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Everything posted by Eleran

  1. To anyone more familiar with the show, or maybe with better eyes ... what were the big brown squares left and back field supposed to be, if anything in particular?
  2. In a world filled with narration ... all these narrations are channeling Don LaFontaine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QPMvj_xejg
  3. I think that may be a bit generous. Three of us were about three rows down from the press box, on the fifty - and had the whole row to ourselves.
  4. Thought Fusion, Cabs and Cadets all sounded good. Enjoyed the show tonight.
  5. Just tuned in at the start of the BDB show - looks like a missed a good SCV Cadets show? Oh, well, just glad to be able to catch the show at all - just got back from the DCA show at Bayonne.
  6. Roll your eyes all you want - your quoting of my post erroneously left out the portion that said "what if there were no fires, floods, hurricanes, or other reasons" ... and the only real reason was a corp hadn't gotten around to it? Meaning, does that change people's feelings if there are no "safety" or other good reasons? What if a corps hadn't even finished its drill design yet?
  7. what if there were no fires, floods, hurricanes, or other reasons ... what if the corps was just unorganized and hadn't gotten around to finishing yet?
  8. I'm generally curious - how many World Class corps don't have the entire show drill ready (performable, not perfect) by this point? how many Open Class corps? For those that do not, is it a case of not yet having gotten the drill to an acceptable level? Or are there corps who haven't even given their drill design out to the players yet?
  9. Rufus67 - I was at that camp as well!! (if it's the West Chester Univ. camp you're referring to - I know they do camps elsewhere now).
  10. According to CorpsReps they played it in 2008
  11. 1981 Finals on PBS pledge drive would have been first show seen at all. If memory (and the internet) serve me right, my first live DCI show was August 9, 1983, at West Chester University, PA - 27th Lancers won that night. My son's first show was June 28, 2013 at Jackson, NJ - Cadets won.
  12. Meaning they let the quality of the score be primary, instead of trying to showcase the quality of their players.
  13. Yes, and that was the highlight of the show, because they trusted the music, instead of the musicality
  14. Now if they would just trust them to play a whole note once in a while, instead of shoehorning runs into everything
  15. Love the guard colors. Like the quality of the playing and marching. Would prefer they lose the stage and the narration. Oh well.
  16. If I have nothing nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all. However, with respect to some corps (and their shows for that matter), I am reminded of the old tale:
  17. There were a lot of beheadings recently?
  18. I wonder if the top "jacket" piece will ride up too high on some of the players, though, because there's a weird shimmery piece underneath, on one side only, at an angle. Check out this video from the concert in the park: http://youtu.be/Cuz6Wks1qeY
  19. The black straps do tend to hide the logo, but perhaps the overall look they wanted was more of just the fade from black to red, which when you look close gives you the added bonus of seeing the logo - as opposed to the logo being meant to stand out on its own. I see those uniforms and I think of some science fiction show where the world is run by a cruel, militaristic police force (who just happen to play music ...) Not necessarily a bad image to conjure for an Animal Farm show.
  20. I'd like to see Phantom behead the announcer for butchering the names of the composers
  21. Mandarins color guard pictures released today on their Facebook page
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