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Everything posted by azul

  1. You are correct in PC being in 16th was their highest finish. Very proud of my hometown corps
  2. Bloo won my heart in the end. Number two is my other drum corps alma mater Pacific Crest.
  3. Was literally 5ft away from her at semis as I walked off after cadets show. I think what was even funnier is that I have plenty of family members that think DCI is geeky and "uncool" but these same family members were also "True Blood" fans and crazy ones at that too. The shock, jealousy and other emotions they felt when I took a picture of her and sent it to them was one of the best feelings ever. To tell them that she even almost marched was the icing on the cake for me.
  4. Sully took full advantage of this and put the helmet on the bird at the end of BK's show. If not, it definitely turned out that way haha.
  5. I hope PC brings it like they have been and then some so they can over take academy! Bring it on PC!!!!!
  6. PC getting close to academy again! Possible push for 15th?
  7. Bloo was cleaner than them tonight both form and foot timing wise. Even phantom was cleaner than them in the visual department
  8. Crown-visually rougher than Allentown but musically stronger and more exciting!
  9. Bloo threw down! If this was judged, I would've had them ahead of scv
  10. Great ending even without the guard. Crowd gave it up to a well deserved phantom run!
  11. Well, even after announced the show would be suspended, phantom continues on without their guard in the field. Good hypes and good energy!
  12. At the show. Boston was strong and hyped performing in the rain. Guard had a food run. SCV had a really flat performance and some vis ensemble problems. Horns didn't deliver like I had hoped they did. Lots of stick outs too. Phantom next
  13. I thought something looked funny. Sorry surf!
  14. Top 12 won't move much so I'll do 13-25 13. Bones 14. Glassmen 15. Pacific Crest (best case scenario for them) 16. Academy 17. Troop 18. Colts 19. Oregon 20. Surf 21. Mandarins 22. SCVC 23. BDB 24. Spartans 25. Cascades To explain my putting PC above academy, even though the Allentown shows are different shows, the spreads fr the corps performing on different days stays pretty much the same. W/o the penalty, academy had a 76.9 and PC had a 76.65. I also think PC has more audience interaction and GE built into their show too. Should be interesting
  15. Did you tell them Rach Star was a one time thing? =p jk. I really hate when people ask me if DCI is like that movie. I respond with a forced smile on my face "you're lucky murder is illegal or else I'd kill you" haha
  16. No problem! Glad to help out for the 40th!
  17. Ok so I only went to night one since I was going to be touring with Bloo until finals volunteering. Pioneer-stood against the wall so I can't really comment visually. The kids push and try hard. Besides that, I don't think this is Friday night material. Got to my seat on the 50, 11th row. Sweet seats if I do say so myself Mandarins-cleaned up a lot since I saw them in California. they lack that extra power volume wise until their last horn impact. New ending needs work but I liked it. Pacific Crest-this corps is on its way up. I don't think they'll move any higher than they currently are but they are making heads turn. Crowd didn't expect the first impact to be that loud and to stay that way or get bigger throughout the show. Got the first none hesitant standing O of the night. Makes me prouder to be an alum of this corps. Colts- started strong but seemed to tire more and more as the show went on. The theme is very apparent in the guard and the DM soloist. But I had them where they ended up. Troopers-best brass section of the first half. I get the concept but it's a little awkward at times and each movement ends a bit weird. I really like 2011 and hope they can design something like that again. Spirit- holy cow that brass section can play! Loved the ballad arrangement of "poker face" and how it was reprised in the closer. Reminds me of the 07 PC show but with more edge. Almost seems like a show Bloo would do. Phantom-very theatrical as usual for this group. They found their loud again because they lacked that a lot in California. Powerful sound but the ending to me is wash, rinse, repeat without death of last seasons show. Crowd loved it. Bluecoats-powerful horn sound. Interesting visual technique going toe first a every step size. Concept is extremely apparent live and is a bit tear jerking at the end. I know one of the kids recorded for the voice overs in Flume and know what he means by his words and it struck me close. Great show Bloo! Proud alum of this corp as well. Crown-loud AF!!! Definitely has the Ott trophy in the bag. So many notes and so much running! I thought their guard was better than devs. They have too much individual visual dirt to catch BD and it's mostly in body movement timing as oppose to drill movement. Great show though BD- I usually don't like their shows but I love this one! The opening is powerful and the flugelhorn solo and brass section accompaniment are gorgeous and possibly my favorite part of their show. I still don't get why they need vocals for this show. That's all I'm complaining about for them this season. Strong in all areas and will win a well deserved #15 in Indy. Now if you excuse me, I need to go cook bloos dinner
  18. Sorry for not commenting recently. Bluecoats were awesome! Huge horn sound and clean drums! Crown was LOUD! Some individual visual errors. Don't see them winning. BD has me sold on a show for the first time since 04. Love this show! Definitely deserving of #15
  19. So phantom decides to play loud after touring California? Great run! Now for Bloo!!!!
  20. Well, I feel like a million bucks after that. Thanks spirit!
  21. Troopers were better than colts but the pacing is weird. Great horn sound though. My overall rankings thus far PC Troop Colts Mandarins Pio
  22. Colts, I understand the concept well. But they lost power as the show went on. I think Pc stays on top of them
  23. Just got to my seat. Strong run from mandarins. New ending is cool but needs work to have the full effect it wants. Wished the volume they had at the end at all their impacts
  24. Bluecoats 2010. Would've been cool to see a champion crowned without ever medaling before a win. Plus, that would've been the ice cream with the cake for my age out season.
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