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Everything posted by 2000Cadet

  1. You're right, it wasn't that difficult. But it sure did the trick leading up to the standing ovation before the show was done.
  2. Cadets 2000, oh wait, I did march that show.... What I meant to say was Cadets 1998. That show was a great show. I would have loved to play that ballad. There are so many drill moves in that show I fantasized about too.
  3. As much as I didn't like the Cavaliers in the 90's, they have really grown on me in the 00's. Competing against them was fun, but I have to say if The Cadets didn't exist, I would've probably marched Cavaliers. The drill design they have has been absolutely phenomenal over the past 6 years. Though I didn't like all of the music they chose over some of those years, they do know how to bring a powerful performance to the table. I maybe a Cadet borg and everything (as someone on this site has called me), but The Cavaliers will ALWAYS have my respect for what they do and how they perform. ...just my .02 cents....
  4. Started drum corps with no prior marching band experiece. I was just talking about the same subject with one of my friends yesterday.
  5. Yeah, that's exactly it. Maybe there something wrong with your computer.
  6. The best day is the first show when everyone puts on the maroon and gold and you get to march the show in full uniform. That is also one of the worst days because everyone looks the same and this is when you really have to know your dot. :sshh:
  7. Actually I think drum corps these days are doing a better job than for what that one is being used.
  8. It could have happened. It's been so long ago that I really don't remember a lot from that year. I'd have to ask to make sure though. But if it did happen, I am surprised I don't remember it. That's something that one wouldn't forget.
  9. Same here. Knowing Jay Bocook, I am sure he will make the most of this piece.
  10. I don't remember that happening and I marched that show. I think there was one in '98 during the same move in the early season too. I think that one happened in Florida.
  11. Overhyped is DEFINITELY 2004. Underhyped: 1998. There were a lot of mistakes in this show but there were also some GREAT things going on there. ....my .02 cents....
  12. This piece sounds REALLY weird. But count me in as excited. I like the solfege part of it. Sounds really cool. I really can't wait to hear what Jay Bocook does to this. I can see it now. This will be one great show. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
  13. Let's see, I'd have to say: Cadets '95 Cavies '95 Cadets '97 Cadets '98 Madison '99 Cadets '00 Cavies '02 Cavies '03 ...just my .02 cents....
  14. Application fee: $50 Tour Fee: $1300 Marching onto the field on finals night in the massive, intimidating Cadets' block; hitting the first hit of the show and listening to the crowd go wild; finishing the entire show and you look at the crowd as they go crazy and beg for more...... ......Priceless.......
  15. Maybe a hint? I say, Stonehenge, the last part of it.... But whatever it happens to be, I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
  16. It has to be something that will get the crowd off their feet like we had in 2000. It has to be something that will give the kids marching this show something to remember for a VERY long time. I am not sure what to suggest, but I hope whatever it is they choose, it will be one of the most memorable Cadets' moments in DCI history. ...yet again, my .02 cents.....
  17. I really don't like this song at all, but let me tell you, I AM GOING TO BE SCREAMING WHEN I SEE THIS SHOW. I knew Jay could do it. This song sounds hot. I can't wait to see this show. DAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!! ....just my .02 cents.....
  18. The only thing I have to say about this is: "This, I believe........."
  19. All I know is it'll be interesting to see where The Cadets go with this program. Regardless of their placement at the end of the season, this show has the potential to be one of the best Cadets shows and one of the worst Cadets shows. Kinda reminds me of 2000 when they announced our show idea. I was kind of skeptical about the idea back then and I thought the show was definitely a loser. But after the first show of the season, my opinion was changed. That's sort of the way I feel about this year's show. I am hoping for the best Cadets. Good Luck!!!! I'll be at finals.
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