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Everything posted by Skylinersop16

  1. Does anyone have the file with the I&E regulations in it from the past couple of years?
  2. I believe they can be knocked out but the international corps does not gain voting rights so the 11th place corps retains them.
  3. Sorry, I meant same organization. DCA corps do not technically compete in DCI. They are judged on DCA sheets and the same goes for a DCI corps at a DCA contest.
  4. Just wanted to get an idea of what I should charge when I begin giving private trumpet and music reading lessons. What would be a fair price for someone with my qualifications (19 years playing, 4 teaching, no degree) Any suggestions?
  5. There is no rule prohibiting 2 separate corps from competing in DCI and DCA within the same circuit. The rule only prevents the DCI corps from competing in both circuits. As long as there are two different corps then there is no rule infraction.
  6. Good luck to everyone competing this season in DCP-I from the Roselle Park Conquistadors. We are preparing to make the official jump to the real world next month as the Conquistadors Winterguard will begin competition. We won't forget that it all started right here!
  7. That would be cool. I don't know what the current DCI ones look like but I like the Legacy ones that use the old Summer Music Games Fanfare Mike came from drum corps and was very involved in DCA with the Brigadiers. I'm sure he knows what people want and what will work. On that note, I would like to see The corps' entrance and exit from the field. Corps cadences don't get any spotlight time.
  8. Shoes show everything. Pant stripes aren't that big of a deal unless they are florescent colors, kick pleats cover up more mistakes than they expose.
  9. Here is the press release that hit the local papers and news stations this past week: "The Conquistadors Winterguard, an independent indoor colorguard from Binghamton, NY, will be beginning their 2009-2010 season on Friday, October 9th. Our first rehearsal will be at the First Church of the Nazarene in Owego, NY from 5:00-8:30. Membership is open to individuals between 11 and 21. We invite you to join us as we kick off our 2010 season and begin work on our show to the music of Michael Jackson's "Dirty Diana." For more information, please visit our website at www.conquistadorswinterguard.org." This Friday, the season begins!
  10. Go to www.invisionfree.com. They host this type of forum (Invision Boards) for free. It is an older version of the software though. Other than that, you would have to buy the software from InvisionBoards.
  11. That is opinion. Whether yours, mine, or the judges that score them.
  12. Here. I wouldn't post them in this thread. Could get confusing
  13. I swear this thread was locked up a couple hours ago. I really think I'm losing my mind Oh, and 42 is the product of 3 and 14
  14. After an out of nowhere heat wave in Upstate NY last week and early this week, things have cooled off considerably for us. It looks like temps will hold in the mid 70's right through DCA weekend. May make for a chilly evening though.
  15. DCA is doing what it does and has been successful for many years. If a DCI corps wants to jump ship, take the year off (like DCA bylaws state) and reform as a DCA corps. If you are that stuck on being a "junior" corps then keep your age cap. There is no need to try to start a junior division.
  16. I never actually got to see the field at Lewisburg. The one show I did there was cut short due to the pesky tornado that came uninvited.
  17. Haha a buck an ear. We only told that one in Reading
  18. This needs to be brought back at Finals. One last mini performance for all the other corps that didn't get 1st and get an encore. Why have the corps march all the way out there and stand forever only to march back out the gate single file to a tap. Do they still do all those ridiculous caption trophies at finals? Those wasted a good portion of time if I remember correctly. (I'm talking the best use of 3rd valve, loudest bass drum, biggest plume, shiniest shoes and all that stuff, not the actual judged caption awards and DM of course) That time could've been used to allow the corps to troop and play. I believe the time constraint on the stadium was the reason for getting rid of the practice altogether. Could be wrong.
  19. I would imagine it's just something someone thought of to mean doing something completely irrational because you are too excited to think straight.
  20. Yes. I think this would be fine for live seasons because you should be able to figure your captions out on your own. Not sure about off seasons though...
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