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Everything posted by IllianaLancerContra

  1. Ran it through one of our plagiarism detectors - 70% original, 30% not.
  2. No 'new normal'. We need to get back to where we were 31 Dec 2019. If the goal is not getting back to 2019 normal, why in the heck are we vaccinating and promoting herd immunity?
  3. I heard it said BITD that the musical parts that were most difficult to play was 2nd sop. Needed a big range - 1st sops were playing the high stuff, 3rd sops the low, but 2nd had to have range to play both.
  4. My students hate it on first day when I assure them that no matter how hard they work, half will still be below average
  5. So, to get this back on track - let's figure out where we stand. Seems everyone here will fit into the following somewhere: Had the Pfizer Vaccine series - Going to Indy. Had the Pfizer Vaccine series - Not Going to Indy. Had the Moderna Vaccine series - Going to Indy. Had the Moderna Vaccine series - Not going to Indy. Had the J&J Vaccine - Going to Indy. Had the J&J Vaccine - Not going to Indy. Hope to get Vaccine - Going to Indy. Hope to get Vaccine - Not going to Indy. Not getting Vaccine - Going to Indy. Not getting Vaccine - Not going to Indy. Perhaps someone who knows how can set this up as a 'poll'?
  6. Any of you former RAMDer's remember Howdy? We may have a reincarnation
  7. Yeah - without the context it is hard to draw meaningful conclusion. Is it x% of total population vaccinated, x% of eligible population, x% of population over age 18 (or 50, or 60)? This is why it is 'easy' to lie with statistics; you can often report the numbers in a manner that supports your position - regardless of what the position is.
  8. Just an observation - 50% of the states are in the 'bottom half'
  9. Several issues with that - 1. The curtain is in place for acoustic reasons (lesson learned in 2009/10). 2. Performing 360-degrees would have implications with amount of electronics, amps & speakers - arguably you would need at least 2x as many (or even more considering the end zones). This costs $$ (do Corps get 'deals' on electronics, amps & speakers like they do for brass/drums/uniforms?) that Corps may not have this year. 3. There would need to be some trial & error experimentation in LOS to get the setup right - not easy in a normal season & less easy in 2021. Nice idea, but that dog ain't huntin' this year
  10. Re the Black Curtain- wasn’t it originally put in place to help the acoustics?
  11. But the 17,500 calculated that way is spread over the entire stadium. I may be wrong, but I don't think too many fans are willing to sit behind the black curtain at the back of the field, or in the end-zones (at least these are better than behind curtain). So I think 8000-10000 will be capacity at 50% for DCI.
  12. Also, the 22% is spread out over the entire stadium. Taking a guess at how many seats are available on 'concert side' between the end-zones; say 1/4 of total capacity (between both lower & upper decks) x 15,400= 3,850 seats. I've seen high school stadiums with more capacity (albeit without Covid restrictions).
  13. Thanks, our small guard would appreciate your words. But you may be thinking 27 Lancers, not Illiana Lancers.
  14. The 'problem' was, in the early days, that to have a Guard caption, & still keep total score at 100 points, the points would have to come out of some other caption. IIRC for a few years there was 2-point Guard sub-caption; don't recall what it fed into (visual GE, M&M execution, or what?)
  15. There are never rumors nor suspicions in Drum Corps, esp during the off-season. 😎
  16. I remember seeing SCV late I season at Michigan City (the show where SoA ‘broke pressbox glass’, but that is a different story). Evita seemed totally ‘meh’ to me; the rest of the production was cool as heck. They did win that night. SoA, Cavaliers, BS, & Sky Ryders were also there. Perhaps others (Guardsmen maybe?).
  17. I think the problem w/ 1980 SCV wasn't the asymmetrical drill; it was the long, standstill concert number (Evita medley; midseason replacement for 'Caravan') that was a hot mess. They came roaring back in 1981.
  18. One could argue that European immigration to the Americas was due in part to a failed immigration policy of the Native Peoples...😎
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