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Cadevilina Crown

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Everything posted by Cadevilina Crown

  1. Some of my favorite endings in recent memory, such as Crown 2013 and Bluecoats 2014, made their debuts around the time of Atlanta. Therefore, I wouldn't be surprised if, by then, we have new endings from corps such as Crown, Cavaliers, and Crossmen. Blue Devils have had a few days off, so we could see their new ending at Houston and/or SA. Also, I think someone stated on another thread that Phantom usually has their new ending around the time of Allentown.
  2. I don't see their rehearsal sight anywhere.Then again, I was saying that in BLIND faith!
  3. Weren't there a few drum corps shows in the past that ended in a different way each time it was performed? Cadets 2011, maybe?
  4. Looks like Aaron Beck, Bluecoats sound design consultant known for his work in Cirque du Soleil, was working with the corps today, so we might see a change or two tomorrow in Denton!
  5. You forgot The Academy: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocians.
  6. Troopers are playing in a place called Mustang. That's interesting...
  7. Yeah, I can't wait for the Benton show! Same goes for the show at Delton!
  8. Sorry, but the show ended last night. Scroll up to check out the scores.
  9. Perhaps he's referring to the shouts of "I AM SPARTACUS"?
  10. I trust the placements and spreads, but I still can't trust the scores, especially when you look at those insane recaps. Is it Saturday July 18th yet?
  11. A drum corps show about barbershop ensembles wouls be awesome.
  12. Not watching the broadcast, but based on what has been said on this thread: 1. Blue Devils 2. Cadets 3. Bluecoats 4. Vanguard 5. Crown 6. Phantom 7. Cavies
  13. Psst... BK is over 80... Drums Across Nebraska BK 80.9 Troopers 75.5 Academy 74.2 Spirit 70.7 Pac Crest 70.4 Mandarins 69.25 Cascades 63.6
  14. As for me, I just find it hard to believe that high school marching bands have done the "banner over the band" thing for many years, while in drum corps, it only happens once in a blue moon. I wonder why this is?
  15. On a scale of 1-10, the feature is most certainly a 10!
  16. They may not do amplification and electronics the best, but so far they're doing the new instrumentation thing right!
  17. Didn't they get a new guard coordinator or something in the offseason?
  18. Let's hope the whole reversed camera feed thing isn't bugging people TOO much...
  19. How are the Cavies doing marching on that rain-soaked field?
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