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Status Updates posted by hostrauser

  1. "THE LACES WERE IN!!!" --Billy Cundiff, ten years from now, as a woman, possibly.

    1. JimF-LowBari


      LOL, saw it with family members at a party. Funny as Hades listening to "bad snap"... "no wait, bad hold"... "no wait, he screwed up". Not Ravens fans but live 80 miles north of Ball-mer.

  2. Under SOPA, you could get 5 years in prison for uploading a Michael Jackson song, or one year more than the doctor who killed him received.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hostrauser


      While the concept of punishing copyright violations is sound, the SOPA and PIPA bills are SO extreme, SO broadly-worded, and SO over-reaching it would basically remove everyone's right to do anything online. Basically, under SOPA, small misdemeanor acts are turned into felonies, and the government can act against you WITHOUT due process.

    3. Scatfish


      Will this just affect the US?

    4. hostrauser


      Erm, yes, every country has their own laws.

  3. I used to be a productive member of society like you, then I took a Skyrim to the brain.

    1. JonW


      My drake egg has not yet hatched, I'm still Oblivi-ous.

    2. hostrauser


      Heh. I've spent the past several years immersed in Oblivion. Skyrim's a whole new ballgame. Quite a few changes to the game-play. Love them both, though.

  4. I guess it's good Kim Jong-il died when he did. Over the past six months, his approval rating had plummeted to only 115%!

  5. True Fact: a person swimming in the Atlantic Ocean off Long Island is further WEST than a swimmer in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of northern Chile.

    1. MikeN


      I'm ashamed to admit that I went on Google Earth to see that.

  6. I don't want to say I'm bad with money, but I was just the victim of identity theft and my credit score rose 50 points.

  7. This little sliver of my commute took 23 minutes this morning. Still want to live in southern California? http://bit.ly/pDFVTx

  8. So, how was it determined that cats have such bad grammar?

    1. bawker


      What, you don't speak fluent "Kitty Pidgin"?

  9. Bold Prediction: SCV will finish ahead of BD at DCI Finals this year.

  10. Been watching DCI Stanford videos on YouTube and I just have to say it: this is the most visually boring Blue Devils' show in 20 years.

    1. hostrauser


      I mean, they can play like WHOA and this should be an APD star of the summer... but that drill sucks. It just straight sucks. Modest tempi, tons of follow-the-leader and block movement, absolutely nothing attempted by the brass while playing. Just... wow.

  11. People always talk about going back in time and killing Hitler; I'd pretend to be a rich, Jewish businessman and buy a whole bunch of his artwork.

  12. Sometimes the universe has a fantastic sense of humor. Laffo at this jerk. http://t.co/ISHlaIk

  13. Does it bother anyone else that Lincoln's bowtie is crooked on the $5 bill?

    1. hostrauser


      No? Just me? Well, I am a mental patient...

    2. Dan Balash

      Dan Balash

      Just you. I find it humorous.

  14. Honesty is not always the best policy, but it's definitely the most fun to watch from a safe distance.

  15. On Sunday, May 22nd, I think I will dress up like Jesus and carry a sign that says, "LOLZ, J/K!"

    1. JimF-LowBari


      Went to Saturday night (Lutheran) church which starts at 5:30. Part way thru the sermon minister stopped and said "In case anyone is wondering it's 5 minutes to 6" and then continued. :-)

  16. Listening to Shostakovich's "Odna". Score calls for full orchestra, 8-pc brass band, barrel-organ, theremin, and Tuvan throat-singing (!!).

  17. But it's Friday the 13th! Surely that gives me just cause to walk around in a hockey mask carrying a machete all day. These H/R people are so unreasonable.

  18. Such a gorgeous sound.

    1. hornandsoccer
    2. Tyler C.

      Tyler C.

      Played that mallet part :P. Obviously a different arrangement and about 7 fewer horns.

  19. Okay, probably not, but how awesome would it be if Charlie Sheen was pulling an Andy Kaufman-style performance tour?

  20. I think the Padres will be about .500 this year (better than most have them), but using Tim Stauffer as your opening day starter isn't quieting the laughter, guys.

  21. This Temple/SDSU game is going to give me a stroke before it's over.

  22. If you aren't reading Wondermark (wondermark.com) your humor gland needs a tune-up.

  23. 2011. I've got a cell phone I could launch ICBM's with, but it's not smart enough to NOT send a blank text.

  24. Canadians will soon be able to watching roasting chicken on their TV, 24-hours a day. God I love Canada. http://bit.ly/eGmcxw

  25. Forecasted hi/lo for San Diego on Saturday: 47/28. Slight chance San Diego city limits will see their first measurable snowfall since 1967.

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