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Everything posted by garfield_cadets

  1. For all those "IPB Image" or red "X" pics that Chris posted just go look at his albums at PhotoPhucket (giggle, giggle): http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb149/chrisper65/
  2. I don't think it was so much being part of the trend of repeating or recycling part of a show, although SCV was certainly part of that trend of carrying over parts from the year before (if you play something you did the year before you can play the he11 out of it). I think it was more of Gail & staff ending up 2nd again in '88 with a show they loved and truly believed in, and thinking they would do the show again and this time come He11 or High Water win the championship. It was also said in those days that if you do the same show again you'd better knock the crap out of the previous version. Of course this is just what I think and from comments I've heard from that staff throughout the years.
  3. Phantom: 86 ANY reference to green.....it smacks of a reference to The Cavaliers with the Firebird Suite. Maybe sky blue would have been a good choice considering the show title and theme? The girl in the pit had her baldrick on upside down...the "fat" part should lay on the side. Blue Stars: Totally digging it! Great effect when you have contrasting lines of movement in the drill...especially when you "pop" and march forward & play to the side. Colts: The uni overall is OK, nothing "WOW." I like the red plumes. Those guard capes are HIDEOUS! When did the "cupped" hand salute come into fashion? I've seen it in corps quite a few years now, and think it looks less professional or "business-like" than the straight hand.
  4. We will just have to agree to disagree, Jak. While not specifically refering to the "top" caption heads and staff, this is true for "most" of the Open Class corps in DCI. I know, I have seen it. And while I'm not going to bad mouth any named instructors on an open forum, I will say that I DO know that it's not so much about "brilliance" of adding elements along the way as it is bad planning. But I just tell it like I see it.
  5. And to think that was a 7th place performance in 1986!
  6. A little variation on the theme, but I make them with 1 1/2 or 2 inch wide heavy satin ribbon. I measure the length of the sleeve (usually 35 inches), and cut the strips of ribbon 8 inches longer to hang out the bottom of the sleeve and double over to use as a handle or put around the wrist (a great effect if used correctly). I insert the ribbon into the sleeve and thread all the way to the top. I then surge across the sleeve about 1 1/2 inches from the top to create a little pocket in which I put 2 or 3 heavy lead fishing weights. I then sew the top closed. I don't tack or surge the bottom of the sleeve to the ribbon, because one of my fave things to do is have the guard push the fabric on the sleeve all the way to the top, holding with one hand and the handle/tab of the ribbon with the other (scrunched up not revealing the silk design), utilizing movement with the body and ribbon before letting it all fly on an impact point. I also love to have them hide the silk in the uniform/costume somehow, and whip them out of nowhere to "wow" the crowd and judges. The judges live for that drama. A couple of years ago a band I worked with still used the old-school type coats that only closed at the neck, and had a pocket inside the coat. I had them fold and hide the flags in the pockets, and had the girls dance around them, reach inside the coats & whip out the flags. The crowds went wild every time. Easy, breezy, beautiful. ($1 to Cover Girl) :P EDIT: Oh yeah, if you must use chain I highly recommend plastic/PVC chain, as it looks better, comes in different colors & doesn't "pinch" the skin like metal. With chain (metal or plastic) you don't need weight, as the weight of the chain & momentum in the swing is enough.
  7. Well, as far as having the work finished and ready to teach, again, we are living in the 21st Century, with video technology where instructors can write, perform and videotape the book and upload it to a server where only members can download from. And with the amount of talent today, it shouldn't take ANYBODY marching a DCI guard more than a month to learn and perform the work at least to a reasonable level to be cleaned/tweaked during everydays. It's all a matter of planning and preperation on the instructors part. I, like Will, usually have some, if not most of what will be done planned by 2 or 3 months before the next fall/winter season starts, if not as soon as the previous season has ended. Being a talented instructor is more than just coming up with creative writing and visuals, management skills are required to a high degree. Now, I know some will argue "instructors have lives, they can't live guard 24/7 unless they want to burn out" (like so many in our activity do). It's not about that. It's about thinking a little bit all along, that way a season doesn't sneak up on you.
  8. When they have that Gail Royer fire in their eyes again. Yeah, I'm old school, so sue me.
  9. While I understand alot of the logic in your post, I've always been the kind that believes you put a product out there, complete, and then polish or take away elements that don't work. This is true for drum corps, winterguard and marching band. I absolutely HATE to pay for/watch a half-finished show! With the budgets, staff and marching talent out there today, there's no excuse. 20 years ago? Yeah. But not in today's world. While I agree a show is often a work in progress, there is no excuse for a half-finished, non-dressed-out production.
  10. Not a bad start for the Garfield Cadets in Jacksonville, FL. 4th place out of 8 DI corps, winning GE Music and 2nd in guard...maybe 2nd in a few other captions but I didn't really scrutenize those. Right now we are 9th place in DI. Places 3-9 all scored in the 72's...7 corps VERY close together! Looks like it will be a good season over here for Garfield, MUCH better than FMB! :P I just want to make finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. The Garfield Cadets represent the Garfield Boys Academy in Garfield, Texas, 13 miles southeast of Austin. GO Garfield GO! http://garfieldcadets.tripod.com
  12. Young enough to still do it well, old enough to know better! :P 35
  13. I'm not too much of a fan of S-Dub's uni this season, it does seem a bit TOO simplistic...and almost "bumble bee-ish" kinda... Is that white stripe reflective? It looks so in the pictures...if so that's an awesomely creative touch! Although it would kinda look like they just put reflective tape on the uni right off the roll.... hmmmm Oh yeah, and a solid black back? Why not carry the yellow over the shoulders?
  14. Hey, this is too funny though... if the VE judge Lisa Love married the bro-in-law of the guard judge Christine Handle, Lisa's name would be.... Lisa Love-Handle
  15. After difficulty in getting prepared for DCP-I 7, we are happy to announce that we will be making our DCP-I debeut in Season 8. All registered and ready to roll! On the website: DCP-I 8 tour and repertoire updated. FMB 8 & FWGI 2 scores now available. http://garfieldcadets.tripod.com
  16. now: Phantom Regiment or Pride a few years ago: NL or Pride many years ago: Ert'e or Blackhawks
  17. Garfield Cadets (DI) will be at this show also! We will be giving a special concert at Auburn University on the 17th. GO Garfield GO! http://garfieldcadets.tripod.com
  18. Quick question: Doesn't prior placement (can't remember which show now) determine who is eligible for the Masters in Honolulu on August 5th? I remember reading that a few weeks ago before things were updated. Has this changed or how will that work? Will all other corps compete at Riverside, CA? Thanks!
  19. Username: garfield_cadets Corps Name: Garfield Cadets Division: Div 1
  20. I have to give props to Atlanta, that has turned into a great show, about as good as Birmingham ever was...but there were some awesome shows in Birmingham.
  21. I thought I heard last year they were going to start phasing out the Power Regionals...?
  22. I'm happy for Alta Marea. Keep growing, girls!
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