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Everything posted by drilltech1

  1. one version might be white with some symbols... picks up both guard uni and corps' baldrick.
  2. Explain yourself, o wise one. Did you have a bump on the head with your motor sickle???
  3. According to Crown's CEO in the Fieldpass interview today with Dan Potter, this Cali tour is costing Crown an extra $30K and is why they took an additional 4 shows. That's a lot of extra souvies to sell. Would they be selling the Cream unis or are they keeping them just in case White Dawn is correct that the new uni is too dark on the field to see all the extras and difficulty in the show? Either way, kudos don't help the corps. A souvie sell does. Right, Corpsband?
  4. But a traditional Cadets show would have break-neck amazing visuals done by the feet and would be filled with emotion. This, not so much.......................Sadly.
  5. But according to this vimeo, they are the RED PANTS! Or does that go under the New Uniforms thread?:tongue:/>
  6. Well try the Alban Hills outside of Rome and the beautiful views of Lago Albano. I hear Castel Gandalfo is vacant at the moment. Tell Papa Francesco I said, Buon giorno. If you are staying in the city, be sure to check out Rome's own drum and bugle corps in the Swiss Guard (ask at Porta Santa Anna by the Vatican Museo for when they practice and troop.) Their big Roman performance is August 6th. The guard at the gate will also tell you where the best local eats are available at the cheapest prices. Further info and discount coupons can also be gotten at the Vatican Info office on the piazza or at the North American Collegio on the Janiculan Hill overlooking it all. Regarding the Swiss guard drum corps: No , they are not getting new unis this season. Michaelangelo's design, now several hundred years old, is unique and still does them quite well. Sorry Cesario. Ciao.:smile:/>/>/>
  7. It's hard not to get dizzy when riding a pendalum. Last year's show could not have been more pedestrian. This year's show tries to venture where BD and now Crown tred. And everywhere but on W. Hamilton Av. in Allentown, the folks wonder whether this year is meant to be the payback to the caption heads for Hopkins pushing his show design last season. Very technically challenging. How much identity with the crowd without having to read the "libretto" is yet to be measured. And with the judges, not until Missouri.
  8. Hey, no pushing Crown on the Cadets' thread.:tongue:/>
  9. in upper Michigan, Wisconsin or upstate NY given the early snows (otherwise the white is a give away. Those illegal deer poachers would be shooting up a storm at you white-tails.)
  10. But happy anniversary TQ for being on DCP for one year today.
  11. per skevinp earlier on this thread: "Arizona does not have daylight savings time though so it is actually 3 hours earlier than EDT." You're welcome.
  12. When drum corps contests were being held so often in the local non-Texas size football fields with bleachers, the members had a presence and entity which has been lost as more and more contests occur in NFL stadia and the even larger Texas size arenas. There many performers look as if they are the Skyriders doing that Munchkin number again. Anything that helps the performer look larger in these colossal size places is helpful. The video/TV/jumbotron clarity also prompts the size concern. (Yup, I know the joke about TV adding 10 lbs.) Other thoughts, anyone?
  13. Do you mean to say, Wes, that Einstein may be fantasying, "If only to be on a beach...?":rolleyes:/>
  14. Your good point must be placed against the horizon of the velocity of the Cadets' drill. Until there was a vast improvement in plume manufacturing, not only did the taller plumes cost more but they tended to fall off Cadets more often when tested than the shorter ones. Things have changed since.
  15. Just a coincidence because Crown is coming into town?? I heard certain posters on DCP bluster that it would be a "cold day in hel-" before they let a non-California corps whip them in their own West Coast contest...
  16. This posting by Cowtown on another thread seems germaine here. I apologize to the Cow if his sentiments are a bit other than what we are discussing. Posted Today, 10:48 AM (#52) cowtown With all due respect, I wonder if Michael Cesario has too much involvement with too many corps creating a more uniform look throughout I strongly dislike many of the WGI uniforms but they are form = function so what might work in a gym on 30 people would never work on a football field for 100 plus – someone will make that mistake soon Often, after a big uniform change, it take the visual staff a year to create a drill that works better for that uniform
  17. Your link gives rise to another question with the props. Certainly, there will be much color on the field. Will the corps members look dwarfed in contrast? Especially since they looked so tall in the drum major's white uniform they all wore last season. Second, your link dramatizes the challenge of the wind for props which are not taut. Will that be a distraction or dirty the image? Certainly this will not be a problem for the indoor shows of Atlanta, San Antonio, and Indy. But what about the ToC shows (all outdoors) and the rest of the season? What if Minneapolis throws another windy storm situation? Will the drill become more boring with no colorful props to compensate?
  18. I agree with you completely. The same is true in terms of visual designers/drill writers. The same names are recycled from unit to unit with almost no new names appearing in DCI amongst the major players in awhile. How many places/units has Marc Sylvester written for now? or Myron Rosander? or Jonathan Vanderkopf? I understand that for these people, the corps are their livelihood and their salary. But any one person only has so many creative original ideas. We all like to imagine we're Michaelangelo but... This may be where this thread merges with the speculative exclamations of Danielray on that other thread (right foot, wrong foot).
  19. All those "original ideas" the big name designers get the big bucks for, aren't so original. As you well prove, what goes around, comes around. :-)
  20. I am surprised that we have gone so many pages and yet no one has mentioned how the Rosemont fraternity brothers have borrowed an idea from their crossState rivals, the Regiment. Does a crest in the center of a jacket remind you of anyone else's recent uniforms???
  21. He's just trying to match that big feather.
  22. Very, very clever use of the abstract Fleur de Lis to make the camoflage pattern. Kudos to that clever designing mind(s).
  23. You have wonderfully worn them, especially at the World Open prelims one Massachusetts morning at 8 am when the sprinklers went off mid-performance and we learned what the rookies did/did not wear under the kilts. But corner the market. No way. Many corps have worn kilts. 27th Lancers percussion section comes to mind the years Zingali and Charlie Poole marched. I personally like the Kilties uni better when it was the yellow/black/and red tartan. Sorry, I don't remember the clan.
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