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Everything posted by ajwdad

  1. So, when do we get to see the closer? This show is outstanding, and parts are hilarious! Nice work to SCV.
  2. Actually, if a movie wins a best picture oscar, then the movie is considered to be the best by the people in the industry... At least it won more votes. Not sure what you mean about dinosaurs and bones, but the activity has changed over the past 50 years, just like sports, movies, TV shows, and the rest of the world. I like recognizable and repeated music that is fairly easy to understand. Like the vanguard show last year or the Blue Knights show. But, between copyright laws, and the difficulty in writing original music, coupled with the lack of a rule about the music to take it in the direction that you wish, we will get more of this. For now, I tend to really appreciate the marching, lush chords when we get them, and the guard and drum work enough to really like the Blue Devils. I like other corps as well, but the vitriol expressed on DCP is making me a stronger and stronger BD fan.
  3. I think that most of America will put Mahler and boring in the same sentence, maybe even add in dead. And almost all of them will not care about your degree. This activity is defined by its rules, as well as the participants. Since BD seems to be staying within the rules, and seems to win more than its numerical share of the titles, perhaps they might actually know a little something about drum corp. And like a lot of great performers, they push the envelope. As for the music, it is pretty subjective, but I would agree that they don't really play pop songs, or overtures and symphonies. But, this is a marching, visual, musical performance and there are way too many nuances to discuss in a BB. What I find interesting is how much criticism BD gets on this board, and how little support. As a bit of an aside issue, it does point out a weakness in drum corp. In sports, often a winning team or athlete has a ton of support, even if they are dominant. While BD is good, there are at least 4 other corps that have legitimate chances this year. But, unlike other sports, for drum corp, a ton of you think "anyone but BD." Ironically, that actually strengthens my being a fan of BD.
  4. Well, they won GE Vis tonight, and lost the rest of the show. I think that BD will clean like crazy, which they are prone to do, and then they will be pretty hard to catch.
  5. I heard a description of the closer. It should be really something else. I fully agree with your comments about the viewing and hearings. BTW, I also heard that the corp can give the judges a synopsis of the show before they march... This weekend will be very fun! Going to all 3 shows.
  6. +1 on this. The sound alone is enough to make a blind person say WOW. But the visual effect varies from almost every vantage point. Amazing.
  7. Hard to predict scores. BD will score high, maybe 80? but the mirrors might take some getting used to. SCV's show is harder to "get" this year, and I wonder if it has the crowd pleasing potential of last year. And they likely are not nearly as clean yet. BDC will be a lot of fun, I think that either SEA or Pirates is the theme. BDB will sound great, but I am not sure that they have finished their show at this time. It will be great to see SCV Cadet and Revolution. IT will be hot, and fun. Looking forward to it. More interesting: Standford on Sat.
  8. I don't like it. The live aspect of drum corp makes for very fine performances. Recordings just plain suck. I would not like them at a symphony either. In fact, I don't like recorded backgrounds for singers. Just a purist, I guess. On a separate note, I find it fascinating how corps push the envelope every year. So, even though I don't like recorded sounds, as long as they are legal, I am not against them.
  9. All, Caught the family day shows in Concord. While the mirrors from BDA definitely were the talk of the night, I was really impressed by BDB. I know that the corp is a lot younger this year, but wow! Drum line was TIGHT! Fun show, maybe a little less easy to understand than either the last 2 years shows, but I think this corp will entertain in a major way. Good Job to the Corp, and Staff. http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/styl...icons/icon1.gif
  10. just became and scouts and a crusader fan!
  11. I'll give this a tentative ok. I agree with many that fan judging is a bad idea. Too much room for favorites, and frankly, lots of fans cannot judge well enough. Sounds like american idol or dancing with the stars, but without the human interest. Could easily turn out like political elections. Other than that, kudus to the team for even putting out the idea.
  12. I think that this is actually closer to reality than any of the other statements. BTW, the west coast inflation seems like a lot of sour grapes. I have attended a ton of shows with corps from both the east and the west, and the scoring seems reasonable to those that are not fanatical about their corps. BTW, that means that most of us on this forum will find the scores unreasonable as we are FANatical.
  13. Well. he is clearly incorrect in his assessment of Drum Corp. BTW, my eldest is becoming a music teacher and a fairly good trumpet player but not incredible like the soloists in DCI. I find it sad that those that teach music, including band directors, are not fully supportive of Drum Corp. As my father-in-law used to tell me, "Don't get in a kicking contest with a jackass." I think that someone will have to more gently persuade him.
  14. Hi there, Two of my sons had a similar problem... It did not help that their band director hates drum corp. But it was a great experience for them.
  15. Hi there, Two of my sons had a similar problem... It did not help that their band director hates drum corp. But it was a great experience for them.
  16. Cute. Dyslexia. SCV will be there. and I think that AMD means Mothers Against Dyslexia.
  17. I think that BD will show itself on June 20th, family day. Should be a lot of fun, with renegade, and SVC as well. But, I can remember several times when the charts were not finalized or at least made public due to copyright work.
  18. Blue Devils C Younger. but still fun Blue Devils B Young, and professional Blue Devils I think that they lead in titles won. Renegades: Really like their sound for later in life.
  19. lots of money. and patience, and a camera
  20. Cali, I hope that you are right. Just don't want to take anything for granted. I still remember 2008... How is the upper brass sounding? I heard that a lot of those kids moved on.
  21. Ok, Blue Devils C will be a lot of fun. Are they still the "cute" corp? BDB will have to work their tails off to repeat, and the leadership in the corp will have to really step up to drive the excellence, especially without some of the other top corps to supply that extra desire. Too bad about SVC, they are a great corp and really know how to polish a show. Should be a very interesting year.
  22. Yes, it did for me. It pushes the boundary, but why not get the the synth. to play the high brass? or use a recording? I agree with the op 100% on this one. A unique attempt that shows a rule change is in order. BTW, I am NOT implying a cheat, but rather a ingenious use of the rules!
  23. Some points seem valid, others don't. And I don't see much consensus. On BD, if they win, there always will be detractors. West Coast, Easy show (what a crock), etc... BD fans live with it. On the board, I would rather see a passionate argument than a quiet civilized debate. The "idiots" here, myself included, are passionate, involved and opinionated. I think that is good. Consider the following situation: 1) You visit an old folks home. Some are playing cards, some are talking to their brokers, some are watching TV. it is quiet, calm, and ordered. 2) You visit a kindergarten class. Some kids are crying, some are fighting, some are wetting their pants, and it is chaos. You have a million dollars to invest. Which group do you invest in for the long term? As much as I disagree with a lot of points here, I understand that the person on the other side is passionate, opinionated, and involved. Otherwise, who cares what they think?
  24. I like the salute. I also like a clear beginning to a show. Even if the corp does not need it, sometimes the crowd watching needs the reminder to quit talking, stop walking and pay attention... A Drum Corp is performing!
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