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Everything posted by brichtimp

  1. Yes...that's why Madison 2011 entertained me more than higher placing shows that year, although execution was spotty.
  2. I'm far older than 37, and I gotta say that with the right tech, you can access everything you listed plus everything George mentioned. Then, if you want to mine into state of the art, go sample the Berlin Phil's Digital Concert Hall....musical wizards in hi def....on my lappie, iPad, iPhone, etc....it's all there and it's all good.
  3. Don't mis-read me on this. My focus on 'top corps' does not mean that I don't also enjoy Oregon Crusaders et al. That said, a cutting edge concept and design does not overcome the need for top shelf precision across the board, in marching and playing, to rise to the top 6 in DCI. For example, I don't care how many decibels the BLOO synth chords can bend, if they can't execute in tune and with minimal visual dirt. Michael Cesario in his DCI podcast parsed between spectators and fans in looking at the changes to the GE sheets this year.
  4. Yes, percussion won last year, yet they have a high percent of rookies this year (battery especially); so it is noteworthy that this highly visible section is driving the machine at a high level again this year.
  5. IMHO, each of the top shows is very entertaining and creative; and objective comparison is a real challenge. As much as I want 'my corp' to win/medal, I enjoy this activity a lot more when I can compartmentalize the placements and get into the flow of each show and appreciate it on that level. Copland, Fellini and Lovatt-Cooper are so varied in context and composition that I revert back to appreciating all of the music and marching fundamentals and how well they are executed.
  6. And, the battery 'kill shot' diagonally across the field is a thing of beauty....technically ridiculous at that tempo, but so musically executed, synchronized with that beast of a C-Pit. I think Fugett got it right the other night, and he was able to track them all the way.
  7. Yes...I have read some opinions asserting that the Cadets show is 'simple' or lacks demand. Those kids drill and play almost non-stop, and produce quality sound in the process. I see continuous improvement in both the cleaning of their show and with changes now showing up. The staff obviously knows that there is no glory in a show that can't be sufficiently cleaned...but the demand in what they already have is deceptively difficult.
  8. Blue Devils are an awesome corp, but make no mistake....Cadets are on a mission...they can smell it!
  9. I hope the respective judges simply score based on what they see and hear...regardless of show order.
  10. Re-viewing the show from last night, the Cadets percussion kicked butt and took names...simple as that...incredible execution against drill demand (and, I really dig the Bluecoats drumline..very hip).
  11. Could that be related to the amount of time in Crown's show where their stellar brass are silent, while their percussion are featured stage front?
  12. They are achieving increasingly well in the execution captions....will be fun to see which corps bring it tonight.
  13. Regardless of the various opinions about the Cadets show, they played and marched with controlled intensity, and cleaner than just about anyone else. Fugett probably lost about 5 pounds tracking the Cadets battery around the field as they executed with power, subtlety and control.I don't think they have the most pure talent; but quality execution and balance in all captions describes what I see out there.....Tonight in DeKalb should be a gas!
  14. But...but....those are aesthetic choices. The judges determine placement since the tick system is long gone. I think the Cadets have one of the most cohesive shows among the top 4, enhanced by significant stretches of medium to high velocity drill employed to good effect, and with effective transitions which maintain the momentum for the most part. That said, this is a unique musical sport...it would be unnatural to avoid comparing scores against relative performance levels in the various captions.
  15. Well, if we can get the Cadets to have some of their guard zip down to their bras and have the snare line perform some of their most technical phrases parked on a platform (both a la BD), then the sky is the limit :-)
  16. Additionally, Cadets pierced 87 overall last night, including a .2 percussion gain from Pipitone compared with the previous night; so their trajectory seems to be solid. Ultimately, contingent on the impact of any additions to the emotional content of the show, I think they will need to be surgically clean in early August to hang with Bloo, Crown and BD.
  17. So, now the adjustments and additions commence. Cadets "vanilla" gets them in the mix, but BD is too strong for that. I am curious about the .4 delta in the Percussion score.
  18. Would love to hear the judges tapes and feedback tonight.....hard to find two shows with greater contrast, yet both are really compelling to me. BD is so artistic and organic in delivering their themes. The Cadets will just pin their ears back like a guard dog that knows two commands: sit and kill :-) Their drills are shrink-wrapped around the music. The fact that some fans think their demand is easier is testament to their ability to make the difficult look easy........epic showdown begins tonight.
  19. Yes, I am speaking to this year specifically.....a good balance of individual and ensemble demand that still allows for quality symphonic brass sound (not just LOUD sound with synth artificially spiking decibels and masking intonation flaws). And, the Cadets' show this year does include some extended drill at 192 BPM. Whoever medals this year will have survived the gauntlet of fire.....and that makes for compelling drum corp drama.
  20. Well, I use Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Stainless on my Macs, and they are all ok for the most part.....Safari integrating best (bookmarks etc.). The Fan Network is better for me this year but still not optimal for quality. Go check out any video on the Berlin Philharmonic's Digital Concert Hall, and you can easily determine how well your broadband pipe works with high quality video and sound.
  21. Consider that with each passing generation, there seems to be a receding level of historical knowledge and perspective among Americans (generality of course); so the Presidential quotes are not necessarily re-treads for a bunch of younger viewers especially. That said, the Cadets are not doing a version of Cirque du Soleil on the field, so they have that to overcome at least :-)
  22. While I am openly Cadets-biased, I think BD is the 800 pound gorilla in the room....so much design talent, and they execute, period! The contrast in shows this year is interesting.....judging apples vs cumquats.
  23. And yet....there they are in the midst of a bunch of 'cutting edge' shows......'old school' works when the 'name staff' expertly selects, nurtures and guides a group of talented and committed kids. Cutting edge is most significant, IMHO, when it is matched with uber musicianship and clean marching.
  24. Having viewed the sectionals and ensemble rehearsal at Lenape yesterday, it was cool to see that many of the details they attended to made a difference in the solidity of ensemble in the show. It doesn't seem humanly possible to outwork them, and the specificity and efficiency of focus in rehearsal is a veritable clinic....awesome stuff!
  25. Excellent analysis of these corps...PPL was a great venue for enjoying and comparing the performances. Bluecoats had incredible power and maturity, slightly diluted, IMHO, by over-reliance on synth brass to augment the 'real' guys out there. Guard and percussion were top notch. Crown displayed impressive chops all over the place, but maybe too many props in the mix...and if anything their excellent percussion is given too much feature time while the brass take a lengthy breather. Cadets definitely need a couple of additional crowd-grabbing moments, woven into the drill (not just for the sake of adding wow); but in terms of a musically-nuanced brass sound....not the loudest, but unadulterated by synth, they are superb; and the field judge was having difficulty last night staying with the battery while they executed sustained high speed drill, playing a variety of technically/musically challenging phrase sequences. Really enjoyable night with perfect conditions and a nice crowd.
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