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Everything posted by DCM

  1. Other than the one scoring annomally on 6/21 i think the scores definitivley show Blue Stars are gaining on Bluecoats. Can't really see how you say they are "inconsistant"
  2. Looks Like Blue Stars are creeping up on Bluecoats...... I Don't think Coats will be in the top 6 this year.....
  3. Instead of trying posting on this board, why don't you get in touch with the corps?
  4. Ya this looks very interesting. The promo video has me wanting more, but i do have one question......Other than arranging for Drum Corps, what use is it????
  5. Is that`APP just for iphone? I would like to see it on my Android.
  6. " Two-tenths is not an unusual gap. Now if you sum that gap out over all the captions, you can easily come up with a two-point spread in final scores. You can still lose a caption or two somewhere, particularly if you make it up with a bigger gap in another caption." Not sure i'm following this statement. I think you are meaning a 2 tenth gap in sub captions because if there were a 2 tenth gap in just captions then the total difference would be 1 point.
  7. Nice Score for Bluecoats! Congrats on your NEW highest score EVER! Let's hope it lasts only 1 NIGHT!!!!! BLOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  8. Does this mean tomorrow nights show they will only have 1 GE music judge? It's only fair if they are going to average scores.
  9. Scores very slightly askew with a missing GE Music judge.
  10. Looks like scores have stalled out this week.
  11. I remember the Montreal show having a beer tent about 30' from the front sideline and waiting to go into critique with a beer in my hand while the corps were on retreat.... They know how have a good time in Montreal.
  12. WOW! nice scores from all! Way to go BLUECOATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Right now it does look like BD will go another undefeated season, But to say now that they will win is definitley premature. There is still 3 weeks left ( almost) and there are lots of corps that will close that gap ( SHOULD be easier to clean 10 points than it is to clean 7) This will be my 23rd time attending Finals and i am kinda hoping for a real exciting end.....something like .. ahem...1988!. .
  14. Now That's a horse race! Good job Blooooooooooo!
  15. Tough one to call. Wouldn't want to be a judge tonight. I'm thingking Cavies - Have momentum and i am guessing a top3 finish for them this year. Win Brass tonight Score 91.4 Bluecoats - Great overall package and strong in all captions. Win Drums tonight. Score 91.0 Crown - Great at what they do, but i think drum line holds them back a little. Score 90.9 Cadets - Another great show from the Cadets but nothing new. These guys can march! Score 90.7
  16. Bluecoats squeak out a win! BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  17. Ah didn't know that but the spread would have been a smaller spread than the .6 the ensemble judge had that night.
  18. Actully it's 2-6 vs Crown and should have been 3 and 5 considering there was a missing judge from the panel the last time they met. I can see both of these continuing to battle back and forth for the rest of the year.
  19. BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! LAst night with the old ending...... Let's get that new one on and enjoy your last 4 weeks.
  20. Sorry Just got in... are we awaiting scores at this moment??
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