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Everything posted by drangin

  1. Every corps in the 1983 Collector's Series Finals CD release had the timing pistol shots removed at the end, without regard for what it did to the music. I spliced them back in from the videos for my own collection. Idiots.
  2. Show Band International? They sing, they dance, it's all choreographed to the music... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z75fDWK7cpE
  3. A stadium with an event going on is a workplace for the staff who are working there all day.
  4. Where's the level playing field when some corps can spend virtually unlimited amounts of money on electronics to double or triple the decibel level coming off the field? Besides, DCI better hope OSHA never takes an interest in the ear-pounding drum corps fans will take for hours on end if an electronics decibel war is allowed to happen year after year. (Please don't tell me that show designers have the good sense to not let that happen when you know they're gunning for that extra .10 in GE.)
  5. LP surface noise is why I turned to CD and never looked back, except for stuff you can't find on CD. Do you have any old drum corps LPs, like early 70s DCI prelims? Ken Kobold knew what he was doing.
  6. Yes and no, depending on how you define "compression." LPs sound phat precisely because dynamic range compression is employed. An LP can't possibly reproduce the full dynamic range of a typical music performance by a large group, so the dynamic range is compressed to fit more easily on the LP format. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_range_compression Digital compression is a completely different animal. It compresses not the dynamic range of a digital audio file but the size of the file. It's how the mp3 format came about, to send audio files over the internet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_compression
  7. Not with the IsoMike rig, I'm sure. It looks pretty cool - I wonder why DCI doesn't record with it? It's not too distracting or anything... http://www.isomike.com/BlueKnights/
  8. I stand corrected. I've never been able to hear astroturf grow. The noise floor on the 24-bit 2014 Finals recordings is about 50dB below FS. What makes you think you're hearing even 12 bits of dynamic range, let alone 24 bits? Look closely at the ingredients on that package of filet mignon - does it list horsemeat?
  9. Bluecoats 2014: for about ten seconds before Hymn to Axciom it's nothing but electronics.
  10. What, my comments or Blue Devils' show design?
  11. The improvement you're hearing on the Essentials Blu-rays has less to do with the higher-fidelity format and more to do with the fact that the sound on the Blu-rays was remastered from the original audio tapes (or high-end digital copy). The videos on the Legacy DVDS from the 1970s & 1980s were not recorded with high-fidelity soundtracks, they were later synced to the audio recordings that existed at the time that were intended for release on LP. The Essentials serious went back to the drawing board with state of the art mastering techniques.
  12. I'm sure that's true. I just don't like what is happening. Sometimes there is no sound coming off the field other than electronics controlled by someone who isn't even on the field: some educated audio pro who knows how to make things happen. At what point do we stop the charade that there is an age limit for the "performers?"
  13. All the audio recordings are available as downloads on Fan Network again.
  14. No one listening to a recording of a drum corps performance is going to say, "Gosh, I wish this was available in 24-bit."
  15. Technically, yes. One format can record and playback dog whistle calls and the full dynamic range of a jet fighter taking off, the other can't, but they are both more than adequate for listening to music. Edit, to clarify: the 16-bit/44.1kHz CD format is a high standard for quality audio reproduction. 24-bit/96kHz is mostly marketing hype, though it does give recordists more elbow room until a recording is mastered to the CD standard. Issues with audio quality only tend to occur when the data stream is reduced, such as for mp3 files for internet transmission. The standard rate for albums you buy on iTunes or other sources is 256kbps, which sounds very good even compared to the original CD-quality WAV file standard of 1411kbps.
  16. So you want lower price and higher quality? Don't we all!
  17. Huh? If it's higher resolution that 16-bit/44.1kHz then it isn't a CD. Higher-quality formats such as SACD failed because they hit the market the same time as mp3 players - music lovers wanted more convenience instead of more quality. The audio format for DVD and Blu-ray is 24-bit/96 kHz, so if you want that audio format you can get it from the DVDs they sell.
  18. The bobbing for apples never bothered me, but if it's a good enough reason to remove the entire junk pile from the front sideline...
  19. That would sound how this looks: all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass all Philip Glass ...
  20. Into The Woods is a sendup of fairy tales, so the BD show was a mashup of a sendup. A bunch of bananas and a concrete block will blend perfectly if the mixer is tough enough, but the result is useful to exactly no one.
  21. I liked the 2010 show with the mirrors. I liked the ReWrite of Spring. I like structured story lines, not imagination soup. What about this year's show do you consider cohesive?
  22. I didn't understand the connection between Sweeney Todd and Snow White. Do you?
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