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Everything posted by oldsnare

  1. The pic of CC with brass on the trampoline - look over at the back of the end zone.
  2. Those red things in the back of the end zone don't look good!!!
  3. When the Cadet's Battery comes from the end zone toward midfield and there is a huge distance between them and the pit reminds me of 05 when during the ballad the drum line starts midfield and trucks all the way to the back left. Both times the battery and the pit are are a great distance apart but right on as far as playing together - amazing!!
  4. George has already said it's pre-recorded and the speaker lip syncs the words. He didn't say if it was his voice pre-recorded.
  5. Are there any other corps where the pit wears their hats (shako's, etc)?
  6. In one of George's Tueday night webinars, he stated the narration was pre-recorded; just as it was with the couple on the couch in 2007. I guess there are 2 built in safeties; if the narrator gets sick, the recordings keep going. On the other hand if somrthing happens to the recording, the kid can do it live. The recording might be the kids real voice - don't know about that.
  7. 21 sets of blood sweat, and tears of winning the 2013 DCI Championships
  8. Why did you remove my thread - it was pertinent to the Scout's story line. acting like I'm going to take my bat and ball and go home.
  9. Was that Little Geoffrey out there with the big red balloon? LOL
  10. I have a different thought about the Blue Devils. Over the last 3 or 4 years, the Blue devils have had shows that don't always equate to audience appeal. No doubt, they are an unbelievably talented bunch of young adults, but who are the persons responsible for the crowds reaction to their shows; not the marching members. It's the staff. The staff has decided to write shows that will allow this crowd reaction to take place toward the members of their corps. If I was involved in an activity that affected 150 young adults, I wouldn't have the heart to ask them to perform something that would lead them to being criticized at the level they are subjected. Why would the staff do this to these young adults; they are talented enough to know when they are writing a show that produces this type of reaction from the audience - but let's go ahead and subject them to it anyway; The judges will under stand we are geniuses; who cares what the members of the corps have to endure. We'll have another DCI Championship to add to our collection!! Blue Devil Staff - take your unbelievable talent and write the shows that will win your championships and keep the members from the having to go through this. My 2 cents, Mitch
  11. I posted the same problem on DCP when I saw them in Bristol, RI; don't get caught sitting too low or you will miss some of the "Other Sides" of their show. It was disappointing to me. Mitch
  12. I got to see The Cadets live in Bristol. My seats were more than half way up the stadium - on the 45 Yd Line. I have to say their show is so much better live. That horn line is as good as they have been lately - so much for more winter camps. The battery just keeps playing and running no matter where they are. They are so clean, and I was impressed that there was no phasing when they were back field; on the the other side of the tower wall - no where. There is one problem as a viewer about their show. Unless you are high up, you can't see all of the show. The towers block the "Other Side" of the Side X Side when you are not high enough to see over them. I see Boston wore their usual Red and White uni tops in a parade July 4th; saw them on DCI.com with them on. http://i.embed.ly/1/display/resize?key=1e6a1a1efdb011df84894040444cdc60&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net%2Fhphotos-ak-prn1%2Fs720x720%2F935833_562732573770690_644095984_n.jpg&width=490 My observations of Cadets - I'll stop there. I thought Bluecoats and PR are not where they need to be yet. Mitch There was irony that didn't pass me. Bluecoat's percussion is written by a guy in the Air Force, and in Bristol Sgt. Jeff Prospiere was the judge -
  13. There was an Old School Contra player on DCP that said both terms are technically correct. They are Double B Flat Contratubas to be specific. Can't argue one way or the other - Mitch
  14. When was the last time you payed money to see a musical show, and toward the end, there was or was not an announcement that the show was incomplete. There was no notice previous to the musical event that it was not complete. Would you say, "Oh, well" I'll pay again later in the summer to see the complete show. Why do we make excuses for drum corps. Maybe shows are more complex than they need to be; Or maybe the prices should be reduced or maybe corps should pay a heavier price for not being done, or maybe a notice should go out from DCI about incomplete shows on any particular night. We have to expect and accept less than as being ok. Mitch
  15. I'm Mitch; marched snare with Magnificent Yankees, Utica, NY 1962 - 1966; Navy Musician 1966 - 1970, Marched snare with Syracuse Brigadiers (flew to shows on weekends when I could), 1967 - 1968 Welcome aboard!
  16. Empire Statesmen 90.75 Kidsgrove Scouts 89.75 Atlanta CV 87.03 Renegades 86.25 Fusion Core 84.88 Bushwackers 80.20 Kilties 79.53 Cadets2 91.60 Hurricanes 93.55 Minnesota Brass 95.80 Caballeros 94.83 Buccaneers 98.50
  17. If they suspend tonight's Prelims and use the seedings for the finals, they should not announce anymore scores - what if Cadets2 beat the Hurcs, and they don't honor those scores;
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