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Everything posted by tim_brandt

  1. WOW. Those uniforms look incredible with the helmets. Bad A$$!!!
  2. Looking forward to seeing what it looks like on the field w/o the helmets. I do like the uniform a lot more in these parade pics that my first impression from the press release, for whatever it is worth.
  3. I was pretty amazed and impressed by the improvement from Santa Barbara to Pasadena last week. If they keep that trajectory, this show will smoke come August. They are only competing against themselves to be the best that they can be and have the best show of their lives.
  4. Agreed. SCV is just special this year. It's a feeling that I have gotten from a handful of groups in my 24 years of watching drum corps. Each went on to do something also very special and are on a short list. I highly recommend taking it in live.
  5. Oh-oh ... looks like we need to have 'The Talk', son....
  6. Vanguard is the real deal. I saw them in Santa Barbara and at the Rose Bowl. I couldn't stop saying 'Wow' out loud during their opener. Their show is mezmorizing. They also have an amazing use of synth and emotion that are almost hypnotic. I brought my daughter to the Rose Bowl on Saturday, and she was completely attentive during Vanguard's show. They have that special something this year. I haven't seen this out of that corps since I saw them take Denver by storm in '99. Very special year for them.
  7. Hey Guys - I am looking for some volunteers to test a beta iOS app related to DCI predictions. Please PM me if you are interested. We are close to shipping v1 and I would like some more feedback. Thanks!
  8. There's always that person on Price is Right that bets $1, just to hedge against an overbid by the others. ;)
  9. Serious Feels. I remember when they came out in Toledo in '96. That look and that sound blew me away and gave me chills. I said, 'this is a Championship show'. Right here. I felt the same way when I saw them come out West early season in '08. The show just had that special quality. Now, I'm not going as far as to say 'Championship Show', but this show gave me 'the feels', for sure. It's Regiment, baby. And that's all that matters.
  10. "Even "spooky" aside, it doesn't appropriately fit with the aggression of the other tunes." My guess is that the contrast is exploring the 'reality vs. imagination' theme. i.e. maybe a Schizophrenic - ish theme. We'll know when we see it on the field, I imagine.
  11. Some serious 'Good Lord' moments sprinkled throughout this show. Looking forward to seeing how the corps develops this beast of a show throughout the summer. Excited for them. I haven't felt this way about the show since '08.
  12. Bravo Regiment! What an amazing show. That is the Regiment that I love.
  13. Hey Guys - Just randomly chiming in to let you know that myself and another person have been working on an app that let's you predict scores and placements for each contest. We both are extremely busy with our daily life stuff, but have been chipping way at making it a reality. It is our hope to debut a beta version for the start of the 2017 season. If not by the first contest, then shortly thereafter. I am sure that we will need some of you to try it and and get feedback / work out any kinks. Given the popularity of these prediction threads, I thought that it would be a fun game for us to play. Just wanted to let you know what's cooking. We have both iOS & Android versions in the works. Cheers, Tim p.s. one thing up in the air is how we score predictions based on results. I have a few ideas, but am certainly open to any formula ideas that people have. My initial thought is to have 50 points be based on correct placement, and 50 points be based on scoring difference within 10 points. There needs to be some thought that goes into this relating to normalizing for different number of corps in the contest. I have some ideas but haven't fully flushed it out. If anyone has some good thoughts, let 'er rip. Thanks.
  14. Hello DCP - I hope that this message finds all of you well. I have an idea for a drum corps placement and score prediction app that first came to me during the '14 season and keeps coming back. This time around, I have thought through a pretty complete concept for the app and just want to gauge interest amongst my target group, which would be DCP, first and foremost. Here's the gist. At it's core, for any competition, you can rank placement order and predict scores. You will be scored according to a weighted formula to be determined, that will consider placement accuracy and score differential as part of a cumulative score. (more on that later). To appeal to a broad group of users, there will be multiple "games" with leaderboards. Such as : - Rank and score lists for each competition, individually - A rank for cumulative score for all contests on dci's world class schedule (we can also do open class) - A rank for only weekend shows (weekend warrior) - A rank list for only regional competitions - A rank list for just Finals prediction Also, there will be a Finals prediction game where you can alter your ranking and score predictions at any time during the course of the season, but the weight of your predictions towards final score diminishes over time, the closer that you get to Finals. This means that you can constantly tweak, but earlier correct predictions score the greatest amount of points. Ok, that is my basic idea for the app. My other idea is a Fantasy Drum Corps game, but since we do not currently get recaps after shows, I am putting that on hold. So, given the fact that this board loves t make predictions, I would like to get an idea on who would be interested in this app. Also, in order to make it worth my time and effort to build and maintain, I would like to know what seems like a reasonable amount to charge? Would you pay to download the app? Would you pay a season subscription? I am assuming that if it's successful, I will tweak it each season and add more stuff, according to feedback. I also assume that I need to run this by dci to see what permissions I need to use it. I am curious what permission that the 'drum scorps' app received and how they parse the scores. Anyway, I appreciate any and all feedback. Thank You so much for taking the time to read this and reply. Thanks, Tim
  15. Definitely an exciting season. We're all winners!
  16. deleted my dumb joke. nothing to see here. ;)
  17. I just want to say that, for the record, I anticipated this effect, weeks ago. Ok, carry on.
  18. Let me correct this for you : "Bloo has turned all of DCP into their fans this season." There, it's fixed.
  19. Love the new ending. My only hope is they let the last note just whine on and slowly die out, as everyone collapses & the guard equipment flies. Right now, it feels like it abruptly shuts off. I'd rather hear it linger on and slowly die out to infinity. ... maybe for Finals Week. Keep pushing, Bloo! Amazing, amazing stuff!
  20. I am blown away. Amazing, amazing stuff. Must be an honor to be in that hornline and privilege to experience that performance level. Hats off.
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