting started. Oh well, maybe they will learn something. As far as the vote totals, I was also very surprised Cadets highest show was 18th. I voted for 87 Cadets both rounds as it is one of my favorite shows. Of the shows I voted for, Cadets, Bridgemen, BD, and Madison made it. The rest were ok, I took a bathroom break at Star. I can appreciate Star 93 for what it is, but really didn't feel like sitting thru it again. The surprise of the evening for me was all the corps got applause except 89 SCV, everyone just got up and left. All the talk was 88 and 87 were better. I think 89 gets the love because it won, and most people have never seen 88. Still 89 was a great show so I don't see what the fuss was about. I still say we need a december theatre event to get us thru the winter withdrawal. I proposed showing the top 8 or top 12 from the year getting the most votes. any other ideas?
  5. I have to agree. 89 gets the love because it won, but 88 has probably never been seen by many. I did vote for 88 in the first round of voting. All the corps got applause except 89 SCV, not a single person. everyone just got up and left. I would like to think it was because everyone saw it 2 years ago. While I prefer 88, 89 is no slouch either. All in all it was a fun evening.
  6. One thing to remember is you have to take the rankings with a grain of salt. Regiment 89 was tenth or so, but may have actually been 5th in voting. Things like that. However, I was surprised 87 Cadets finished low and 89 SCV finished so high. I love SCV as much as anyone but would have preferred to see a show they hadn't shown before. 87 SCV had my vote. As for 06 Cavies and PR, Cavies was fine, but would have preferred 03 Regiment. I guess my last thing is why can't we do something in December? We have the CC in April, Qrtrs in August, why not add something over the winter when we are all in withdrawal? How about an entire top 12 from the year that gets the most votes?
  7. Ohhhh Tubular Bells. I thought you were pushing for a show from "Moonlight Shadow" lol
  8. I don't recall that. I just remember each corps getting one show
  9. I am going. Its at Atlantic Station. I am assuming tickets are avialbale. I bought mine online a while ago.
  10. I recall in 86 one of our drum majors challenged the other to eat a 5 pound bag of popcorn in 24 hours. He didn't quite make it if I recall correctly LOL
  11. Not sure about elsewhere, but in Atlanta at the theatre that I went to the last 2 years, if one screen sold out, the put it on a second and sold tickets to that as well.
  12. us computer guys have an acronym for this. GIGO Garbage In, Garbage out
  13. yea, I knew it was either 95 or 96 that was one of them. Glad its 95, I saw that live several times. fun fun show
  14. I had already assumed 7 of those 8. Of more concern to me is what years. I am going, but not thrilled with the prospect of watching the Bridgemen and Star and then 6 shows from after 2000. REALLY keeping my fingers crossed for 87 Cadets and SCV. Will be happy with any PR show but would prefer mid 90s or 03 Hoping for 95 Scouts (or was it 96) either is fine. 94 BD! Any Cavies show is fine. I am not a big fan of Cavies, but do appreciate their shows. Should be a fun time regardless
  15. I have always been a BD fan, but this is just not true, BD went thru a stretch in the late 80s/early 90s where they were not even really close to being in the running for visual. They were highly criticized for lack of it. The horns were unbelievable, but the visual was a yawner. Thats why 94 hit with such impact. Their visual design came back to life and blew everyone away. I agree that their visual last year could have been better. They did some amazing things and wouldn't say it was "bad", but I guess the bottom line is I expect more from then than what they gave last season.
  16. I doubt the Cadets show will be anything old enough that the guard is still in Shakos. Personally I am hoping for 87 Cadets
  17. Not only did Mike D'Angelo judge perc perf at 89 finals, he single handedly decided the outcome. I am not Bitter LOL But we (PR) were 2nd in qrtrs behind SCV and then tied scv for 2nd in semis with a total crap run. The comes D'Angelo in finals and puts SCV in 1st and PR in 5th. a .5 gap and SCV wins the show by .4 There IS a reason he never judged another finals.
  18. a lot of great fronts mentioned here. My personal favorites are 86 SCV with Great gate of Kiev. a true wall of sound. However, I don't think any corps will ever capture the thrill and shock and amazement of what a company front can be more than 87 cadets did.
  19. I love BD I really do, but having been on the field at finals in 96 and watching both corps perform, BD was EXTREMELY lucky to get a share in that title. Yes, PR was 4th in qrtrs and 3rd in semis, but in the weeks leading up to BD we were within tenths. A HS kid I instructed who was in BDs guard that year came up to me DCI week and said that Regiment would win for sure. As far as 99 I can't say, wasn't there. And in my opinion, if you were not there to see the shows live you can't judge them properly. Videos are great for memories and all, but we all know most drum corps videos don't do justice to the actual shows and performances. As for 06, I saw BD and PR both in late july and was surprised by how clean BD was. But in the end I think thats what killed them. They peaked about 2 weeks early. And as for Cavies, no corps was going to beat them for the title this year. Just like in 94. No one was going to touch BD and pretty much everyone knew it the first time they saw them. The Cavies show, while not one of my personal favs, was EXTREMELY well designed and integrated. BD was FAR from pushing the envelope, even the BD envelope.
  20. I recall one evening we were watching the Cavies (can't remember the year, but was when I marched so between 86-90, probably 90) and they had a smoking drum run and a mediocre horn run. Somehow they won horns that night and the joke on the busses was that "Cavies drumline won horns tonight"
  21. I agree about the drumline to a certain extent. the numbers in percussion performance were definitely off DCI week especially finals. Cadets bounced from 6th to 4th, but we had it worse. We went from 2nd in qrtrs and semis to 5th in finals (finals being our best run of the season), and that caption alone cost us the title. Never really cared for Deangelo much after that.
  22. Cadets finished low that year because they were dirty (relative to those ahead of them). Its a great show and an absolutely amazing drumline, but overall it was just not as clean as the 4 corps ahead of them. Have to remember this was a superb year for corps. The whole top 12 was great. One of, if not the, best years of DCI.
  23. Thats pretty much all of it. We also hit SCV with "music of the night" in the intro to Bachanale
  24. Regiment had some Cellophones. They were pretty cool looking even if it was impossible to keep them in tune LOL
  25. 95 was great show. EXTREMELY underrated. It was just its misfortune to get stuck between 93/94 and 96 which were super years for Regiment. 95 is still one of my favorite Regiment shows. Luckily I was instructing with another Div I corps that summer so I got to see it several times live.
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