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Everything posted by Rocketman

  1. In no particular order: 92 Revolution & Triumph 04 007 06 Machine 14 Immortal 16 Propaganda
  2. I will give them credit for trying something 'different' however, the design was faulty (based on placement). This is not the fault of the MMs. Inadequate design, no matter how well performed, will result in lower and lower placements until, finally, they are in the stands on Saturday night instead of on the field. This is something I don't want to see happen. Unfortunately, this has become an 'all in' activity, and it appears the corps is not 'all in' but rather, 'we'll try a little bit of this and that and see how it goes'. I don't necessarily care for a lot of the arranging today as, IMO, it doesn't continue a musical thought but rather gives me a musical glimpse. My brain takes longer to process things and if you have already moved on before the phrase comes to a logical conclusion, you've lost me. However, as someone previously stated, it is a visual driven activity, and music is there to be an accompaniment to the visual presentation. I don't like it, but that's what it is. So, if your visual presentation is weak and your music is lacking, you are in for a world of hurt. IMO!
  3. Here's all you really need to know - 3rd ,6th ,7th ,7th ,8th ,9th , with a corresponding drop in their finals score over the last 6 years. Something drastic needs to happen/change!
  4. THE ACADEMY 2016 - Drum Corpse Bride 2015 - A Step in Time 2010 - Strangers in Paradise BLUECOATS 2007 - Criminal 2014 - Tilt 2015 - Kinetic Noise BLUE DEVILS 2015 - Ink 2009 - 1930 2011 - The Beat My Heart Skipped BLUE STARS 2015 - Side Show 2008 - Le Tour: Every Second Counts 2016 - Le Rêve BOSTON CRUSADERS 2014 - Animal Farm 2013 - Rise 2011 - Revolution CADETS 2016 - Awakening 2011 - Between Angels and Demons 2015 - The Power of 10 CAROLINA CROWN 2011 – Rach Star 2015 - Inferno 2016 - Relentless CAVALIERS 2014 – Immortal 2016 – Propaganda 2011 - XtraordinarY COLTS 2015 - And a Shot Rings Out 2014 - Dark Side of the Rainbow 2011 - Deception: The Jagged Edge CROSSMEN 2013 - Protest 2007 - Metamorphosis 2010 - Full Circle MADISON SCOUTS 2011 - New York Morning 2015 - 78th & Madison 2016 - Judas PHANTOM REGIMENT 2010 - Into the Light 2012 - Turandot 2008 - Spartacus SANTA CLARA VANGUARD 2015 - The Spark of Invention 2013 - Les Misérables 2014 - Scheherazade: Words 2 Live By TROOPERS 2008 - Iron Horse Express 2009 - Western Side Story 2015 - Wild Horses
  5. Ummm, no. Not a clue, and if 2017 was any indication of this, YIKES!
  6. Umm, that's not really what I was referring to. My issue is, the percussion writing, a lot of the time, does a disservice to the brass arranging. It is almost as if someone told the percussion (battery) arranger, 'you have this many counts of music to write, GO!' and just stuck it with the brass charts. (slight exaggeration) An example of this that immediately comes to mind is, early in the season the percussion parts for Regiment during the beginning of the opener. The brass line was playing a rather soft melodic section while the drummers were jamming away, a total distraction.
  7. Here's an example for you to ponder. Suppose at the end of Boston's show, the prop didn't work? Don't you think there would have been a commensurate drop in some GE score rather that a judge going, 'gee, since I know the effect you're going for, and even though it failed, I'm going to give you credit'? Personally, none of the electronics or amplification has EVER made a show more enjoyable to me. If your soloist is up front and the ensemble is playing appropriately, we should be able to hear them. It's worked in the past, it should work now. But, I am a proud dinosaur!
  8. I agree that 'when they get it right' it's awesome, but I also agree with Bobby Collins, it's been a long time since it's happened. Don't get me wrong, percussion lines have come a LONG way however, IMO, at the expense of brass lines.
  9. Being a dinosaur, I don't much care for the chop-shop approach to music composition. (They all do it). I loath the use of synthesized bass as it takes no talent to press a key on a keyboard and I would much rather hear it organically from the brass line. Percussion writing, IMO, seems to be in competition with and not a complement to the brass charts, often times playing a large number of notes needlessly. However, conceptually, there were many good shows that (IMO) would have been even better with less percussion breaks in the middle of a musical phrase. Lastly, if you have to stand still to play a difficult phrase of music, perhaps you should practice more so you can do it while moving. But then again, I am a dinosaur so, what do I know?
  10. Just a little consistency is all I ask. What am I thinking?
  11. The implication is there when you go down the 'appropriate for DCI' road. Like I said, no one said boo with the scantly clad guard BD had for their Felinesque show. Now that it is Regiment or Coats, all of the sudden it is inappropriate?
  12. I find it laughable that people think there is (or should be) a 'morality clause' in DCI as it relates to an 'appropriate' DCI show. Where was the outrage with BD 92 or Feliniesque? My issue with Regiment (as an alum) is that they seem to be 5 - 10 years behind (IMO) with how they choose to compete programming wise. They appear to want to stick a toe in, rather than diving all the way, into the current pool that is DCI. For example, their use of trombones (which I find mostly unnecessary for most corps) was what, a whole 10-15 seconds, and could have been done by baritones (again, IMO). The quandary I have is this, do I want them to go 'all in' and be like some of the shows a loathe? Or, do they try to retain some identity or connection to the past and risk becoming irrelevant? That said, there were shows that I thoroughly enjoyed that went 'all in', Cavies, SCV, Boston, and Academy come to mind immediately. Surely, the creative staff can come up with something that is competitive AND retains their identity. Or, is identity overrated? Just my 2 cents!
  13. Unfortunately, if you have to take that much time to explain someone's show so that we 'get it', THAT is the problem. We/I don't want the dead seas scrolls of what the show represents, and thus my issue with a lot of the shows today. I'm not interested in your attempt at 'educating' me. In fact, that will turn me off your show in a heartbeat. Yes, I'm a dinosaur, and proud of it. If I like what you're doing, the 'why' behind it isn't really necessary, to me.
  14. Call out BD? When has that ever happened? They will win in Indy, of that I am sure.
  15. I don't understand why only 4 of the previous top 12 are competing on day one. Has there always been this disparity between the two days? Wouldn't it make more sense to have 6 & 6 instead of 4 & 8?
  16. Sadly, drum corps ADD has been around for so long, people (not me) have gotten use to it. The talents of these brass players is being wasted on charts that have them playing, what, 1/2 the show? Everyone has sectional features that, IMO, are so over used they are generally not entertaining. Standing and playing. boring! This isn't the 70's. Move your butts!
  17. Regiment, regiment. While many have lauded the arranging, I do have issues with some of it, namely the Shost piece. It has dramatic pauses written into at the beginning that the corps has chosen to ignore completely which, IMO, kills the piece for me. They have written the drama out of the arrangement making it sound more like a John Phillip Sousa march. If I were Shostakovich, I’d not so politely request they stop playing my music. I get supporting your corps, which I do, but there were more than a few alums that had high praise for the show. Look, I don’t hate it, but as I stated, this is not what the ‘sheets’ reward. Is it different? Yes, from other corps and for Regiment. However, the sheets are the sheets and to not design to them is a detriment to the corps as a whole. I finally saw where they are using trombones (all 15 seconds, no exaggeration) however, since the rest of the brass line is blasting away, you couldn’t hear them. To me this is an example of a reluctant attempt to ‘do what everyone else is doing’ and not quite carrying it off, almost intentionally if you ask me.
  18. Hmmm. I like the optimism but, probably not. Everyone ahead of them has designed their shows (IMO) with the currently accepted flavors. Regiments show, as is, appears to be lacking a few flavors.
  19. Not sure I would say they are 'following' anyone. It seems more like, hey, this is what we're gonna do so, deal with it. My issue is not with them being or not being a follower. If they want to compete for a top spot, the current vehicle is not going to cut it, I think we'd all agree on that. I'm not saying I don't like it either. It's just not the direction the activity has been going and does this not appear to be ending anytime soon. Frankly, I'm not sure I'd like to see them go they way of the activity. Though, I must admit, I prefer SCV over everyone in the top 6 thus far.
  20. Guess it was sort of genetic. Watched my dad and 3 older brothers in the Pittsburgh Rockets. That's what I wanted to some day do, and I did.
  21. Mike: Crown is a perfect example of what Regiment could be/have been. But for some reason unknown to this alum, they haven't gone there. There have been very few Crown shows that I haven't liked. Then, there was this year, can't say it's one of my favorites.
  22. Blue Knights, whether you like them or not, IS what DCI has become. The Regiments offering this year, while slightly more modern, IMO, still lags behind the corps above them in the area of currently accepted programming. They have stuck their big toe in the water while others have dove in head first. Again, IMO.
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