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Everything posted by IllianaLancerContra

  1. I'll try again: Perhaps the show is called 'Black Hole'. The entire field is covered with a black tarp, and the only performers are 6 synth players in the pit, dressed entirely in black, playing dissonant chords.
  2. Density in percussionists is a matter of degree. 😎
  3. I believe there was an example on Reddit from about the same time as the SoA implosion.
  4. Some of the more prop / electronics - heavy productions require more than 2 trucks total. Drum Corps, esp. in the olden days, had all kinds of restrictive rules regarding instrumentation, timing, boundaries, Flag code and more. So it is nothing new to have restrictions on design. Implementing a tractor-trailer maximum would not only lower logistics costs. It would also help level the playing field between the relatively few cash-rich Corps and those who are struggling to make ends meet while trying to remain competitive. It would make the show designers work within logistical limits. What is more important - 8 big speakers, or a scaffold prop, 20 tubas (vs a lesser number), or a pit with 8 marimbas? Let each Corps address it as they see fit, versus a few Corps selecting 'all of the above', and others spending money they really can't afford to maintain their position in an arms race.
  5. I said in earlier post that one way to lower cost is to allow each Corps only 2 equipment tractor-trailers (food truck not included). This eliminates rental cost of additional tractors, reduces fuel and insurance cost, & fewer people to feed. 5-point penalty for each tractor-trailer in excess of 2.
  6. We can (& probably will) argue all day about where Corps budget goes, but until we get the real income & cost data, in detail, from a range of Corps we really won't know. I know there is data that has to be filed as a non-profit, but this isn't detailed enough to determine where costs may be cut. We would also need data on number of vehicles the Corps uses, as well as miles traveled. I don't think very many, if any, Corps will volunteer this data.
  7. Here is my advice (free) to any Corps that wants to use it: 1. Play 3-6 kick-*ss songs, actual melody (not just snippets sandwiched between power chords with chromatic runs in the pit). 2. March a cool drill. 3. Do cool guard work. 4. Number of trombones cannot exceed number of marching cymbals. 5. DFTK. 6. If anyone (staff or member) bullies another, they are immediately sent home. 7. No more than 2 equipment trucks (not including food truck) allowed. Whatever you are doing, the props, equipment (inc amps), uniforms, instruments (inc pit) must fit on 2 trucks. Every additional truck is a 5-point penalty. People will say 'this wouldn't be competitive. But, what if every Corps followed these rules? Then, they would all be competitive. Gotta go chase kids off the lawn...
  8. Not unusual for Corps back then to add members as season goes on. I recall one season in early 80s Guardsmen started with about 30-34 brass. They put almost all on one side, & added new members to the other side as season went on. I wonder how this impacted side 1 vs side 2 execution?
  9. Remember the olden days when a Corps would show up at an early contest w/ ~25 brass & we would say 'X is small this year'? Used to be that only the the top 10-15 could reliably count on having a full Corps, esp at the beginning of the season.
  10. Why not both? If it’s worth doing, it’s worth overdoing.
  11. Would have been far worse had they actually been able to find a virgin….
  12. Muscular Dystrophy sucks. Wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
  13. Are you suggesting that Corps should know what is in a contract before they sign the contract?!?. What a radical concept.
  14. I am going to make an unpopular prediction: At least one top-12 or contender Corps will not tour due to fuel costs. Many Corps are operating on very thin cash flow post 2020/21; fuel prices may force some harsh realities. PS - I am OK being wrong with this, but I really don't want to see a Corps stranded mid-tour for financial reasons (like we saw around 1999/00-ish)
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