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Everything posted by flammaster

  1. hijack all off topic threads with political discussion!
  2. Boy you certainly hit the nail on the head! all the ones saying they are glad it's closed are the exact ones who could dish it out but couldn't take it. They could call you all kinds of stuff and follow you around and insult your every post and then as soon as you call someone a jackass they gang up on you and cry to the mods like a little baby!!!!!!!!!!! yea farewell ########!
  3. It's the only reason for me to visit dcp. I learned a lot about politics and even did a 160 degree turn on my political views. (I'm still not convinced I'm a total conservative). Stupid Idea!
  4. So then it's the same old crap from BD? Glad I didn't go then. I fianally got to see the godmother show and all I can say is it sucked!
  5. The naration/singing really made me sick to my stomach but then they announce electronics that is the last straw!
  6. pretty much any freelancers or velvet knights show that was 11 or 12th place!
  7. Man I swear I waited all my life for this and now I couldn't friken care less! Drum Corps is pure doo doo anymore and I waited a whole lifetime for it to come here to the west coast now I don't care if I even get to see a show! Sucks!
  8. 20 in percussion my foot! I was there and sorry I still don't see it 20 years later!
  9. You bet your Bippy they will! BD is gonna knock some snot outta DCI this year! they have to!
  10. I hope my kids get to see the great VK in action! That is what they always want to see anytime I put in a legacy DVD!!!
  11. I vote yes because I love SCV but when it comes to late season momentum Cadets are the most dangerous corps out there! You have to respect them for that! Go SCV!
  12. Yea I'm just way too busy to go see a show this year. I really think that John Meehan is responsible for the more rich sound or at least that is the impression I get since he started really running the hornline. Wayne just arranges mostly now right? The wierd thing is that if their show isn't "loved" you at least hear people grumbling about it but right now I'm not really hearing any negative stuff it's just "uhh yea their good"! I always root for BD but this is the first time since 81 and 82 that I haven't got to see anything!
  13. I haven't read many opinions about BD this summer. Is their show boring? all the responses just seem like..."uh yea they're good..ho hum" Wots uh the deal? seriously even people who are usually stoked about the corps haven't really said much. just curious since I can't go to any shows now.
  14. No, they just plain look like Crap! Ewwwwww what are they thinking?
  15. No way! Eric's has the Timmie Factor! Hlmmmrowahhhhhh Timmmie!
  16. I have video of my son doing that and he plays a roll at one point. about the same age. I'll have to transfer it to digital. Nice drumset! I think that is great for the kid to be exposed to!!!
  17. Well I have heard exerpts from the Godfather Opener and it is really hacked up. You can hardly recognize it as the godfather theme. but as ;long as they don't put in a bunch of cheezy (and I mean Cheeze Food) crap ;like they did last year I'll be tempted to go see it. IMO think the whole problem is letting Scott Chandler be the program director so you better get out the Cheeze Wizzzzz cuz it's gonna be a real shamltzy ride the next few years until they wize up and get rid of him!
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