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Everything posted by theonlyfizzle

  1. I agree with you except i think i will be a two horse race for winning between BD and SCV. I said the same thing when i saw the BC show (pun intended).
  2. Omg.... I will have to sleep in the day to prepare for staying for dci west tomorrow night.
  3. Good for Mandarins. First time they caught my eyes was back in 2009. Now look where we are today. So proud of them.
  4. Take me with you.. I can squeeze between you and jim lol
  5. Yeah.. Last year crown, Madison and who else ? now this... Psssht. Lol
  6. Not bashing on them, but i totally agree with you. What were they thinking ?! The colour is ugly, design looked worst than last year, like an imitation knock off from last year look.
  7. Look like another version of last year costumes but more dirty looking. But the contrast is interesting with the corps proper colour in a dirty looking grey and the guards in neon green.
  8. True. I saw a BD style in the CC show.. Not sure i notice BD with CC style but i'll look again.
  9. Can i tell you.. They are doing some serious work.
  10. Yeah. Am ready too. Love the amount of work the guard is doing, just imagine how they will be in july. I seem to can't take my eyes off them.
  11. IT'S PREMIER DAY Whose going to start the season with the first win ? posted from the DrumScorps app
  12. I just watched it. All i can say is WOW! LIT UP!!!!! I cant wait to see this in the full uniforms and costume. This show is gonna be so............. This year is going to be so amazing, going down as one of the best years in DCI history. BD is on fire this early, shows they mean serious business, but intense fun and enjoyable one. Excited!!!!
  13. Oh boy. Well i kind of expected. I hope we will be getting a uniform reveal today, either way yes or no, it doesn't really matter. The season is about to start in few days so all will be reveal by then.
  14. Rehearsal May 18, 2019 Location Los Medanos College 2700 East Leland Pittsburg, CA 94565 MAP Time 10:00 AM SCHEDULE 9:00 AM NOW Rehearsal starts at BD HALL 11:30 AM Sneak Peek concert at Hall 12:00 PM Lunch at Hall (provided) 1:00 PM Depart for LMC 2:00 PM Rehearsal LMC 5:30 PM Dinner (on own) 7:00 PM Rehearsal 10:00 PM Rehearsal ends
  15. another version: Paul Smadbeck Plays Rhythm Song
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