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Everything posted by GiveMeLibertyorGiveMeDebt

  1. You have Adam Smith and C.S. Lewis quotations in your signature, Brigand....come on, I feel like Captain Obvious here.
  2. Exactly! The control-hungry elite should attend another summit in their Learjets to talk about it. Seriously, though....anyone here who still subscribes to enviro-socialism should: -Read Michael Crichton's arguably best book: "State of Fear" (2004) - an in-depth deconstruction of the environmental movement and how it is all about world-wide economic control over mankind (globalism), not 'saving the planet.' -Consider what GOD said in Genesis 8: "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night, shall not cease."
  3. So....I'm sure you know that by posting this list, it's pretty obvious you didn't enjoy Crown or BK....two stellar shows (and my two favorites, oddly enough). I wasn't enthralled or moved by either BD or Cadets, but I wouldn't go so far as to say I didn't even ENJOY their shows...they're clearly talented. What's your reasoning here? Bias?
  4. HAHAHAHA....ahaha...aha. My doctor told me I needed at least 4 hearty chuckles a day. Thanks!
  5. Crown reps/members, I hope at least one of you reads this, because your show is far and away my favorite so far: -Thanks for punching me in the face with your mighty musical impacts. -You got my nephews (who are 4 and 10) excited about marching. -I hope you win. You certainly possess the talent to do so.
  6. Spot on analysis. The Spirit guy who tripped made a fantastic recovery given the tightness of the rotating block he was in the middle of! Crown blew me away, as usual. BD must hate following them because the crowd response seemed underwhelming.
  7. Seat-specific tickets make it pretty clear that's not a concern. It sounded supercilious, is all.
  8. I just said more is generally better, so lose the condescension. Think....if you're trying to get friends/relatives excited about DCI, you'd rather see the world-class corps. But they have early bedtimes. We can't just step out for the beginning/middle portion.
  9. Just out of curiosity....any idea why there are 10 corps performing this year? I mean, generally it's 'the more the merrier', but I'm bringing a couple of my young nephews to this thing and I don't think their attention spans are 3+ hours long. The years previous have had 8 corps, if I'm not mistaken. Did we need 3 open class entries?
  10. A. The pitch bend is this seasons Herbert. B. The pitch bend will soon have its own Facebook page. (Any takers on this?) C. The pitch bend is trying to steal every drum corps guy's girlfriend. D. The pitch bend will succeed in stealing every guy's girlfriend. E. When the pitch bend tires of all the girlfriends, it will dump them at the corner of Rejection Blvd. and Forget Them Lane. F. The pitch bend doesn't care about your problems because it has no soul and thus no compassion for others.. G. The pitch bend mocks your insecurity. H. There IS an "I" in "pitch bend." I. But there is no "I" in this list because that would offend the pitch bend. J. The pitch bend is all that ever was, all that is, and all that will ever be. K. Do not taunt the pitch bend. L. Slugworth tried, and failed, to steal the pitch bend. Charlie 'Bluecoat' turned him down.
  11. Is that really how they determine performance order? Yikes. I was hoping for a 'worst to first'....
  12. Agreed. Many synth effects detract from corps' otherwise raw power, but I don't see the pitch bend doing this. However, I'm still torn on how I feel about the final impact where they double their volume by playing alongside their virtual selves.
  13. Has it changed from a few weeks ago? The most recent version I've seen is the 15 seconds of guitar after the pitch bend. We're seeing it in Warrensburg on Monday, so I want to be prepared!
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