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Everything posted by niki@hcb.org

  1. very fun show..must admit I'm a little jealous...can't wait to see it
  2. Good Luck Guys! You're going to be a huge success, I know it!
  3. yes, yes it did! WOW! Knew you guys were BA but man!
  4. we get cold shoulders too...just have to keep rollin' thought you said a while back that you had a fairly large middle school audience? could you go into some of those schools and do an informative exhibition on what Drum Corps is? would be a performance.. would maybe spur some imagination in kids rather than XBox and ipods if you kept it up while you grow, bam you've just groomed x amount of members granted would be a long term growth process, but still provides performance opportunity to an audience that hopefully isn't opinionated, jaded, and in the habit of giving cold shoulders just a thought
  5. what's Prairie Sound, Austin Stars, and Masquerade doing? C'mon let it out...I know you all have plans.. disclose, disclose, disclose have seen we have to wait 'til end of Oct..and Jeff, we really have to see you to know...c'mon dude that's not til June...and Chris, we all know you're cooking with gas, so what are they up to c'mon guys spill it already not anything against all you other guys...just don't talk to you as much
  6. I certainly don't have the experience or the qualifications to determine who is, was, or has been a great DM, but I can tell you ours is pretty special to our corps.. Is he always in perfect time? no..does he get crazy and upstage the corps? occasionally..does he get overly emotional at performances..sometimes, but there is some kind of magic that he brings out of our corps... our members truly love him, even when he is a P.I.T.A.. (he just gets tackled ) somehow I think that goes further than window dressing...I'm not trying to flame you or discount any of your experiences, but as your corps gets bigger I think you'll be very grateful for the energy the right person can bring as DM.. most important thing I've learned in this whirlwind of a sport, activity, musicianship Always, Always, Always leave your options open and do everything you can to strengthen your corps through performance
  7. something very hip and cool B) ...at least that's my vote... no snoozy drum corps (K) nothing that says here we are, the ballet corps from Cali.. more like, in your face from Cali :P
  8. no..it's 5 points...from a pretty reliable source...at least that's what I'm told b**bs
  9. our Mike totally keeps us going and is always so happy to do it..it's almost nauseating.. Mitch, the other guy you see on here keeps us on track a lot of the time too.. don't know what I'd do without these guys...they are my little soul protectors.. when I'm totally worn out they just come in and take charge like it ain't no thang.. it's so awesome! HOORAY FOR CONTRA AWESOMENESS!!
  10. yep, yep, yep, that's it...compared your sig to my fav's list..need to fix your sig
  11. Glad you're meeting went so well...it's a really nice feelilng to feel like you're FINALLY making some progress..now get out, get out, get out and play...you should see quite a bit of growth from doing that hang in there, it will come...just seems like never fast enough you seem to be pretty well balanced which is huge...seems like we either have all bari's or all sops show up
  12. agreed...very cool!! I have a statement that I often use.. "losing faith in humanity one person at a time" a and then something like this comes along to put a smile back in my heart
  13. That's the plan, but way too early to say for sure...we have a lot to put in place for that
  14. I would be so sunk without Mike, he is a huge part of our organization
  15. aaahhemm... High Country Brass of Northglenn Colorado Thank You Just kidding...is only important really because we were presented with a flag from the City for our guard Northglenn is really only about 15 minutes from Denver and is a fairly small suburb, but hey you can never have too many politicians on your side right? I think? maybe? anyway, put us in central, north, upside down..doesn't matter as long as there's a field please not Alaska though, that'd make me cranky and the field would be icy
  16. Mike Jones Jim Jones...was the founder of troop..is quite the legend...my husband marched under him and oh, the stories...we've tried to get the troop alum to march with us, and have talked to several people about getting a true "big blue line" going, but not happenin' don't know why... unless they were all very busy with the return this year, I dunno... I think we're very close to becoming official DCA sanctioned senior corps material or whatever you want to call it..definitely plan on spreading our wings this year a bit, just can't say we'll make it to finals, but don't you worry..we're not going anywhere (except up that is!)
  17. can't tell you we are for sure, but we are looking at it very closely..a little afraid we're gonna bite off more than we can chew and that just looks bad
  18. our dues are $175...very cheap compared to what I've just been looking at...we are just now starting to look at what it would take for road trips so I can't give you those additional costs yet, we are estimating an additional $300 per member, but that's just an estimate
  19. We only need a couple...we are so close! Thanks for putting the time into this guys!! We should make some very nice impressions at upcoming events!!!
  20. Thanks..don't wanna be penalized before we even get on the field...that would be bad :( seriously, I am bright enough to know politics run rampant on these here forums so I didn't know if there was info. out there that I wasn't privy to we are gonna rock Malaguena! can't wait! (notice not well, straight up rock it!) JK
  21. okay, going to show my ignorance here...no need to flame me, I'm already acknowledging I don't know everything... is there seriously a reason we shouldn't do Malaguena? I know probably everyone in the free world has probably done it, but we haven't done it...has been around forever so I would think it's had a ton of play time, but it's still a cool chart
  22. let's try this again...I don't why it has to be so difficult... That's great news! We started about the same time you did (11/04) and it looks like you guys are truly making progress. woo hoo! Running a corps is hard so kudos to you! High Country Brass is very happy for you! Good Luck with all you do!
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