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Everything posted by HockeyDad

  1. You may be right, but I'd like to give it a try once, just to see.
  2. Any SCV closer that included Bottle Dance 27th Lancers' Danny Boy Madison - The Way We Were Bridgemen - Tag from William Tell Overture Troopers Battle Hymn of the Republic Phantom - 1979 version of Elsa's Colts - Summertime, 1993..... except it wasn't their closer, rats Blue Devils - Chase the Clouds Away, Since I Fell For You (tie) Star - Crown Imperial
  3. That would be the thread - "all time nightmare shows". Malaguena, Birdland, etc
  4. Ummm....yeah. They guy RESIGNED from his job. But, sure, you're right, nothing to see here. Move along. People always resign when they have done nothing wrong. In your 60 years of life experience, have you had children? If you have, would YOU send a daughter to Teal Sound? What else is there to say? A REAL lapse of judgement by the management of that corps. Wow.
  5. I'll go with that. But I'm not an opera fan. Instead, let's do Cole Porter music, all with singing. With Busby Berkeley - style choreography.
  6. And leading that charge will be a certain someone who doesn't seem to ever be able to put down the pom poms for even 5 minutes..... Boo, if DCI moved the Finals to the moon, you'd be telling us how awesome it is..
  7. Haha. There we go again. Yeah, attendance was up......when comparing 2011 to 2010. Yup. But attendance is pretty anemic compared to your typical year in Madison, or many other (non-Orlando, non-Jackson) outdoor venues.
  8. Look at all the money DCI would have lost? There are no refunds - if it was rained out, DCI wouldn't be giving money back, so, they would have lost nothing. Electronics and standing water? Well, if you insist on violating the Eleventh Commandment, you take your chances. What's the Eleventh Commandment? Thou shall not introduce electronics into drum corps.
  9. How many outdoors Finals were cancelled due to weather in almost 40 years? I'll answer that for you: None.
  10. 15,000 last year and 17,000 this year. Those numbers don't look very good. What was the attendance in Whitewater in 72 and 73? 10,000 or so? From the graph a few pages back, looks like every year it was in Madison (bad parking, bad housing, hard to get to) attendance was over 20,000.
  11. I've become addicted to watching St. Olaf College Christmas concerts. They've done a lot of Rutter. Wonderful.
  12. OK, I suppose John Rutter is not fashionable. His music, and I'm thinking about his advent music like Christmas Lullabye, Candlelight Carol, What Sweeter Music, etc. is probably considered too sweet and sentimental. And there are probably more artistically interesting composers around. But, I find his simple arrangements to be wonderful. The harmonies that he develops are often beautiful. I was just listening to '89 Cavies on the way home from work..... I wish someone would play more Rutter ! OK, I'll return you now to your critique of Marie Czapinski and how she has it out for whomever.
  13. I said that except for one small change from 13th to 12th, the top twelve were decided on the First regional. And you replied, "this is untrue." What is untrue about it? It's absolutely true.
  14. So....except for one move, from 13th to 12th..... the Top Twelve were decided at the First regional. Wow, that actually made me More depressed...
  15. I'm not saying corps "x" should have beaten corps "y" or anthing like that. But at the same time, no position changes 1-12, 3 days in a row? It might be legit, it probably is legit. But.....something about it, which I can't quite communicate properly, kinda depresses me. Knowing that nothing's going to change, just, I don't know, takes a little something out of it, IMO. If drum corps weren't adjudicated, would people go to watch? Would kids participate in it? Would corps directors and staff be interested in it? Probably not, I don't know. But at the same time, judging seems to leave me flat lately. Or it could just be the - drum corps is over for another season - depression starting to set in.
  16. Best BK show ever? No. The best BK show ever was 1999. Specifically, the quarterfinals performance.
  17. Sure, let's take you up on your idea...... as long as we can also limit the tenure of corps directors at the same time. Now what do you think? All these threads where "I'm not complaining but..." just come off as sour grapes. We want honest judging night-to-night, then turn around and complain that the SCV / Boston spread opened up. C'Mon. We decry booing "the kids," and rightly so. Would YOU want to be a judge? Do people suddenly become immune to criticism when they turn 21? Do you think the judges enjoy the second guessing? I think what we have this season is a lot of very excellent corps. Due to the way the system is set up, one and only one of them will end up in first place next Saturday. Will that really change your future listening or viewing preference when you turn on the DVD or Ipod? I mean, the FIRST thing all of us will do is play the Scouts to see if ESOM is there with audio, am I right???? OF course I'm right.
  18. crowds seem pretty big this year. fewer shows = bigger crowds at each show?
  19. What is THIS thread doing on Page 2 of my Drum Corps Planet forum???? C'Mon people, straighten up! Go Scouts!
  20. Oh, don't apologize. There are a lot of posters here who don't hesitate to call it like they see it. That's what makes this forum what it is. I'm interested in the replies stating Don't blame DCI, etc. I thought one of the biggest selling points of having Finals in Indy (maybe THE biggest selling point) was the good housing situation. That's why this thread is surprising. I hope it all works out. If it doesn't PR can stay at my house. I'll go get a couple cases of Sunny D and Gold Bond. My back yard's kinda small though, may have to walk to the nearby elementary school to practice - they have two soccer fields out back. But the commute from northeast Wisconsin to Indy might be a little rough.
  21. Absolutely. Although in a previous bout of hallucination, I said that it was in Boulder. I was quickly corrected. Anyway, the crowd was the most electric I've ever experienced for a prelims. And I've seen plenty of them. If you were a Crossmen fan, though, your thoughts about this day were probably quite different.
  22. Hmmm....... Elsa's, 1979 Phantom Regiment Summertime, 1993 Colts Legend of the One Eyed Sailor, 1976 BD Black Market Juggler, 1983 Bridgemen OR La Danza Pasillo, 1995 Madison Ave Maria, 2006 Phantom Regiment
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