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Everything posted by bedford

  1. This isn't really a factor. Canadian corps are used to that reality. Frankly its more of an issue getting a US corps to come north than the other way around. There are lots of issues here and likely just as many opinions.
  2. As a rook out member of Garfield's horn line that year, I know I'm not permitted to post under this thread!!!! But......... That's a great comment!!!!! I had many close friends march the corps from '79 through 86 and I know all of them returned from the summer feeling they could achieve aything. .... always been a huge fan of the Devils hornline. I had a chance to really listen to La Fiesta once that summer - Montreal if I recall correctly - and loved it. Balls to wall, no holding back, flat out "take no prisoner" brass. A thing of beauty!
  3. No can do Jimmy. You need a T2202 for tuition/education expenses. Donations to a US corps are not tax deductible either to the best of knowledge
  4. Half the amount of clothes that you think Twice the amount of underwear And twice the amount of cash The only other thing I typically did was travel with a photo of a significant other or family. It helped through the occasional rough patch. Have a blast!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I don't see anything in the comments prior to yours that refer to a current gas shortage - this may have been inferred with the '70s example (which was a different set of circumstances than we have today)but I don't see it written anywhere. You've been reading The Catcher in the Rye again, haven't you!!!
  6. This I Believe (Man, I'm popular now) The line that balances the best, plays the most in tune and puts the greatest collective volume of air in the instruments at the same time WINS.
  7. So its your era, not your underwear. I love it Big Snare. Kudos
  8. The '80's were the big kicker years. The Oil Crisis was in the '70's but the price of oil and gasoline went through the roof in 1980 notably and to a lesser extent '81 and '82. 2008 will be the first year to exceed the 1980 peak if the price of oil holds. Food is an interesting story in that food prices, in inflation adjusted $, declined substantially 1974 to 2005. In 2007 the price of food jumped in real and inflation adjusted terms and is expected to stay high. The reason I say this is interesting is that prices are not materially higher due to production costs but because of the battle to reduce oil dependency. Ethanol subsidies are material in creating this double whammy. I know I'm not answering the last part of your question - I didn't have to make the tough decisions. But for those that complain about the elitism of drum corps - its doesn't look like that will change any time real soon based on the cost components to run a corps.
  9. Was there another copy of the cd there that you could retreive for a fellow Jimmy! I'd like to hear that - not at all familiar with it
  10. I had a revisit of Miles Davis' Sketches of Spain last week. It had been a while - had to dig the cd from the bowels of the car. Gil Evans is an absolute master. And the percussion work on track 5 - Solata (?) - is incredible.
  11. Open up the flood gates. The sentry's asleep...................
  12. I haven't, but if you have a high cam of '84 Garfield at Whitewater Finals I'd pay good money to see it.
  13. Hey Michael I read the article tonight about your Dad receiving his diploma from Chesterton H.S. I couldn't agree with your Dad's comments more........... "Nice"! God bless.
  14. IMNSHO; Best sound belongs to Bluecoats (but please turn it up boys and girls) BD are the loudest by miles and technically always strong (just don't try and tell me that they swing) Phantom's brass impacts are the most impressive - top or bottom SCV - impressive concert band Cavies - another impressive concert band with bigger impacts to match great visuals Crown - I haven't heard them in the last 3 years - hopefully '08 Cadets - best line they have ever had
  15. Any brass player that has the opportunity to make even a portion of this clinic, especially those that have never had the opportunity to meet or work with Jim Prime, should do so. It will be well worth the effort. All the best to The Crusaders on offering such a special event.
  16. Is there a output jack for amplification?
  17. Ran into Juice the other day. He's doing Empire Statesmen again. That guy's committed - or needs to be!!!!
  18. That's a mixed bag. Did you mean Diana Krall? I gotta go did up some Zappa!
  19. Even George would laugh at that one
  20. Drum corps folks are an eclectic bunch, especially when it comes to music preferences. So.... I'm curious as to what you are listening to currently. Not at this very moment necessarily, but what CD has your attention.
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