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Everything posted by FJTDC

  1. 2000 was a great year. BD 2000 amazing. Cadets amazing. Cavaliers always amazing.
  2. my friend said before a show at magic one time they were given 5 saltines each. this was their entire dinner before doing a show not just a quick snack
  3. was the saucedo piece written in f with no key signature and all accidentals written into the piece
  4. I would love to march Cavaliers 2003. Amazing show in all aspects.
  5. Just give up. It's marching band no matter what else you say.
  6. now we're learning though don't u see. learning what some might tell us about myths and what is not true plus all the information about other corps. i had no idea the bluecoats had something called "6 words" and i've marched drum corps for 4 years so far. and not many things on this forum are very important at all but all tend to get over discussed. i just decided to make another and waste some time not studying and maybe spike up some good conversations while doing so. thank you this thread has been most productive
  7. a FMM told me the actual meaning was put in the 05 show
  8. there's gotta be someone that'll tell. if not let's hear what u think it means. i heard that each letter stands for something like core values no pun intended.
  9. 2003 Cavaliers - Spin Cycle (IMO the best show ever from concept to drill to music to performance level and difficulty) 1989 Santa Clara Vanguard - Phantom of the Opera (like previously stated very emotional) 2000 Blue Devils - Methods of Madness (weird crazy dark awesome)
  10. Can u explain this a different way possibly? I don't see how it is not possible to keep a straight path and keep even intervals? I'm an engineer and I don't exactly get this idea. So I assume I just need it to be reexplained.
  11. first of all this is way off topic. first of all visual performance and visual ensemble are different. sly does not do visual performance. he has nothing to say about the technique the cavaliers use. but if i continue on this topic u c that the cavalier's ensemble scores do not have to do with the crazy drill they do. they're good at marching individually and look great together as a whole. the technique is almost entirely flawless. other corps have just as much phasing problems as the cavaliers (has anyone seen cadets 05? there's plenty of people off foot not out of phase off on feet entirely). the cavalier's technique just shows more visibly because there is more movement in the legs it is not about pendulums moving in time. it's more mechanical. natural. and yes sometimes they are not together just like other corps. i'll even go to say the corps i march for which is a highly respectable one has bad phasing problems. just give them a break.
  12. they may not be half bad but they're not insanely good or efficient for that matter
  13. the cavies use dots so it must be the way to go i love the cavies they're amazing
  14. there were two different blocks and then the final way when they all came out in three straight lines. i heard something about the blocks weren't very clean so they got cut to not give a bad first impression
  15. Cavaliers... 7th place. I know 08 is the 60th Anniversary but this is the 10th Anniversary. SHOOP!!!
  16. u know who i hated div 1. the bluecoats.
  17. hazing.... it happens sorry to tell u so but... it does i know for a fact
  18. u guys know its the cavies they have the best treated members and great design team. this is in the last couple decades maybe not before than as much but that just shows they're also improving more than others second i'd say is bd or cadets. both are very stable orgs although cadets don't get treated too well it seems
  19. i think magic should just keep chuggin and if they could just get management that knew how to keep staff and members they would get back into it some day
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