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Everything posted by CorpsPhan

  1. Yeah, 'cause I just hate it when the form takes control of my mouse and forces me to click on a thread that I know I'm going to hate... Satire. Some like it, some don't. And as someone already opined, some of these really are spot-on.
  2. We get the football, you get the player......seems like a fair trade to me!
  3. I drove 1061 miles to MN and back last weekend.....probably not what you're looking for, though.
  4. I'm sorry, but Intermission is just too out there for me. Every year I try to give their show a chance, but it's just so over-the-top that they are my perennial "hot-dog" corps.
  5. Not to mention that if someone does post a review, that opens them up to "what the heck were YOU smoking, [insert corps name here] was on fire last night! You're just biased" exchanges. If I was still attending shows as a fan, I sure as heck wouldn't bother reviewing, but I'm lazy that way.
  6. I've got all the DC CD's I want to listen to which I can upload to my iPod and play that through the radio. I'll leave the XM for things like Hair Nation, Boneyard, Blue Collar Comedy and so forth.
  7. I lasted all of about 2 minutes. Lady Gaga owes me 2 minutes of my life back.
  8. Come to think of it, I was pressed into service via a Boy Scout leader who knew I was in the band in junior high. This was for a flag-disposal ceremony, but same idea. I recall getting paid for it too.
  9. I'm willing to compromise and have dual-hashes, ours being in school bus yellow or whatever the color that Joe F gets us for when we do the Raiders games.
  10. And I'll be digging "turf turds" out of my orthodics until Thursday!
  11. But the already is MBI, only it's called BOA. Remember the speculation as to why DCI decided to move its HQ to Indianapolis, which is also the home of BOA? There's also the MBI in Minnesota, but I don't think you're talking DCA corps in this thread...
  12. And? Truth be told, other than the ridiculous heat, Jackson wasn't all that bad for me as a fan. The shuttle service from the hotel to the stadium was a great time-saver.
  13. 2 reasons: 1) I have the drum corps shows that I want to see on some sort of recording already 2) I don't go to the movies in general and avoid a lot of event where there are crowds because I get irritated very easily. If you're going to walk, walk; if you're going to stop and talk, GTF out of the way to do it; and STFU when the show starts.
  14. Wait a minute, over the weekend you said that you'd given the admin a raise????? Oh, that probably wasn't for public comment, was it?
  15. As I recall, the '83 "huh" by the crowd was cued by one of BD's drum majors, at least in Whitewater. I remember him turning around witha big grin and cueing us. PR, '93, the clapping during Baccanale. I remember being at the booster luncheon on finals day and someone asked staff if the crowd clapping was causing a problem for the performers.
  16. And let's not forget Dan Achenson's slap at those of us who march after age 22. It was probably one of those "if I could only live that moment over" situations like Bill Cook's comment about Star's funding, but the bell, once rung, cannot be unrung. Or something like that.
  17. Or did a cadet/feeder corps back when they were still around.
  18. Yes. Family issues (a Dad who said "No Way") prevented me from doing juniors, and work (on-call responsibilities) kept me from trying DCA until I was in my 40's.
  19. Sometime in 1979, Michigan City, IN, at the original Ames Field. Fell in love with the Guardsmen at that show. I believe SCV, Troopers, and the serious VK were also there along with Cavies.
  20. Actually, Jeff's comment about the changing economy and work demands has merit, IMHO. My personal experince bears that out. I was in I/T for many years and that involves a lot of off-hours work and pager support. I never had a job that would have tolerated me walking and saying "oh, by the way, I'm not available for pager-rotation any weekends between Memorial Day and Labor Day." So I sat out of Sr. Corps for years. Heck, I missed a lot of DCI/DCM shows as a spectator because projects got pushed back and an implementation that was supposed to happen one weekend got pushed back 2 weeks, and what I thought was a free weekend suddenly required my presence.
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